=== Version 1.0.0 - 2013-11-04 Fixes and Ruby2/Rails4 compatibility === Version 0.4.0 - 2012-12-14 Adrian Gomez (1): * Fixing issue #22 Brad Dunbar (1): * Add default option. Dominik Bamberger (5): * Introduce raw bitmask setter. * Ensure unsupported values for raw bitmasks raise an exception * First reset instance variable then write attribute. * Introduce inverse convenience class method * Allow only valid entries when setting raw bitmask values directly François DELFORT (2): * Handle single table inheritance Tee Parham (2): * add table name scope to or_is_null_condition alexanderd (1): * Include table name in scope definitions === Version 0.3.0 - 2012-04-30 21:36:18 +0100 Aaron Hamid (1): * wrap two scopes in procs to fix migration/startup issues Andre Duffeck (1): * fix values_for Ivan Buiko (1): * Adding retrieval by exact value Sebastian Borrazas (1): * Not raising exception when the bitmask column is not found, since its adding it on a migration spemmons (22): * detect whether or not nulls are possible with an attribute and remove OR conditions checking if it is null or not * check for model not being ready when creating scopes * support nulls with an explicit attribute, not by inspecting the model due to preloading issues * support multiple values in the "without_..." scope that excludes match for of any of the bits; previously 2nd and following values were ignored * DRY-up scope expressions, standardizing on "no_" and "bitmask_for_...(*values)" instead of repeating more complex calculations; also found another example of zykadelic's complaint with "with_any_" that is fixed and has tests * add travis configuration file * add :zero_value option and tests * rename :zero to :zero_value for clarity steve emmons (3): * Merge pull request #1 from numerex/master * Merge pull request #2 from numerex/master * Merge pull request #15 from spemmons/master === Version 0.2.4 - 2011-11-23 Ivan Buiko (3): * No longer validates attribute during migrations Joel Moss (3): * Added changeling tasks for help with gem releases * Created docs using sdoc