require "omnicontacts/parse_utils" require "omnicontacts/middleware/oauth1" require "json" module OmniContacts module Importer class Yahoo < Middleware::OAuth1 include ParseUtils attr_reader :auth_host, :auth_token_path, :auth_path, :access_token_path def initialize *args super *args @auth_host = '' @auth_token_path = '/oauth/v2/get_request_token' @auth_path = '/oauth/v2/request_auth' @access_token_path = '/oauth/v2/get_token' @contacts_host = '' end def fetch_contacts_from_token_and_verifier auth_token, auth_token_secret, auth_verifier (access_token, access_token_secret, guid) = fetch_access_token(auth_token, auth_token_secret, auth_verifier, ['xoauth_yahoo_guid']) fetch_current_user(access_token, access_token_secret, guid) contacts_path = "/v1/user/#{guid}/contacts" contacts_response = https_get(@contacts_host, contacts_path, contacts_req_params(access_token, access_token_secret, contacts_path)) contacts_from_response contacts_response end def fetch_current_user access_token, access_token_secret, guid self_path = "/v1/user/#{guid}/profile" self_response = https_get(@contacts_host, self_path, contacts_req_params(access_token, access_token_secret, self_path)) user = current_user self_response set_current_user user end private def contacts_req_params access_token, access_token_secret, contacts_path params = { :format => 'json', :oauth_consumer_key => consumer_key, :oauth_nonce => encode(random_string), :oauth_signature_method => 'HMAC-SHA1', :oauth_timestamp => timestamp, :oauth_token => access_token, :oauth_version => OmniContacts::Authorization::OAuth1::OAUTH_VERSION } contacts_url = "https://#{@contacts_host}#{contacts_path}" params['oauth_signature'] = oauth_signature('GET', contacts_url, params, access_token_secret) params end def contacts_from_response response_as_json response = JSON.parse(response_as_json) contacts = [] return contacts unless response['contacts']['contact'] response['contacts']['contact'].each do |entry| # creating nil fields to keep the fields consistent across other networks contact = { :id => nil, :first_name => nil, :last_name => nil, :name => nil, :email => nil, :gender => nil, :birthday => nil, :profile_picture=> nil, :address_1 => nil, :address_2 => nil, :city => nil, :region => nil, :postcode => nil, :relation => nil } yahoo_id = nil contact[:id] = entry['id'].to_s entry['fields'].each do |field| case field['type'] when 'name' contact[:first_name] = normalize_name(field['value']['givenName']) contact[:last_name] = normalize_name(field['value']['familyName']) contact[:name] = full_name(contact[:first_name],contact[:last_name]) when 'email' contact[:email] = field['value'] if field['type'] == 'email' when 'yahooid' yahoo_id = field['value'] when 'address' value = field['value'] contact[:address_1] = street = value['street'] if street.index("\n") parts = street.split("\n") contact[:address_1] = parts.first contact[:address_2] = parts[1..-1].join(', ') end contact[:city] = value['city'] contact[:region] = value['stateOrProvince'] contact[:postcode] = value['postalCode'] when 'birthday' contact[:birthday] = birthday_format(field['value']['month'], field['value']['day'],field['value']['year']) end contact[:first_name], contact[:last_name], contact[:name] = email_to_name(contact[:email]) if contact[:name].nil? && contact[:email] # contact[:first_name], contact[:last_name], contact[:name] = email_to_name(yahoo_id) if (yahoo_id && contact[:name].nil? && contact[:email].nil?) if yahoo_id contact[:profile_picture] = image_url(yahoo_id) else contact[:profile_picture] = image_url_from_email(contact[:email]) end end contacts << contact if contact[:name] end contacts.uniq! {|c| c[:email] || c[:profile_picture] || c[:name]} contacts end def image_url yahoo_id return '' + yahoo_id if yahoo_id end def parse_email(emails) return nil if emails.nil? email = nil if emails.is_a?(Hash) if emails.has_key?("primary") email = emails['handle'] end elsif emails.is_a?(Array) emails.each do |e| if e.has_key?('primary') && e['primary'] email = e['handle'] break end end end email end def birthday dob return nil if dob.nil? birthday = dob.split('/') return birthday_format(birthday[0], birthday[1], birthday[3]) if birthday.size == 3 return birthday_format(birthday[0], birthday[1], nil) if birthday.size == 2 end def gender g return "female" if g == "F" return "male" if g == "M" end def my_image img return nil if img.nil? return img['imageUrl'] end def current_user me return nil if me.nil? me = JSON.parse(me) me = me['profile'] email = parse_email(me['emails']) user = {:id => me["guid"], :email => email, :name => full_name(me['givenName'],me['familyName']), :first_name => normalize_name(me['givenName']), :last_name => normalize_name(me['familyName']), :gender => gender(me['gender']), :birthday => birthday(me['birthdate']), :profile_picture => my_image(me['image']) } user end #def profile_image_url(guid, access_token, access_token_secret) # image_path = "/v1/user/#{guid}/profile/image/48x48" # response = https_get(@contacts_host, image_path, contacts_req_params(access_token, access_token_secret, image_path)) # image_data = JSON.parse(response) # return image_data['image']['imageUrl'] if image_data['image'] # return nil #end end end end