class Opal::RubyParser token CLASS MODULE DEF UNDEF BEGIN RESCUE ENSURE END IF UNLESS THEN ELSIF ELSE CASE WHEN WHILE UNTIL FOR BREAK NEXT REDO RETRY IN DO DO_COND DO_BLOCK RETURN YIELD SUPER SELF NIL TRUE FALSE AND OR NOT IF_MOD UNLESS_MOD WHILE_MOD UNTIL_MOD RESCUE_MOD ALIAS DEFINED klBEGIN klEND LINE FILE IDENTIFIER FID GVAR IVAR CONSTANT CVAR NTH_REF BACK_REF STRING_CONTENT INTEGER FLOAT REGEXP_END '+@' '-@' '-@NUM' '**' '<=>' '==' '===' '!=' '>=' '<=' '&&' '||' '=~' '!~' '.' '..' '...' '[]' '[]=' '<<' '>>' '::' '::@' OP_ASGN '=>' PAREN_BEG '(' ')' tLPAREN_ARG ARRAY_BEG ']' tLBRACE tLBRACE_ARG SPLAT '*' '&@' '&' '~' '%' '/' '+' '-' '<' '>' '|' '!' '^' '{@' '}' BACK_REF2 SYMBOL_BEG STRING_BEG XSTRING_BEG REGEXP_BEG WORDS_BEG tAWORDS_BEG STRING_DBEG STRING_DVAR STRING_END STRING SYMBOL '\\n' '?' ':' ',' SPACE ';' BLOCK_GIVEN prechigh right '!' '~' '+@' right '**' right '-@NUM' '-@' left '*' '/' '%' left '+' '-' left '<<' '>>' left '&' left '|' '^' left '>' '>=' '<' '<=' nonassoc '<=>' '==' '===' '!=' '=~' '!~' left '&&' left '||' nonassoc '..' '...' right '?' ':' left RESCUE_MOD right '=' OP_ASGN nonassoc DEFINED right NOT left OR AND nonassoc IF_MOD UNLESS_MOD WHILE_MOD UNTIL_MOD nonassoc tLBRACE_ARG nonassoc LOWEST preclow rule target: compstmt { result = val[0] } bodystmt: compstmt opt_rescue opt_else opt_ensure { result = val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3] } compstmt: stmts opt_terms { result = val[0] } stmts: none { result = [] } | stmt { result = [val[0]] } | stmts terms stmt { val[0] << val[2] result = val[0] } stmt: ALIAS fitem fitem | ALIAS GVAR GVAR | ALIAS GVAR BACK_REF | ALIAS GVAR NTH_REF | UNDEF undef_list | stmt IF_MOD expr_value { result = val[1], val[2], val[0] } | stmt UNLESS_MOD expr_value { result = val[1], val[2], val[0] } | stmt WHILE_MOD expr_value | stmt UNTIL_MOD expr_value | stmt RESCUE_MOD stmt | klBEGIN '{@' compstmt '}' | klEND '{@' compstmt '}' | lhs '=' command_call { result = val[0], val[2], val[1] } | mlhs '=' command_call | var_lhs OP_ASGN command_call { result = val[1], val[0], val[2] } | primary_value '[@' aref_args ']' OP_ASGN command_call | primary_value '.' IDENTIFIER OP_ASGN command_call | primary_value '.' CONSTANT OP_ASGN command_call | primary_value '::' IDENTIFIER OP_ASGN command_call | backref OP_ASGN command_call | lhs '=' mrhs | mlhs '=' arg_value | mlhs '=' mrhs | expr expr: command_call | expr AND expr { result = "result = [val[1], val[0], val[2]];" } | expr OR expr { result = "result = [val[1], val[0], val[2]];" } | NOT expr { result = "result = ['unary', '!', val[1]];" } | '!' command_call { result = "result = ['unary', '!', val[1]];" } | arg expr_value: expr command_call: command | block_command | RETURN call_args { result = val[0], val[1] } | BREAK call_args { result = "result = ['break', val[1]];" } | NEXT call_args { result = "result = ['next', val[1]];" } block_command: block_call | block_call '.' operation2 command_args | block_call '::' operation2 command_args cmd_brace_block: tLBRACE_ARG opt_block_var compstmt '}' command: operation command_args =LOWEST { result = nil, val[0], val[1] } | operation command_args cmd_brace_block | primary_value '.' operation2 command_args =LOWEST { result = val[0], val[2], val[3] } | primary_value '.' operation2 command_args cmd_brace_block | primary_value '::' operation2 command_args =LOWEST { result = "result = ['call', val[0], val[2], val[3]];" } | primary_value '::' operation2 command_args cmd_brace_block | SUPER command_args { result = "result = ['super', val[1]];" } | YIELD command_args { result = val[0], val[1] } mlhs: mlhs_basic | PAREN_BEG mlhs_entry ')' mlhs_entry: mlhs_basic | PAREN_BEG mlhs_entry ')' mlhs_basic: mlhs_head | mlhs_head mlhs_item | mlhs_head SPLAT mlhs_node | mlhs_head SPLAT | SPLAT mlhs_node | SPLAT mlhs_item: mlhs_node | PAREN_BEG mlhs_entry ')' mlhs_head: mlhs_item ',' | mlhs_head mlhs_item ',' mlhs_node: variable | primary_value '[@' aref_args ']' | primary_value '.' IDENTIFIER | primary_value '::' IDENTIFIER | primary_value '.' CONSTANT | primary_value '::' CONSTANT | '::@' CONSTANT | backref lhs: variable | primary_value '[@' aref_args ']' { # result = "result = ['aref', val[0], val[2]];" result = "result = new this.ArefNode(val[0], val[2]);" result = val[0], val[2] } | primary_value '.' IDENTIFIER { result = val[0], val[2], [[]] } | primary_value '::' IDENTIFIER | primary_value '.' CONSTANT | primary_value '::' CONSTANT | '::@' CONSTANT | backref cname: CONSTANT cpath: '::@' cname { result = "result = ['::', val[1]];" } | cname { result = [nil, val[0]] } | primary_value '::' cname { result = "result = [val[0], val[2]];" } fname: IDENTIFIER | CONSTANT | FID | op | reswords fitem: fname | symbol undef_list: fitem | undef_list ',' fitem op: '|' | '^' | '&' | '<=>' | '==' | '===' | '=~' | '>' | '>=' | '<' | '<=' | '<<' | '>>' | '+' | '-' | '*' | SPLAT | '/' | '%' | '**' | '~' | '+@' | '-@' | '[]' | '[]=' | BACK_REF2 reswords: LINE | FILE | klBEGIN | klEND | ALIAS | AND | BEGIN | BREAK | CASE | CLASS | DEF | DEFINED | DO | ELSE | ELSIF | END | ENSURE | FALSE | FOR | IN | MODULE | NEXT | NIL | NOT | OR | REDO | RESCUE | RETRY | RETURN | SELF | SUPER | THEN | TRUE | UNDEF | WHEN | YIELD | IF_MOD | UNLESS_MOD | WHILE_MOD | UNTIL_MOD | RESCUE_MOD | BLOCK_GIVEN arg: lhs '=' arg { result = val[0], val[2], val[1] } | lhs '=' arg RESCUE_MOD arg | var_lhs OP_ASGN arg { result = val[1], val[0], val[2] } | primary_value '[@' aref_args ']' OP_ASGN arg | primary_value '.' IDENTIFIER OP_ASGN arg | primary_value '.' CONSTANT OP_ASGN arg | primary_value '::' IDENTIFIER OP_ASGN arg | primary_value '::' CONSTANT OP_ASGN arg | '::@' CONSTANT OP_ASGN arg | backref OP_ASGN arg | arg '..' arg { result = "result = ['range', val[1], val[0], val[2]];" } | arg '...' arg { result = "result = ['range', val[1], val[0], val[2]];" } | arg '+' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '-' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '*' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '/' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '%' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '**' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | '-@NUM' INTEGER '**' arg | '-@NUM' FLOAT '**' arg | '+@' arg { result = val[1], val[0], [] } | '-@' arg { result = val[1], val[0], [] } | arg '|' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '^' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '&' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '<=>' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '>' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '>=' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '<' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '<=' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '==' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '===' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '!=' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '=~' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '!~' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | '!' arg { result = val[1], val[0], [] } | '~' arg { result = val[1], val[0], [] } | arg '<<' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '>>' arg { result = val[0], val[1], [[val[2]]] } | arg '&&' arg { result = val[1], val[0], val[2] } | arg '||' arg { result = val[1], val[0], val[2] } | DEFINED opt_nl arg | arg '?' arg ':' arg { result = "result = ['ternary', val[0], val[2], val[4]];" } | primary arg_value: arg aref_args: none { result = [[], nil] } | command opt_nl | args trailer { result = [val[0], nil] } | args ',' SPLAT arg opt_nl { result = [val[0], val[3]] } | assocs trailer | SPLAT arg opt_nl { result = [[], val[1]] } paren_args: '(' none ')' { result = [[]] } | '(' call_args opt_nl ')' { result = val[1] } | '(' block_call opt_nl ')' | '(' args ',' block_call opt_nl ')' opt_paren_args: none { result = [] } | paren_args call_args: command { result = [[val[0]], nil, nil, nil] } | args opt_block_arg { result = [val[0], nil, nil, val[1]] } | args ',' SPLAT arg_value opt_block_arg { result = [val[0], val[3], nil, val[4]] } | assocs opt_block_arg { result = [nil, nil, val[0], val[1]] } | assocs ',' SPLAT arg_value opt_block_arg { result = [nil, val[3], val[0], val[4]] } | args ',' assocs opt_block_arg { result = [val[0], nil, val[2], val[3]] } | args ',' assocs ',' SPLAT arg opt_block_arg { result = [val[0], val[5], val[2], val[6]] } | SPLAT arg_value opt_block_arg { result = [nil, val[1], nil, val[2]] } | block_arg { result = [nil, nil, nil, val[0]] } call_args2: arg_value ',' args opt_block_arg | arg_value ',' block_arg | arg_value ',' SPLAT arg_value opt_block_arg | arg_value ',' args ',' SPLAT arg_value opt_block_arg | assocs opt_block_arg | assocs ',' SPLAT arg_value opt_block_arg | arg_value ',' assocs opt_block_arg | arg_value ',' args ',' assocs opt_block_arg | arg_value ',' assocs ',' SPLAT arg_value opt_block_arg | arg_value ',' args ',' assocs ',' SPLAT arg_value opt_block_arg | SPLAT arg_value opt_block_arg | block_arg command_args: { cmdarg_push 1 } open_args { cmdarg_pop result = val[1] } open_args: call_args | tLPAREN_ARG ')' { result = [[]] } | tLPAREN_ARG call_args2 ')' { result = val[1] } block_arg: '&@' arg_value { result = val[1] } opt_block_arg: ',' block_arg { result = val[1] } | none_block_pass { result = nil } args: arg_value { result = [val[0]] } | args ',' arg_value { result = val[0] << val[2] } mrhs: args ',' arg_value | args ',' SPLAT arg_value | SPLAT arg_value primary: literal | strings | xstring | regexp | words | awords | var_ref | backref | FID | BEGIN bodystmt END { result = val[0], val[1], val[2] } | tLPAREN_ARG expr opt_nl ')' | PAREN_BEG compstmt ')' { result = val[0], val[1], val[2] } | primary_value '::' CONSTANT { result = val[0], val[2] } | '::@' CONSTANT { result = val[1] } | primary_value '[@' aref_args ']' { result = val[0], { :line => val[0].line, :value => '[]' }, val[2] } | '[' aref_args ']' { result = val[1], val[0], val[2] } | '{' assoc_list '}' { result = val[1], val[0], val[2] } | RETURN { result = val[0], [nil] } | YIELD '(' call_args ')' { result = "result = new this.YieldNode(val[0], val[2]);" } | YIELD '(' ')' { result = "result = new this.YieldNode(val[0], [[]]);" } | YIELD { result = val[0], [] } | DEFINED opt_nl '(' expr ')' | operation brace_block { result = nil, val[0], [[]] result.block = val[1] } | method_call | method_call brace_block { result = val[0]; result.block = val[1] } | IF expr_value then compstmt if_tail END { result = val[0], val[1], val[3], val[4], val[5] } | UNLESS expr_value then compstmt opt_else END { result = "result = ['unless', val[1], val[3], val[4]];" } | WHILE { result = "this.cond_push(1);" } expr_value do { result = "this.cond_pop();" } compstmt END { result = "result = ['while', val[0], val[2], val[5]];" } | UNTIL { result = "this.cond_push(1);" } expr_value do { result = "this.cond_pop();" } compstmt END { result = "result = ['while', val[0], val[2], val[5]];" } | CASE expr_value opt_terms case_body END { result = "result = ['case', val[1], val[3]];" } | CASE opt_terms case_body END { result = "result = ['case', null, val[2]];" } | CASE opt_terms ELSE compstmt END | FOR block_var IN { result = "this.cond_push(1);" } expr_value do { result = "this.cond_pop();" } compstmt END | CLASS cpath superclass bodystmt END { result = val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], val[4] } | CLASS '<<' expr term bodystmt END { result = "result = ['class_shift', val[2], val[4]];" } | MODULE cpath bodystmt END { result = val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3] } | DEF fname f_arglist bodystmt END { result = val[0], nil, val[1], val[2], val[3], val[4] } | DEF singleton dot_or_colon fname f_arglist bodystmt END { result = val[0], val[1], val[3], val[4], val[5], val[6] } | BREAK { result = "result = ['break', null];" } | NEXT { result = "result = ['next', null];" } | REDO | RETRY primary_value: primary then: term | ':' | THEN | term THEN do: term | ':' | DO_COND if_tail: opt_else { result = val[0] } | ELSIF expr_value then compstmt if_tail { result = [[val[0], val[1], val[3]]].concat val[4] } opt_else: none { result = [] } | ELSE compstmt { result = [[val[0], val[1]]] } block_var: block_var_args { result = [val[0], nil] } block_var_args: f_arg ',' f_block_optarg ',' f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { result = [val[0], val[2], val[4], val[5]] } | f_arg ',' f_block_optarg opt_f_block_arg { result = [val[0], val[2], nil, val[3]] } | f_arg ',' f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { result = [val[0], nil, val[2], val[3]] } | f_arg opt_f_block_arg { result = [val[0], nil, nil, val[1]] } | f_block_optarg ',' f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { result = [nil, val[0], val[2], val[3]] } | f_block_optarg opt_f_block_arg { result = [nil, val[0], nil, val[1]] } | f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { result = [nil, nil, val[0], val[1]] } | f_block_arg { result = [nil, nil, nil, val[0]] } f_block_optarg: f_block_opt { result = [val[0]] } | f_block_optarg ',' f_block_opt { val[0] << val[2] result = val[0] } f_block_opt: IDENTIFIER '=' primary_value { result = [val[0], val[2]] } opt_block_var: none { result = [nil] } | '|' '|' { result = [nil] } | '||' { result = [nil] } | '|' block_var '|' { result = val[1] } do_block: DO_BLOCK { # result = "print('doing half command');" } opt_block_var compstmt END { result = val[0], val[2], val[3], val[4] } block_call: command do_block { result = val[0] val[0].block = val[1] } | block_call '.' operation2 opt_paren_args | block_call '::' operation2 opt_paren_args method_call: operation paren_args { result = nil, val[0], val[1] } | primary_value '.' operation2 opt_paren_args { result = val[0], val[2], val[3] } | primary_value '::' operation2 paren_args | primary_value '::' operation3 | SUPER paren_args { result = "result = ['super', val[1]];" } | SUPER { result = "result = ['super', [[]]];" } brace_block: '{@' opt_block_var compstmt '}' { result = val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3] } | DO opt_block_var compstmt END { result = val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3] } case_body: WHEN when_args then compstmt cases { result = "result = [['when', val[1], val[3]]].concat(val[4]);" } when_args: args { result = "result = val[0];" } | args ',' SPLAT arg_value { result = "result = val[0];" } | SPLAT arg_value { result = "result = [];" } cases: opt_else | case_body opt_rescue: RESCUE exc_list exc_var then compstmt opt_rescue { result = [[val[0], val[1], val[2], val[4]]] result.concat val[5] } | { result = [] } exc_list: arg_value | mrhs | none exc_var: '=>' lhs { result = val[1] } | none { result = nil } opt_ensure: ENSURE compstmt | none literal: numeric | symbol | dsym strings: string string: string1 | string string1 string1: STRING_BEG string_contents STRING_END { result = val[1], val[2] } | STRING xstring: XSTRING_BEG xstring_contents STRING_END { result = val[0], val[1], val[2] } regexp: REGEXP_BEG xstring_contents REGEXP_END { result = "result = ['regexp', val[1], val[2]];" } words: WORDS_BEG SPACE STRING_END | WORDS_BEG word_list STRING_END word_list: none | word_list word SPACE word: string_content | word string_content awords: tAWORDS_BEG SPACE STRING_END | tAWORDS_BEG qword_list STRING_END qword_list: none | qword_list STRING_CONTENT SPACE string_contents: none { result = [] } | string_contents string_content { result = val[0] << val[1] } xstring_contents: none { result = [] } | xstring_contents string_content { result = val[0].concat [val[1]] } string_content: STRING_CONTENT { result = ['string_content', val[0]] } | STRING_DVAR string_dvar { result = ['string_dvar', val[1]] } | STRING_DBEG { cond_push 0 cmdarg_push 0 } compstmt '}' { cond_lexpop cmdarg_lexpop result = ['string_dbegin', val[2]] } string_dvar: GVAR | IVAR | CVAR | backref symbol: SYMBOL_BEG sym { result = val[1] } | SYMBOL sym: fname | IVAR | GVAR | CVAR dsym: SYMBOL_BEG xstring_contents STRING_END { result = "result = ['dsym', val[1]];" } numeric: INTEGER { result = val[0] } | FLOAT { result = val[0] } | '-@NUM' INTEGER =LOWEST | '-@NUM' FLOAT =LOWEST variable: IDENTIFIER { result = val[0] } | IVAR { result = val[0] } | GVAR { result = val[0]; } | CONSTANT { result = val[0] } | CVAR { result = "result = ['cvar', val[0]];" } | NIL { result = val[0] } | SELF { result = val[0] } | TRUE { result = val[0] } | FALSE { result = val[0] } | FILE { result = val[0] } | LINE { result = val[0] } | BLOCK_GIVEN { result = val[0] } var_ref: variable var_lhs: variable backref: NTH_REF | BACK_REF superclass: term { result = nil } | '<' expr_value term { result = val[1] } | error term { result = nil } f_arglist: '(' f_args opt_nl ')' { result = val[1] } | f_args term { result = val[0] } f_args: f_arg ',' f_optarg ',' f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { result = [val[0], val[2], val[4], val[5]] } | f_arg ',' f_optarg opt_f_block_arg { result = [val[0], val[2], nil, val[3]] } | f_arg ',' f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { result = [val[0], nil, val[2], val[3]] } | f_arg opt_f_block_arg { result = [val[0], nil, nil, val[1]] } | f_optarg ',' f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { rsult = [nil, val[0], val[2], val[3]] } | f_optarg opt_f_block_arg { result = [nil, val[0], nil, val[1]] } | f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { result = [nil, nil, val[0], val[1]] } | f_block_arg { result = [nil, nil, nil, val[0]] } | { result = [nil, nil, nil, nil] } f_norm_arg: CONSTANT { result = "this.yyerror( 'formal argument cannot be a constant');" } | IVAR { result = "this.yyerror( 'formal argument cannot be an instance variable');" } | CVAR { result = "this.yyerror( 'formal argument cannot be a class variable');" } | GVAR { result = "this.yyerror( 'formal argument cannot be a global variable');" } | IDENTIFIER f_arg: f_norm_arg { result = [val[0]] } | f_arg ',' f_norm_arg { val[0] << val[2] result = val[0] } f_opt: IDENTIFIER '=' arg_value { result = [val[0], val[2]] } f_optarg: f_opt { result = [val[0]] } | f_optarg ',' f_opt { result = val[0] val[0] << val[2] } restarg_mark: '*' | SPLAT f_rest_arg: restarg_mark IDENTIFIER { result = val[1] } | restarg_mark { result = val[0] } blkarg_mark: '&' | '&@' f_block_arg: blkarg_mark IDENTIFIER { result = val[1] } opt_f_block_arg: ',' f_block_arg { result = val[1] } | { result = nil } singleton: var_ref { result = val[0] } | '(' expr opt_nl ')' { result = val[1] } assoc_list: none { result = [] } | assocs trailer { result = val[0] } | args trailer { result = "this.yyerror('unsupported assoc list type');" } assocs: assoc { result = [val[0]] } | assocs ',' assoc { result = val[0] << val[2] } assoc: arg_value '=>' arg_value { result = [val[0], val[2]] } operation: IDENTIFIER | CONSTANT | FID operation2: IDENTIFIER | CONSTANT | FID | op operation3: IDENTIFIER | FID | op dot_or_colon: '.' | '::' opt_terms: | terms opt_nl: | '\\n' trailer: | '\\n' | ',' term: ';' | '\\n' terms: term | terms ';' none: none_block_pass: end ---- inner