module Straightedge module Colors class Palette extend Forwardable attr_reader :names_and_values def initialize(names_and_hex_values={}) @names_and_values = names_and_hex_values end def list; @names_and_values.keys end def_delegator :list, :sample def hex_value_for(name) return name if name.is_a?(Integer) raise "no such color: #{name}" unless list.include?(name) @names_and_values[name] end def self.base @core ||= new({ white: 0xFFFFFFFF, #black: 0xFF000000, none: 0x00000000, }) end # def self.clean_rgb @smooth_rgb ||= new(base.names_and_values.merge({ red: 0xFFEE787B, red1: 0xFFFECDCE, red2: 0xFFFDA6A8, red3: 0xFFC8494C, red4: 0xFFA6282B, blue: 0xFF6C5DA5, blue1: 0xFFC2BAE0, blue2: 0xFF9488C3, blue3: 0xFF4D3D8B, blue4: 0xFF362673, green: 0xFF67C262, green1: 0xFFC0ECBE, green2: 0xFF93DA8F, green3: 0xFF40A33B, green4: 0xFF258720 })) end # Palette URL: # # the '4' is closer to the base color, we may want to rethink the naming strategy # also -- we need a color concept and to generate these but that's another day! def self.pleasant_pastels @pastels ||= new(base.names_and_values.merge({ tan: 0xFFA9BD8C, tan1: 0xFFEBF2E2, tan2: 0xFFD2E0BD, tan3: 0xFF87A063, tan4: 0xFF667F42, green: 0xFF71987D, green1: 0xFFC7D5CB, green2: 0xFF98B4A1, green3: 0xFF50805F, green4: 0xFF356644, pink: 0xFFCEA098, pink1: 0xFFFFF1EE, pink2: 0xFFF4D3CE, pink3: 0xFFAE756C, pink4: 0xFF8B5148, purple: 0xFFAD8095, purple1: 0xFFE5D6DD, purple2: 0xFFCDADBC, purple3: 0xFF925B74, purple4: 0xFF743D56, })) end end # expose module-level wrappers around the currently-configured palette # def self.palette @current_palette ||= Straightedge.config.palette end def self.all palette.list end def self.pick palette.sample end # def self.random ("%08x" % (rand * 0xffffffff)).to_i(16) end def self.hex_value(color) palette.hex_value_for(color) #rescue color end def self.dim(color, factor=0x2A000000) #2A2A2A) Colors.hex_value(color) - factor end end # assign a basic rgb default color palette config.palette = Colors::Palette.clean_rgb end