Feature: Command Line Processing As a source code writer I want to be able to call PDD as a command line tool Scenario: Help can be printed When I run bin/pdd with "-h" Then Exit code is zero And Stdout contains "Usage: pdd" Scenario: Simple puzzles collecting Given I have a "Sample.java" file with content: """ public class Main { /** * @todo #13 Let's do it later, dude * or maybe even never :) */ public void main(String[] args) { // later } } """ When I run bin/pdd with "-v -s . -f out.xml" Then Exit code is zero And Stdout contains "reading ." And XML file "out.xml" matches "/puzzles[count(puzzle)=1]" Scenario: Simple puzzles collecting into stdout Given I have a "Sample.txt" file with content: """ ~~ ~~ @todo #44 First ~~ and second ~~ """ When I run bin/pdd with "> out.xml" Then Exit code is zero And XML file "out.xml" matches "/puzzles[count(puzzle)=1]"