require 'erb' require 'mdwa/dsl' require 'rails/generators' require 'rails/generators/migration' module Mdwa module Generators class TransformGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base include Rails::Generators::Migration attr_accessor :pending_migrations argument :entities, :type => :array, :banner => 'Entities to transform', :default => [] source_root File.expand_path("../templates", __FILE__) def initialize(*args, &block) super # control if there are any migrations to execute @pending_migrations = false # include files with entities inside Rails.root do require_all MDWA::DSL::STRUCTURAL_PATH unless Dir.glob("#{MDWA::DSL::STRUCTURAL_PATH}/*.rb") end # select entities that will be generated if @entities = MDWA::DSL.entities.all else @entities = entities.collect{ |e| MDWA::DSL.entity(e) } end # entity changes and migrations @changes = [] @random_migration_key = rand.to_s.gsub('.','').to_i run 'rake db:migrate' end def generate_model_controller_helper_views @entities.each do |entity| generator_model = entity.generator_model namespaces = Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/#{MDWA::DSL::TEMPLATES_PATH}#{entity.file_name}/*").select{|d| and File.basename(d) != 'views'} if ! namespaces.each do |namespace| mdwa_template "#{entity.file_name}/#{File.basename namespace}/model.erb", "app/models/#{File.basename namespace}/#{generator_model.singular_name}.rb" mdwa_template "#{entity.file_name}/#{File.basename namespace}/helper.erb", "app/helpers/#{File.basename namespace}/#{generator_model.plural_name}_helper.rb" mdwa_template "#{entity.file_name}/#{File.basename namespace}/controller.erb", "app/controllers/#{File.basename namespace}/#{generator_model.plural_name}_controller.rb" Dir.glob("#{namespace}/views/*").each do |file| file_name = File.basename(file) mdwa_template "#{entity.file_name}/#{File.basename namespace}/views/#{file_name}", "app/views/#{File.basename namespace}/#{generator_model.plural_name}/#{file_name}" end end else entity_name = "#{Rails.root}/#{MDWA::DSL::TEMPLATES_PATH}#{entity.file_name}" mdwa_template "#{entity_name}/model.rb", "app/models/#{}/#{generator_model.singular_name}.rb" mdwa_template "#{entity_name}/helper.rb", "app/helpers/#{}/#{generator_model.plural_name}_helper.rb" mdwa_template "#{entity_name}/controller.rb", "app/controllers/#{}/#{generator_model.plural_name}_controller.rb" Dir.glob("#{entity_name}/views/*").each do |file| file_name = File.basename(file) mdwa_template "#{entity.file_name}/views/#{file_name}", "app/views/#{}/#{generator_model.plural_name}/#{file_name}" end end end end def generate_routes route 'mdwa_router(self)' path_to_routes = 'app/mdwa/templates/routes.rb' insert_into_file 'config/routes.rb', "load File.expand_path('../../#{path_to_routes}', __FILE__)\n\n", :before => /.+::Application\.routes\.draw do(?:\s*\|map\|)?\s*$/ # clear routes file contents File.truncate(path_to_routes, 0) append_file path_to_routes, "def mdwa_router(router)\n\nend" inject_into_file path_to_routes, :after => "def mdwa_router(router)\n" do "\n# Software visualization namespace :mdwa do controller :requirements do get 'requirements/index' => 'requirements#index', :as => 'requirements' get 'requirements/:alias' => 'requirements#show', :as => 'requirement' end root :to => 'requirements#index' end" end MDWA::DSL.entities.all.each do |entity| generator_model = entity.generator_model # inject scaffold code inject_into_file path_to_routes, :after => "def mdwa_router(router)\n" do route_str = [] route_str << "\n namespace :#{} do" if generator_model.namespace? route_str << " controller :#{generator_model.plural_name} do" route_str << " end" route_str << " resources :#{generator_model.plural_name}" route_str << " end\n" if generator_model.namespace? route_str.join "\n" end # inject specific actions inject_into_file path_to_routes, :after => "controller :#{generator_model.plural_name} do" do routes = [] entity.actions.generate_routes.each do |action_name, generation_string| routes << "\n\t#{generation_string}" end routes.join end end end def generate_locales locales_file = 'config/locales/mdwa.specific.en.yml' locales_content = # make sure the file exist create_file locales_file unless File.exist?(Rails.root + locales_file) @entities.each do |entity| model = entity.generator_model if !locales_content.include?( " #{model.plural_name}:" ) append_file locales_file, :after => "en:\n" do lines = [] lines << " #{model.plural_name}:" lines << " notice:" lines << " create: \"#{model.singular_name.humanize} created.\"" lines << " update: \"#{model.singular_name.humanize} updated.\"" lines << " destroy: \"#{model.singular_name.humanize} destroyed.\"" lines << " title:" lines << " index: \"#{model.plural_name.humanize}\"" lines << " show: \"#{model.singular_name.humanize}\"" lines << " new: \"New #{model.singular_name.humanize}\"" lines << " edit: \"Edit #{model.singular_name.humanize}\"" # INDEX lines << " index:" model.attributes.each do |attr| lines << " #{}: \"#{}\"" end model.associations.each do |assoc| lines << ((assoc.belongs_to? or assoc.nested_one? or assoc.has_one?) ? " #{assoc.model2.singular_name}: \"#{assoc.model2.singular_name.humanize}\"" : " #{assoc.model2.singular_name}: \"#{assoc.model2.plural_name.humanize}\"") end # EDIT lines << " edit:" model.attributes.each do |attr| lines << " #{}: \"#{}\"" end model.associations.each do |assoc| lines << ((assoc.belongs_to? or assoc.nested_one? or assoc.has_one?) ? " #{assoc.model2.singular_name}: \"#{assoc.model2.singular_name.humanize}\"" : " #{assoc.model2.singular_name}: \"#{assoc.model2.plural_name.humanize}\"") end # SHOW lines << " show:" model.attributes.each do |attr| lines << " #{}: \"#{}\"" end model.associations.each do |assoc| lines << ((assoc.belongs_to? or assoc.nested_one? or assoc.has_one?) ? " #{assoc.model2.singular_name}: \"#{assoc.model2.singular_name.humanize}\"" : " #{assoc.model2.singular_name}: \"#{assoc.model2.plural_name.humanize}\"") end lines << "\n" lines.join("\n") end end end # @entities loop end def generate_migrations @entities.each do |entity| # if it's not a resource, ignore next unless entity.resource? # if model does not exist, should generate scaffold begin model_class = entity.generator_model.model_class rescue model_class = nil end # if is a new scaffold, generate migration for scaffold if (model_class.nil? or !model_class.table_exists?) and !entity.user? migration_for_entity(entity) next end # generate new fields for users if entity.user? generation_string = "#{entity.generate} --only_diff_migration --skip_rake_migrate --skip-questions #{'--force' if options.force}" generate generation_string end end # @entities loop end def generate_changes_in_attributes @entities.each do |entity| # do not generate migrations for users changes next if entity.user? # if it's not a resource, ignore next unless entity.resource? # if model does not exist, should generate scaffold begin model_class = entity.generator_model.model_class rescue model_class = nil end # if table is not created yet, ignore next if model_class.nil? or !model_class.table_exists? # search for changes in this entity model_class.columns.each do |column| # ignore rails default columns and attributes used in associations next if '_id' entity_attribute = entity.attributes[] # model attribute exists, but not in entity -> was erased if entity_attribute.nil? # atributo não é derivado de file, pode apagar na moral if !"_file_name") and !"_content_type") and !"_file_size") and !"_updated_at") @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'remove_column', :column =>, :attr_type => column.type} else # se o atributo é derivado de file e não existe o file na entidade, apaga @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'remove_column', :column =>, :attr_type => column.type} if"_file_name") and entity.attributes["_file_name")].nil? @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'remove_column', :column =>, :attr_type => column.type} if"_content_type") and entity.attributes["_content_type")].nil? @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'remove_column', :column =>, :attr_type => column.type} if"_file_size") and entity.attributes["_file_size")].nil? @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'remove_column', :column =>, :attr_type => column.type} if"_updated_at") and entity.attributes["_updated_at")].nil? end # attribute exists in model and entity, but changed type elsif entity_attribute.type.to_sym != column.type.to_sym # ignores files, passwords and float, decimal, integer variations next if entity_attribute.type.to_sym == :password or ((column.type.to_sym == :integer or column.type.to_sym == :decimal) and entity_attribute.type.to_sym == :float) @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'change_column', :column =>, :attr_type => entity_attribute.type, :from => column.type} end end # new attributes # no column with that name -> column must be added entity.attributes.each do |key, attr| # se a entidade for file e não existir seus atributos no banco de dados, corrige if attr.type.to_sym == :file @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'add_column', :column => "#{}_file_name", :attr_type => 'string'} if{|c| == "#{}_file_name"} @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'add_column', :column => "#{}_content_type", :attr_type => 'string'} if{|c| == "#{}_content_type"} @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'add_column', :column => "#{}_file_size", :attr_type => 'integer'} if{|c| == "#{}_file_size"} @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'add_column', :column => "#{}_updated_at", :attr_type => 'datetime'} if{|c| == "#{}_updated_at"} # nenhuma coluna com esse nome elsif {|c| == } @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'add_column', :column =>, :attr_type => attr.type} end end # new foreign keys # belongs_to and nested_one associations that are in the entity, but not database{|a| a.belongs_to? or a.nested_one?}.each do |assoc| if{|c| == assoc.model2.singular_name.foreign_key} @changes << {:entity => entity, :type => 'add_column', :column =>, :attr_type => 'integer'} end end end # @entities loop # generate changed code unless @changes.empty? migration_template 'changes_migration.rb', "db/migrate/alter_#{@changes.collect{|c| c[:entity].file_name}.join('_')}#{@random_migration_key}.rb" @pending_migrations = true end end # # Search for many to many tables. def many_to_many_tables @entities.each do |entity|{|a| a.has_and_belongs_to_many?}.each do |association| generate "mdwa:association #{association.model1.singular_name} has_and_belongs_to_many #{association.model2.singular_name} --skip-models" end end end def run_rake_migrate rake('db:migrate') if @pending_migrations and yes?('Run rake db:migrate?') end def generate_tests end private def mdwa_template(file_to_read, file_to_write) file_path = "#{Rails.root}/#{MDWA::DSL::TEMPLATES_PATH}/#{file_to_read}" read = erb =, nil, '-') create_file "#{Rails.root}/#{file_to_write}", erb.result, :force => true end def migration_for_entity(entity) # ignores user return nil if entity.user? generator_model = entity.generator_model migration_string = [] # create table migration_string << "\n\tdef self.up" migration_string << "\t\tcreate_table :#{generator_model.plural_name} do |t|"{|a| !['id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'].include?(}.each do |attr| if attr.type.to_sym != :file migration_string << "\t\t\tt.#{attr.migration_field} :#{}" else migration_string << "\t\t\tt.string :#{}_file_name" migration_string << "\t\t\tt.string :#{}_content_type" migration_string << "\t\t\tt.integer :#{}_file_size" migration_string << "\t\t\tt.datetime :#{}_updated_at" end end generator_model.associations.each do |assoc| if assoc.belongs_to? or assoc.nested_one? migration_string << "\t\t\tt.integer :#{assoc.model2.singular_name.foreign_key}" end end migration_string << "\n\t\tt.timestamps" migration_string << "\t\tend" # fim do create_table generator_model.associations.each do |assoc| if assoc.belongs_to? or assoc.nested_one? migration_string << "\t\tadd_index :#{assoc.model1.plural_name}, :#{assoc.model2.singular_name.foreign_key}" end end migration_string << "\n\tend" # fim do self.up # drop table migration_string << "\n\tdef self.down" migration_string << "\t\tdrop_table :#{generator_model.plural_name}" migration_string << "\tend" sleep 1 # aguarda 1 seg para trocar o timestamp migration_name = "create_#{generator_model.plural_name}" migration_from_string(migration_name, migration_string.join("\n")) @pending_migrations = true end def migration_from_string(file_name, migration_string) # migration number if ActiveRecord::Base.timestamped_migrations @migration_number ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") sleep 1 else @migration_number = "%.3d" % (current_migration_number(Rails.root + 'db/migrate') + 1) end # incluir classe na migration migration_string = "# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-\nclass #{file_name.camelize} < ActiveRecord::Migration\n#{migration_string}\nend" create_file "#{Rails.root}/db/migrate/#{@migration_number}_#{file_name}.rb", migration_string end def inverse_migration_type(type) case type.to_sym when :add_column then 'remove_column' when :remove_column then 'add_column' when :change_column then 'change_column' end end # Implement the required interface for Rails::Generators::Migration. def self.next_migration_number(dirname) #:nodoc: if ActiveRecord::Base.timestamped_migrations"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") else "%.3d" % (current_migration_number(dirname) + 1) end end end end end