##### ## quick match linter for datafiles with league outlines module SportDb class QuickMatchLinter def self.debug=(value) @@debug = value; end def self.debug?() @@debug ||= false; end ## note: default is FALSE def debug?() self.class.debug?; end def self.read( path ) ## use - rename to read_file or from_file etc. - why? why not? txt = File.open( path, 'r:utf-8' ) {|f| f.read } parse( txt ) end def self.parse( txt ) new( txt ).parse end include Logging def initialize( txt ) @errors = [] @txt = txt end attr_reader :errors def errors?() @errors.size > 0; end CLUB_NAME_RE = %r{^ (?[^()]+?) ## non-greedy (?: \s+ \( (?[A-Z][A-Za-z]{2,3}) ## optional (country) code; support single code e.g. (A) - why? why not? \) )? $}x ## note - allow (URU) and (Uru) - why? why not def parse ## note: every (new) read call - resets errors list to empty @errors = [] data = {} # return data hash with leagues # and seasons # for now merge stage into matches secs = QuickLeagueOutlineReader.parse( @txt ) pp secs if debug? secs.each do |sec| ## sec(tion)s season = Season.parse( sec[:season] ) ## convert (str) to season obj!!! league = sec[:league] stage = sec[:stage] lines = sec[:lines] start = if season.year? Date.new( season.start_year, 1, 1 ) else Date.new( season.start_year, 7, 1 ) end ### ## db check - check league ## fix/fix - add season to match_by !!!!!!! recs = Import::League.match_by( name: league ) league_rec = nil if recs.size == 1 league_rec = recs[0] puts " OK #{league} => #{league_rec.name}" elsif recs.size == 0 msg = "NAME ERROR - no league match found for >#{league}<" @errors << [msg] puts "!! #{msg}" else msg = "NAME ERROR - ambigous; too many league matches (#{recs.size}) found for >#{league}<" @errors << [msg] puts "!! #{msg}" end parser = MatchParser.new( lines, start ) ## note: keep season start_at date for now (no need for more specific stage date need for now) auto_conf_teams, matches, rounds, groups = parser.parse ## auto-add "upstream" errors from parser @errors += parser.errors if parser.errors? if debug? puts ">>> #{auto_conf_teams.size} teams:" pp auto_conf_teams puts ">>> #{matches.size} matches:" ## pp matches puts ">>> #{rounds.size} rounds:" pp rounds puts ">>> #{groups.size} groups:" pp groups end ### ## db check - check teams ## only clubs for now ## fix add better support for champs etc ## and national teams!!! auto_conf_teams.each do |team| recs = if league_rec && !league_rec.intl? Import::Club.match_by( name: team, league: league_rec ) else ### ## get country code from name ## e.g. Liverpool FC (ENG) or ## Liverpool FC (URU) etc. ## check for country code if m=CLUB_NAME_RE.match( team ) if m[:code] Import::Club.match_by( name: m[:name], country: m[:code] ) else msg = "PARSE ERROR - country code missing for club name in int'l tournament; may not be unique >#{team}<" @errors << [msg] Import::Club.match_by( name: team ) end else msg = "PARSE ERROR - invalid club name; cannot match with CLUB_NAME_RE >#{team}<" @errors << [msg] [] end end team_rec = nil if recs.size == 1 team_rec = recs[0] puts " OK #{team} => #{team_rec.name}, #{team_rec.country.name}" elsif recs.size == 0 msg = "NAME ERROR - no team match found for >#{team}<" @errors << [msg] puts "!! #{msg}" else msg = "NAME ERROR - ambigous; too many team matches (#{recs.size}) found for >#{team}<" @errors << [msg] puts "!! #{msg}" end end ## note: pass along stage (if present): stage - optional from heading!!!! if stage matches.each do |match| match = match.update( stage: stage ) end end data[ league ] ||= {} data[ league ][ season.key ] ||= [] data[ league ][ season.key ] += matches ## note - skip teams, rounds, and groups for now end ## check - only one league and one season ## allowed in quick style leagues = data.keys if leagues.size != 1 puts "!! (QUICK) PARSE ERROR - expected one league only; got #{leagues.size}:" pp leagues exit 1 end seasons = data[ leagues[0] ].keys if seasons.size != 1 puts "!! (QUICK) PARSE ERROR - expected one #{leagues[0]} season only; got #{seasons.size}:" pp seasons exit 1 end data[ leagues[0] ][ seasons[0] ] end # method parse end # class QuickMatchLinter end # module SportDb