require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', "helper")) module Nokogiri module CSS class TestParser < Nokogiri::TestCase def setup super @parser = end def test_extra_single_quote assert_raises(CSS::SyntaxError) { @parser.parse("'") } end def test_syntax_error_raised assert_raises(CSS::SyntaxError) { @parser.parse("a[x=]") } end def test_find_by_type ast = @parser.parse("a:nth-child(2)").first matches = ast.find_by_type( [:CONDITIONAL_SELECTOR, [:ELEMENT_NAME], [:PSEUDO_CLASS, [:FUNCTION] ] ] ) assert_equal(1, matches.length) assert_equal(ast, matches.first) end def test_to_type ast = @parser.parse("a:nth-child(2)").first assert_equal( [:CONDITIONAL_SELECTOR, [:ELEMENT_NAME], [:PSEUDO_CLASS, [:FUNCTION] ] ], ast.to_type ) end def test_to_a asts = @parser.parse("a:nth-child(2)") assert_equal( [:CONDITIONAL_SELECTOR, [:ELEMENT_NAME, ["a"]], [:PSEUDO_CLASS, [:FUNCTION, ["nth-child("], ["2"]] ] ], asts.first.to_a ) end def test_function_with_arguments assert_xpath "//*[position() = 2 and self::a]", @parser.parse("a[2]") assert_xpath "//*[position() = 2 and self::a]", @parser.parse("a:nth-child(2)") end def test_carrot assert_xpath "//a[starts-with(@id, 'Boing')]", @parser.parse("a[id^='Boing']") end def test_attributes_with_at ## This is non standard CSS assert_xpath "//a[@id = 'Boing']", @parser.parse("a[@id='Boing']") end def test_attributes_with_at_and_stuff ## This is non standard CSS assert_xpath "//a[@id = 'Boing']//div", @parser.parse("a[@id='Boing'] div") end def test_not_equal ## This is non standard CSS assert_xpath "//a[child::text() != 'Boing']", @parser.parse("a[text()!='Boing']") end def test_function ## This is non standard CSS assert_xpath "//a[child::text()]", @parser.parse("a[text()]") ## This is non standard CSS assert_xpath "//child::text()", @parser.parse("text()") ## This is non standard CSS assert_xpath "//a[contains(child::text(), 'Boing')]", @parser.parse("a[text()*='Boing']") ## This is non standard CSS assert_xpath "//script//comment()", @parser.parse("script comment()") end def test_nonstandard_nth_selectors ## These are non standard CSS assert_xpath '//a[position() = 99]', @parser.parse('a:eq(99)') assert_xpath '//a[position() = 1]', @parser.parse('a:first') # no parens assert_xpath '//a[position() = last()]', @parser.parse('a:last') # no parens assert_xpath '//a[position() = 99]', @parser.parse('a:nth(99)') assert_xpath '//a[position() = 1]', @parser.parse('a:first()') assert_xpath '//a[position() = last()]', @parser.parse('a:last()') assert_xpath '//a[node()]', @parser.parse('a:parent') end def test_standard_nth_selectors assert_xpath '//a[position() = 99]', @parser.parse('a:nth-of-type(99)') assert_xpath '//a[position() = 1]', @parser.parse('a:first-of-type()') assert_xpath '//a[position() = last()]', @parser.parse('a:last-of-type()') assert_xpath '//a[position() = 1]', @parser.parse('a:first-of-type') # no parens assert_xpath '//a[position() = last()]', @parser.parse('a:last-of-type') # no parens assert_xpath '//a[position() = last() - 99]', @parser.parse('a:nth-last-of-type(99)') assert_xpath '//a[position() = last() - 99]', @parser.parse('a:nth-last-of-type(99)') end def test_nth_child_selectors assert_xpath '//*[position() = 1 and self::a]', @parser.parse('a:first-child') assert_xpath '//*[position() = last() and self::a]', @parser.parse('a:last-child') assert_xpath '//*[position() = 99 and self::a]', @parser.parse('a:nth-child(99)') assert_xpath '//*[position() = last() - 99 and self::a]', @parser.parse('a:nth-last-child(99)') end def test_miscellaneous_selectors assert_xpath '//*[last() = 1 and self::a]', @parser.parse('a:only-child') assert_xpath '//a[last() = 1]', @parser.parse('a:only-of-type') assert_xpath '//a[not(node())]', @parser.parse('a:empty') end def test_nth_a_n_plus_b assert_xpath '//a[(position() mod 2) = 0]', @parser.parse('a:nth-of-type(2n)') assert_xpath '//a[(position() >= 1) and (((position()-1) mod 2) = 0)]', @parser.parse('a:nth-of-type(2n+1)') assert_xpath '//a[(position() mod 2) = 0]', @parser.parse('a:nth-of-type(even)') assert_xpath '//a[(position() >= 1) and (((position()-1) mod 2) = 0)]', @parser.parse('a:nth-of-type(odd)') assert_xpath '//a[(position() >= 3) and (((position()-3) mod 4) = 0)]', @parser.parse('a:nth-of-type(4n+3)') assert_xpath '//a[(position() <= 3) and (((position()-3) mod 1) = 0)]', @parser.parse('a:nth-of-type(-1n+3)') assert_xpath '//a[(position() <= 3) and (((position()-3) mod 1) = 0)]', @parser.parse('a:nth-of-type(-n+3)') assert_xpath '//a[(position() >= 3) and (((position()-3) mod 1) = 0)]', @parser.parse('a:nth-of-type(1n+3)') assert_xpath '//a[(position() >= 3) and (((position()-3) mod 1) = 0)]', @parser.parse('a:nth-of-type(n+3)') end def test_preceding_selector assert_xpath "//F[preceding-sibling::E]", @parser.parse("E ~ F") end def test_direct_preceding_selector assert_xpath "//E/following-sibling::*[1]/self::F", @parser.parse("E + F") end def test_attribute assert_xpath "//h1[@a = 'Tender Lovemaking']", @parser.parse("h1[a='Tender Lovemaking']") end def test_id assert_xpath "//*[@id = 'foo']", @parser.parse('#foo') end def test_pseudo_class_no_ident assert_xpath "//*[link(.)]", @parser.parse(':link') end def test_pseudo_class assert_xpath "//a[link(.)]", @parser.parse('a:link') assert_xpath "//a[visited(.)]", @parser.parse('a:visited') assert_xpath "//a[hover(.)]", @parser.parse('a:hover') assert_xpath "//a[active(.)]", @parser.parse('a:active') assert_xpath "//a[active(.) and contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' foo ')]", @parser.parse('') end def test_star assert_xpath "//*", @parser.parse('*') assert_xpath "//*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' pastoral ')]", @parser.parse('*.pastoral') end def test_class assert_xpath "//*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' a ') and contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' b ')]", @parser.parse('.a.b') assert_xpath "//*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' awesome ')]", @parser.parse('.awesome') assert_xpath "//foo[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' awesome ')]", @parser.parse('foo.awesome') assert_xpath "//foo//*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' awesome ')]", @parser.parse('foo .awesome') end def test_not_so_simple_not assert_xpath "//*[@id = 'p' and not(contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' a '))]", @parser.parse('#p:not(.a)') assert_xpath "//p[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' a ') and not(contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' b '))]", @parser.parse('p.a:not(.b)') assert_xpath "//p[@a = 'foo' and not(contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' b '))]", @parser.parse("p[a='foo']:not(.b)") end def test_ident assert_xpath '//x', @parser.parse('x') end def test_parse_space assert_xpath '//x//y', @parser.parse('x y') end def test_parse_descendant assert_xpath '//x/y', @parser.parse('x > y') end def test_parse_slash ## This is non standard CSS assert_xpath '//x/y', @parser.parse('x/y') end def test_parse_doubleslash ## This is non standard CSS assert_xpath '//x//y', @parser.parse('x//y') end def test_multi_path assert_xpath ['//x/y', '//y/z'], @parser.parse('x > y, y > z') assert_xpath ['//x/y', '//y/z'], @parser.parse('x > y,y > z') ### # TODO: should we make this work? # assert_xpath ['//x/y', '//y/z'], @parser.parse('x > y | y > z') end def assert_xpath expecteds, asts expecteds = [expecteds].flatten do |expected, actual| assert_equal expected, actual.to_xpath end end end end end