require 'spec_helper' describe Spree::CreditCard, type: :model do let(:valid_credit_card_attributes) do { number: '4111111111111111', verification_value: '123', expiry: "12 / #{(Time.current.year + 1).to_s.last(2)}", name: 'Spree Commerce' } end def self.payment_states Spree::Payment.state_machine.states.keys end let(:credit_card) { } before(:each) do @order = create(:order) @payment = Spree::Payment.create(:amount => 100, :order => @order) @success_response = double('gateway_response', success?: true, authorization: '123', avs_result: { 'code' => 'avs-code' }) @fail_response = double('gateway_response', success?: false) @payment_gateway = mock_model(Spree::PaymentMethod, payment_profiles_supported?: true, authorize: @success_response, purchase: @success_response, capture: @success_response, void: @success_response, credit: @success_response, ) allow(@payment).to receive_messages payment_method: @payment_gateway end it 'should respond to track_data' do expect(credit_card.respond_to?(:track_data)).to be true end context "#can_capture?" do it "should be true if payment is pending" do payment = mock_model(Spree::Payment, pending?: true, created_at: Time.current) expect(credit_card.can_capture?(payment)).to be true end it "should be true if payment is checkout" do payment = mock_model(Spree::Payment, pending?: false, checkout?: true, created_at: Time.current) expect(credit_card.can_capture?(payment)).to be true end end context "#can_void?" do it "should be true if payment is not void" do payment = mock_model(Spree::Payment, failed?: false, void?: false) expect(credit_card.can_void?(payment)).to be true end end context "#can_credit?" do it "should be false if payment is not completed" do payment = mock_model(Spree::Payment, completed?: false) expect(credit_card.can_credit?(payment)).to be false end it "should be false when credit_allowed is zero" do payment = mock_model(Spree::Payment, completed?: true, credit_allowed: 0, order: mock_model(Spree::Order, payment_state: 'credit_owed')) expect(credit_card.can_credit?(payment)).to be false end end context "#valid?" do it "should validate presence of number" do credit_card.attributes = valid_credit_card_attributes.except(:number) expect(credit_card).not_to be_valid expect(credit_card.errors[:number]).to eq(["can't be blank"]) end it "should validate presence of security code" do credit_card.attributes = valid_credit_card_attributes.except(:verification_value) expect(credit_card).not_to be_valid expect(credit_card.errors[:verification_value]).to eq(["can't be blank"]) end it "validates name presence" do credit_card.valid? expect(credit_card.error_on(:name).size).to eq(1) end it "should only validate on create" do credit_card.attributes = valid_credit_card_attributes expect(credit_card).to be_valid end context "encrypted data is present" do it "does not validate presence of number or cvv" do credit_card.encrypted_data = "$fdgsfgdgfgfdg&gfdgfdgsf-" credit_card.valid? expect(credit_card.errors[:number]).to be_empty expect(credit_card.errors[:verification_value]).to be_empty end end context "imported is true" do it "does not validate presence of number or cvv" do credit_card.imported = true credit_card.valid? expect(credit_card.errors[:number]).to be_empty expect(credit_card.errors[:verification_value]).to be_empty end end end context "#save" do before do credit_card.attributes = valid_credit_card_attributes! end let!(:persisted_card) { Spree::CreditCard.find( } it "should not actually store the number" do expect(persisted_card.number).to be_blank end it "should not actually store the security code" do expect(persisted_card.verification_value).to be_blank end end context "#number=" do it "should strip non-numeric characters from card input" do credit_card.number = "6011000990139424" expect(credit_card.number).to eq("6011000990139424") credit_card.number = " 6011-0009-9013-9424 " expect(credit_card.number).to eq("6011000990139424") end it "should not raise an exception on non-string input" do credit_card.number = expect(credit_card.number).to be_nil end end # Regression test for #3847 & #3896 context "#expiry=" do it "can set with a 2-digit month and year" do credit_card.expiry = '04 / 14' expect(credit_card.month).to eq(4) expect(credit_card.year).to eq(2014) end it "can set with a 2-digit month and 4-digit year" do credit_card.expiry = '04 / 2014' expect(credit_card.month).to eq(4) expect(credit_card.year).to eq(2014) end it "can set with a 2-digit month and 4-digit year without whitespace" do credit_card.expiry = '04/14' expect(credit_card.month).to eq(4) expect(credit_card.year).to eq(2014) end it "can set with a 2-digit month and 4-digit year without whitespace" do credit_card.expiry = '04/2014' expect(credit_card.month).to eq(4) expect(credit_card.year).to eq(2014) end it "can set with a 2-digit month and 4-digit year without whitespace and slash" do credit_card.expiry = '042014' expect(credit_card.month).to eq(4) expect(credit_card.year).to eq(2014) end it "can set with a 2-digit month and 2-digit year without whitespace and slash" do credit_card.expiry = '0414' expect(credit_card.month).to eq(4) expect(credit_card.year).to eq(2014) end it "does not blow up when passed an empty string" do expect { credit_card.expiry = '' }.not_to raise_error end # Regression test for #4725 it "does not blow up when passed one number" do expect { credit_card.expiry = '12' }.not_to raise_error end end context "#cc_type=" do it "converts between the different types" do credit_card.cc_type = 'mastercard' expect(credit_card.cc_type).to eq('master') credit_card.cc_type = 'maestro' expect(credit_card.cc_type).to eq('master') credit_card.cc_type = 'amex' expect(credit_card.cc_type).to eq('american_express') credit_card.cc_type = 'dinersclub' expect(credit_card.cc_type).to eq('diners_club') credit_card.cc_type = 'some_outlandish_cc_type' expect(credit_card.cc_type).to eq('some_outlandish_cc_type') end it "assigns the type based on card number in the event of js failure" do credit_card.number = '4242424242424242' credit_card.cc_type = '' expect(credit_card.cc_type).to eq('visa') credit_card.number = '5555555555554444' credit_card.cc_type = '' expect(credit_card.cc_type).to eq('master') credit_card.number = '378282246310005' credit_card.cc_type = '' expect(credit_card.cc_type).to eq('american_express') credit_card.number = '30569309025904' credit_card.cc_type = '' expect(credit_card.cc_type).to eq('diners_club') credit_card.number = '3530111333300000' credit_card.cc_type = '' expect(credit_card.cc_type).to eq('jcb') credit_card.number = '' credit_card.cc_type = '' expect(credit_card.cc_type).to eq('') credit_card.number = nil credit_card.cc_type = '' expect(credit_card.cc_type).to eq('') end end context "#associations" do it "should be able to access its payments" do expect { credit_card.payments.to_a }.not_to raise_error end end context "#first_name" do before do = "Ludwig van Beethoven" end it "extracts the first name" do expect(credit_card.first_name).to eq "Ludwig" end end context "#last_name" do before do = "Ludwig van Beethoven" end it "extracts the last name" do expect(credit_card.last_name).to eq "van Beethoven" end end context "#to_active_merchant" do before do credit_card.number = "4111111111111111" credit_card.year = Time.current.year credit_card.month = Time.current.month = "Ludwig van Beethoven" credit_card.verification_value = 123 end it "converts to an ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard object" do am_card = credit_card.to_active_merchant expect(am_card.number).to eq("4111111111111111") expect(am_card.year).to eq(Time.current.year) expect(am_card.month).to eq(Time.current.month) expect(am_card.first_name).to eq("Ludwig") expect(am_card.last_name).to eq("van Beethoven") expect(am_card.verification_value).to eq(123) end end it 'ensures only one credit card per user is default at a time' do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) first = FactoryGirl.create(:credit_card, user: user, default: true) second = FactoryGirl.create(:credit_card, user: user, default: true) expect(first.reload.default).to eq false expect(second.reload.default).to eq true first.default = true! expect(first.reload.default).to eq true expect(second.reload.default).to eq false end it 'allows default credit cards for different users' do first = FactoryGirl.create(:credit_card, user: FactoryGirl.create(:user), default: true) second = FactoryGirl.create(:credit_card, user: FactoryGirl.create(:user), default: true) expect(first.reload.default).to eq true expect(second.reload.default).to eq true end it 'allows this card to save even if the previously default card has expired' do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) first = FactoryGirl.create(:credit_card, user: user, default: true) second = FactoryGirl.create(:credit_card, user: user, default: false) first.update_columns(year: DateTime.current.year, month: 1.month.ago.month) expect { second.update_attributes!(default: true) }.not_to raise_error end end