require "spec_helper" describe Mongoid::Criteria do describe "#==" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end context "when the other is a criteria" do context "when the criteria are the same" do let(:other) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end it "returns true" do expect(criteria).to eq(other) end end context "when the criteria differ" do let(:other) do Band.where(name: "Tool") end it "returns false" do expect(criteria).to_not eq(other) end end end context "when the other is an enumerable" do context "when the entries are the same" do let!(:band) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:other) do [ band ] end it "returns true" do expect(criteria).to eq(other) end end context "when the entries are not the same" do let!(:band) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:other_band) do Band.create(name: "Tool") end let(:other) do [ other_band ] end it "returns false" do expect(criteria).to_not eq(other) end end end context "when the other is neither a criteria or enumerable" do it "returns false" do expect(criteria).to_not eq("test") end end end describe "#===" do context "when the other is a criteria" do let(:other) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end it "returns true" do expect(described_class === other).to be_true end end context "when the other is not a criteria" do it "returns false" do expect(described_class === []).to be_false end end end describe "#asc" do let(:person) do Person.create end context "when the documents are embedded" do let!(:hobrecht) do person.addresses.create(street: "hobrecht", name: "hobrecht") end let!(:friedel) do person.addresses.create(street: "friedel", name: "friedel") end let!(:pfluger) do person.addresses.create(street: "pfluger", name: "pfluger") end let(:criteria) do person.addresses.asc(:name) end it "returns the sorted documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ friedel, hobrecht, pfluger ]) end end end describe "#batch_size" do let(:person) do Person.create end let(:criteria) do Person.batch_size(1000) end it "adds the batch size option" do expect(criteria.options[:batch_size]).to eq(1000) end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ person ]) end end describe "#aggregates" do context "when provided a single field" do let!(:depeche) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode", likes: 1000) end let!(:tool) do Band.create(name: "Tool", likes: 500) end let(:criteria) do Band.all end let(:aggregates) do criteria.aggregates(:likes) end it "returns an avg" do expect(aggregates["avg"]).to eq(750) end it "returns a count" do expect(aggregates["count"]).to eq(2) end it "returns a max" do expect(aggregates["max"]).to eq(1000) end it "returns a min" do expect(aggregates["min"]).to eq(500) end it "returns a sum" do expect(aggregates["sum"]).to eq(1500) end end end describe "#avg" do context "when provided a single field" do let!(:depeche) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode", likes: 1000) end let!(:tool) do Band.create(name: "Tool", likes: 500) end let(:criteria) do Band.all end let(:avg) do criteria.avg(:likes) end it "returns the avg of the provided field" do expect(avg).to eq(750) end end end [ :all, :all_in ].each do |method| describe "\##{method}" do let!(:match) do Band.create(genres: [ "electro", "dub" ]) end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(genres: [ "house" ]) end let(:criteria) do Band.send(method, genres: [ "electro", "dub" ]) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end end [ :and, :all_of ].each do |method| describe "\##{method}" do let!(:match) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode", genres: [ "electro" ]) end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(genres: [ "house" ]) end let(:criteria) do Band.send(method, { genres: "electro" }, { name: "Depeche Mode" }) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end end describe "#as_json" do let!(:band) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end it "returns the criteria as a json hash" do expect(criteria.as_json).to eq([ band.serializable_hash ]) end end describe "#between" do let!(:match) do Band.create(member_count: 3) end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(member_count: 10) end let(:criteria) do Band.between(member_count: 1..5) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end [ :build, :new ].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end context "when provided valid attributes" do let(:band) do criteria.send(method, genres: [ "electro" ]) end it "returns the new document" do expect(band).to be_new_record end it "sets the criteria attributes" do expect( eq("Depeche Mode") end it "sets the attributes passed to build" do expect(band.genres).to eq([ "electro" ]) end end context "when provided a block" do context "when provided valid attributes" do let(:band) do criteria.send(method) do |c| c.genres = [ "electro" ] end end it "returns the new document" do expect(band).to be_new_record end it "sets the criteria attributes" do expect( eq("Depeche Mode") end it "sets the attributes passed to build" do expect(band.genres).to eq([ "electro" ]) end end end end end describe "#cache" do let!(:person) do Person.create end context "when no eager loading is involved" do let(:criteria) do Person.all.cache end before do criteria.each {} end it "does not hit the database after first iteration" do criteria.context.query.should_receive(:each).never criteria.each do |doc| expect(doc).to eq(person) end end end context "when the criteria is eager loading" do let(:criteria) do Person.includes(:posts).cache end before do criteria.each {} end it "does not hit the database after first iteration" do criteria.context.query.should_receive(:each).never criteria.each do |doc| expect(doc).to eq(person) end end end end [ :clone, :dup ].each do |method| describe "\##{method}" do let(:band) do end let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode").asc(:name).includes(:records) end before do criteria.documents = [ band ] criteria.context end let(:clone) do criteria.send(method) end it "contains an equal selector" do expect(clone.selector).to eq({ "name" => "Depeche Mode" }) end it "clones the selector" do expect(clone.selector).to_not equal(criteria.selector) end it "contains equal options" do expect(clone.options).to eq({ sort: { "name" => 1 }}) end it "clones the options" do expect(clone.options).to_not equal(criteria.options) end it "contains equal inclusions" do expect(clone.inclusions).to eq([ Band.relations["records"] ]) end it "clones the inclusions" do expect(clone.inclusions).to_not equal(criteria.inclusions) end it "contains equal documents" do expect(clone.documents).to eq([ band ]) end it "clones the documents" do expect(clone.documents).to_not equal(criteria.documents) end it "contains equal scoping options" do expect(clone.scoping_options).to eq([ nil, nil ]) end it "clones the scoping options" do expect(clone.scoping_options).to_not equal(criteria.scoping_options) end it "sets the context to nil" do expect(clone.instance_variable_get(:@context)).to be_nil end end end describe "#cache" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end it "sets the cache option to true" do expect(criteria.cache).to be_cached end end describe "#context" do context "when the model is embedded" do let(:criteria) do do |criteria| criteria.embedded = true end end it "returns the embedded context" do expect(criteria.context).to be_a(Mongoid::Contextual::Memory) end end context "when the model is not embedded" do let(:criteria) do end it "returns the mongo context" do expect(criteria.context).to be_a(Mongoid::Contextual::Mongo) end end end describe "#delete" do let(:depeche) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:tool) do Band.create(name: "Tool") end context "when no selector is provided" do before do Band.all.delete end it "deletes all the documents from the database" do expect(Band.count).to eq(0) end end end describe "#documents" do let(:band) do end let(:criteria) do do |criteria| criteria.documents = [ band ] end end it "returns the documents" do expect(criteria.documents).to eq([ band ]) end end describe "#documents=" do let(:band) do end let(:criteria) do end before do criteria.documents = [ band ] end it "sets the documents" do expect(criteria.documents).to eq([ band ]) end end describe "#each" do let!(:band) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end context "when provided a block" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end it "iterates over the matching documents" do criteria.each do |doc| expect(doc).to eq(band) end end end end describe "#elem_match" do let!(:match) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode").tap do |band| band.records.create(name: "101") end end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(genres: [ "house" ]) end let(:criteria) do Band.elem_match(records: { name: "101" }) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#embedded?" do let(:person) do end context "when the criteria is embedded" do let(:criteria) do person.addresses.where(street: "hobrecht") end it "returns true" do expect(criteria).to be_embedded end end context "when the criteria is not embedded" do let(:criteria) do Person.where(active: true) end it "returns false" do expect(criteria).to_not be_embedded end end end describe "#empty?" do context "when matching documents exist" do let!(:match) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end it "returns false" do expect(criteria).to_not be_empty end end context "when no matching documents exist" do let!(:nonmatch) do Band.create(name: "New Order") end let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end it "returns true" do expect(criteria).to be_empty end end end describe "#exists" do let!(:match) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:non_match) do Band.create end let(:criteria) do Band.exists(name: true) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#exists?" do context "when matching documents exist" do let!(:match) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end it "returns true" do expect(criteria.exists?).to be_true end end context "when no matching documents exist" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end it "returns false" do expect(criteria.exists?).to be_false end end end describe "#explain" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end it "returns the criteria explain path" do expect(criteria.explain["cursor"]).to eq("BasicCursor") end end describe "#extract_id" do let(:id) do end context "when an id exists" do let(:criteria) do do |criteria| criteria.selector[:id] = id end end it "returns the id" do expect(criteria.extract_id).to eq(id) end end context "when an _id exists" do let(:criteria) do do |criteria| criteria.selector[:_id] = id end end it "returns the _id" do expect(criteria.extract_id).to eq(id) end end end describe "#field_list" do let(:criteria) do Band.only(:name) end it "returns the fields minus type" do expect(criteria.field_list).to eq([ "name" ]) end end describe "#find_and_modify" do let!(:depeche) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:tool) do Band.create(name: "Tool") end context "when the selector matches" do context "when the identity map is enabled" do before(:all) do Mongoid.identity_map_enabled = true end after(:all) do Mongoid.identity_map_enabled = false end context "when returning the updated document" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:result) do criteria.find_and_modify({ "$inc" => { likes: 1 }}, new: true) end it "returns the first matching document" do expect(result).to eq(depeche) end it "updates the document in the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap.get(Band, eq(1) end end context "when not returning the updated document" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:result) do criteria.find_and_modify("$inc" => { likes: 1 }) end before do depeche.reload end it "returns the first matching document" do expect(result).to eq(depeche) end it "updates the document in the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap.get(Band, eq(1) end end end context "when not providing options" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:result) do criteria.find_and_modify("$inc" => { likes: 1 }) end it "returns the first matching document" do expect(result).to eq(depeche) end it "updates the document in the database" do expect(depeche.reload.likes).to eq(1) end end context "when sorting" do let(:criteria) do Band.desc(:name) end let!(:result) do criteria.find_and_modify("$inc" => { likes: 1 }) end it "returns the first matching document" do expect(result).to eq(tool) end it "updates the document in the database" do expect(tool.reload.likes).to eq(1) end end context "when limiting fields" do let(:criteria) do Band.only(:_id) end let!(:result) do criteria.find_and_modify("$inc" => { likes: 1 }) end it "returns the first matching document" do expect(result).to eq(depeche) end it "limits the returned fields" do expect( be_nil end it "updates the document in the database" do expect(depeche.reload.likes).to eq(1) end end context "when returning new" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:result) do criteria.find_and_modify({ "$inc" => { likes: 1 }}, new: true) end it "returns the first matching document" do expect(result).to eq(depeche) end it "returns the updated document" do expect(result.likes).to eq(1) end end context "when removing" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:result) do criteria.find_and_modify({}, remove: true) end it "returns the first matching document" do expect(result).to eq(depeche) end it "deletes the document from the database" do expect { depeche.reload }.to raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound) end end end context "when the selector does not match" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Placebo") end let(:result) do criteria.find_and_modify("$inc" => { likes: 1 }) end it "returns nil" do expect(result).to be_nil end end end describe "#freeze" do let(:criteria) do Band.all end before do criteria.freeze end it "freezes the criteria" do expect(criteria).to be_frozen end it "initializes inclusions" do expect(criteria.inclusions).to be_empty end it "initializes the context" do expect(criteria.context).to_not be_nil end end describe "#geo_near" do before do Bar.create_indexes end let!(:match) do Bar.create(location: [ 52.30, 13.25 ]) end let(:criteria) do Bar.geo_near([ 52, 13 ]).max_distance(10).spherical end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#gt" do let!(:match) do Band.create(member_count: 5) end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(member_count: 1) end let(:criteria) do 4) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#gte" do let!(:match) do Band.create(member_count: 5) end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(member_count: 1) end let(:criteria) do Band.gte(member_count: 5) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end [ :in, :any_in ].each do |method| describe "\##{method}" do context "when querying on a normal field" do let!(:match) do Band.create(genres: [ "electro", "dub" ]) end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(genres: [ "house" ]) end let(:criteria) do Band.send(method, genres: [ "dub" ]) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end context "when querying on a foreign key" do let(:id) do end let!(:match_one) do Person.create(preference_ids: [ id ]) end context "when providing valid ids" do let(:criteria) do Person.send(method, preference_ids: [ id ]) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match_one ]) end end context "when providing empty strings" do let(:criteria) do Person.send(method, preference_ids: [ id, "" ]) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match_one ]) end end context "when providing nils" do context "when the relation is a many to many" do let(:criteria) do Person.send(method, preference_ids: [ id, nil ]) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match_one ]) end end context "when the relation is a one to one" do let!(:game) do Game.create end let(:criteria) do Game.send(method, person_id: [ nil ]) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ game ]) end end end end end end describe "#initialize" do let(:criteria) do end it "sets the class" do expect(criteria.klass).to eq(Band) end it "sets the aliased fields" do expect(criteria.aliased_fields).to eq(Band.aliased_fields) end it "sets the serializers" do expect(criteria.serializers).to eq(Band.fields) end end describe "#includes" do before do Mongoid.identity_map_enabled = true end after do Mongoid.identity_map_enabled = false end let!(:person) do Person.create(age: 1) end context "when providing a name that is not a relation" do it "raises an error" do expect { Person.includes(:members) }.to raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::InvalidIncludes) end end context "when providing a hash" do it "raises an error" do expect { Person.includes(preferences: :members) }.to raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::InvalidIncludes) end end context "when the models are inherited" do before(:all) do class A include Mongoid::Document end class B < A belongs_to :c end class C include Mongoid::Document has_one :b end end after(:all) do Object.send(:remove_const, :A) Object.send(:remove_const, :B) Object.send(:remove_const, :C) end context "when the includes is on the subclass" do let!(:c_one) do C.create end let!(:c_two) do C.create end let!(:b) do B.create(c: c_two) end before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:results) do C.includes(:b).entries.detect do |c| == end end let(:from_map) do Mongoid::IdentityMap[B.collection_name][] end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(results).to eq(c_two) end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(from_map).to eq(b) end it "retrieves the document from the identity map" do expect(results.b).to equal(from_map) end end end context "when the models are inherited from another one model" do context "when the relation is a has_one" do before(:all) do class A include Mongoid::Document end class B < A belongs_to :d end class C < A belongs_to :d end class D include Mongoid::Document has_one :b has_one :c end end after(:all) do Object.send(:remove_const, :A) Object.send(:remove_const, :B) Object.send(:remove_const, :C) Object.send(:remove_const, :D) end context "when the includes is on the several relations" do let!(:d_one) do D.create end let!(:d_two) do D.create end let!(:b) do B.create(d: d_two) end let!(:c) do C.create(d: d_two) end before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:results) do D.includes(:b, :c).entries.detect do |d| == end end let(:from_map_b) do Mongoid::IdentityMap[B.collection_name][] end let(:from_map_c) do Mongoid::IdentityMap[C.collection_name][] end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(results).to eq(d_two) end it "inserts the b document into the identity map" do expect(from_map_b).to eq(b) end it "inserts the c document into the identity map" do expect(from_map_c).to eq(c) end it "retrieves the b document from the identity map" do expect(results.b).to equal(from_map_b) end it "retrieves the c document from the identity map" do expect(results.c).to equal(from_map_c) end end end context "when the relation is a has_many" do before(:all) do class A include Mongoid::Document end class B < A belongs_to :d end class C < A belongs_to :d end class D include Mongoid::Document has_many :b has_many :c end end after(:all) do Object.send(:remove_const, :A) Object.send(:remove_const, :B) Object.send(:remove_const, :C) Object.send(:remove_const, :D) end context "when the includes is on the several relations" do let!(:d_one) do D.create end let!(:d_two) do D.create end let!(:bs) do { B.create(d: d_two) } end let!(:cs) do { C.create(d: d_two) } end before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:results) do D.includes(:b, :c).entries.detect do |d| == end end let(:from_map_bs) do { |b| Mongoid::IdentityMap[B.collection_name][] } end let(:from_map_cs) do { |c| Mongoid::IdentityMap[C.collection_name][] } end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(results).to eq(d_two) end it "inserts the b documents into the identity map" do expect(from_map_bs).to eq(bs) end it "inserts the c documents into the identity map" do expect(from_map_cs).to eq(cs) end it "retrieves the b documents from the identity map" do expect(results.b).to match_array(from_map_bs) end it "retrieves the c documents from the identity map" do expect(results.c).to match_array(from_map_cs) end end end end context "when including the same metadata multiple times" do let(:criteria) do Person.all.includes(:posts, :posts).includes(:posts) end let(:metadata) do Person.reflect_on_association(:posts) end it "does not duplicate the metadata in the inclusions" do expect(criteria.inclusions).to eq([ metadata ]) end end context "when mapping the results more than once" do before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:post) do person.posts.create(title: "one") end let(:criteria) do Post.includes(:person) end let!(:results) do { |doc| doc } { |doc| doc } end it "returns the proper results" do expect(results.first.title).to eq("one") end end context "when including a belongs to relation" do context "when the criteria is from an embedded relation" do let(:peep) do Person.create end let!(:address_one) do peep.addresses.create(street: "rosenthaler") end let!(:address_two) do peep.addresses.create(street: "weinmeister") end let!(:depeche) do Band.create!(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:tool) do Band.create!(name: "Tool") end before do = depeche = tool end context "when calling first" do before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let(:criteria) do peep.reload.addresses.includes(:band) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load_one).with(address_one).once.and_call_original end let!(:document) do criteria.first end let(:eager_loaded) do Mongoid::IdentityMap[Band.collection_name] end it "eager loads the first document" do expect(eager_loaded[]).to eq(depeche) end it "does not eager load the last document" do expect(eager_loaded[]).to be_nil end it "returns the document" do expect(document).to eq(address_one) end end context "when calling last" do before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let(:criteria) do peep.reload.addresses.includes(:band) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load_one).with(address_two).once.and_call_original end let!(:document) do criteria.last end let(:eager_loaded) do Mongoid::IdentityMap[Band.collection_name] end it "does not eager load the first document" do expect(eager_loaded[]).to be_nil end it "eager loads the last document" do expect(eager_loaded[]).to eq(tool) end it "returns the document" do expect(document).to eq(address_two) end end context "when iterating all documents" do before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let(:criteria) do peep.reload.addresses.includes(:band) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context. should_receive(:eager_load). with([ address_one, address_two ]). once. and_call_original end let!(:documents) do criteria.to_a end let(:eager_loaded) do Mongoid::IdentityMap[Band.collection_name] end it "eager loads the first document" do expect(eager_loaded[]).to eq(depeche) end it "eager loads the last document" do expect(eager_loaded[]).to eq(tool) end it "returns the documents" do expect(documents).to eq([ address_one, address_two ]) end end end context "when the criteria is from the root" do let!(:person_two) do Person.create(age: 2) end let!(:post_one) do person.posts.create(title: "one") end let!(:post_two) do person_two.posts.create(title: "two") end before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end context "when calling first" do let!(:criteria) do Post.includes(:person) end let!(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load_one).with(post_one).once.and_call_original end let!(:document) do criteria.first end pending "eager loads for the first document" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Person.collection_name][]).to eq(person) end it "does not eager loads for the last document" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Person.collection_name][]).to be_nil end it "returns the first document" do expect(document).to eq(post_one) end end context "when calling last" do let!(:criteria) do Post.includes(:person) end let!(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load_one).with(post_two).once.and_call_original end let!(:document) do criteria.last end it "eager loads for the first document" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Person.collection_name][]).to eq(person_two) end it "does not eager loads for the last document" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Person.collection_name][]).to be_nil end it "returns the last document" do expect(document).to eq(post_two) end end end end context "when providing inclusions to the default scope" do before do Person.default_scope(Person.includes(:posts)) end after do Person.default_scoping = nil end let!(:post_one) do person.posts.create(title: "one") end let!(:post_two) do person.posts.create(title: "two") end context "when the criteria has no options" do before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:criteria) do Person.asc(:age).all end let!(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load).with([ person ]).once.and_call_original end let!(:documents) do criteria.entries end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(documents).to eq([ person ]) end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_one) end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_two) end context "when executing the query twice" do let!(:new_criteria) do Person.where(id: end let!(:new_context) do new_criteria.context end before do new_context.should_receive(:eager_load_one).with(person).once.and_call_original end let!(:from_db) do new_criteria.first end let(:mapped) do Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][{"person_id" =>}] end it "does not duplicate documents in the relation" do expect(person.posts.size).to eq(2) end it "does not duplicate documents in the map" do expect(mapped.size).to eq(2) end end end context "when calling first on the criteria" do before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let(:criteria) do Person.asc(:age).all end let!(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load_one).with(person).once.and_call_original end let!(:from_db) do criteria.first end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(from_db).to eq(person) end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_one) end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_two) end end context "when calling last on the criteria" do before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let(:criteria) do Person.asc(:age).all end let!(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load_one).with(person).once.and_call_original end let!(:from_db) do criteria.last end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(from_db).to eq(person) end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_one) end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_two) end end context "when the criteria has limiting options" do let!(:person_two) do Person.create end let!(:post_three) do person_two.posts.create(title: "three") end before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:criteria) do Person.asc(:age).limit(1) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load).with([ person ]).once.and_call_original end let!(:documents) do criteria.entries end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ person ]) end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_one) end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_two) end it "does not insert the third post into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to be_nil end end end context "when including a has and belongs to many" do let!(:preference_one) do person.preferences.create(name: "one") end let!(:preference_two) do person.preferences.create(name: "two") end context "when the criteria has no options" do before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:criteria) do Person.asc(:age).includes(:preferences) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load).with([ person ]).once.and_call_original end let!(:documents) do criteria.entries end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(documents).to eq([ person ]) end let(:preference_map) do Mongoid::IdentityMap[Preference.collection_name] end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(preference_map[]).to eq(preference_one) end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(preference_map[]).to eq(preference_two) end end context "when calling first on the criteria" do before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:criteria) do Person.asc(:age).includes(:preferences) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load_one).with(person).once.and_call_original end let!(:from_db) do criteria.first end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(from_db).to eq(person) end let(:preference_map) do Mongoid::IdentityMap[Preference.collection_name] end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(preference_map[]).to eq(preference_one) end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(preference_map[]).to eq(preference_two) end end context "when calling last on the criteria" do before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:criteria) do Person.asc(:age).includes(:preferences) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load_one).with(person).once.and_call_original end let!(:from_db) do criteria.last end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(from_db).to eq(person) end let(:preference_map) do Mongoid::IdentityMap[Preference.collection_name] end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(preference_map[]).to eq(preference_one) end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(preference_map[]).to eq(preference_two) end end context "when the criteria has limiting options" do let!(:person_two) do Person.create end let!(:preference_three) do person_two.preferences.create(name: "three") end before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:criteria) do Person.includes(:preferences).asc(:age).limit(1) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load).with([ person ]).once.and_call_original end let!(:documents) do criteria.entries end let(:preference_map) do Mongoid::IdentityMap[Preference.collection_name] end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(documents).to eq([ person ]) end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(preference_map[]).to eq(preference_one) end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(preference_map[]).to eq(preference_two) end it "does not insert the third preference into the identity map" do expect(preference_map[]).to be_nil end end end context "when including a has many" do let!(:post_one) do person.posts.create(title: "one") end let!(:post_two) do person.posts.create(title: "two") end context "when the criteria has no options" do before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:criteria) do Person.asc(:age).includes(:posts) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load).with([ person ]).once.and_call_original end let!(:documents) do criteria.entries end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(documents).to eq([ person ]) end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_one) end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_two) end end context "when calling first on the criteria" do before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:criteria) do Person.asc(:age).includes(:posts) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load_one).with(person).once.and_call_original end let!(:from_db) do criteria.first end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(from_db).to eq(person) end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_one) end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_two) end context "when subsequently getting all documents" do before do context.should_receive(:eager_load).with([ person ]).once.and_call_original end let!(:documents) do criteria.entries end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(documents).to eq([ person ]) end end end context "when calling last on the criteria" do before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:criteria) do Person.asc(:age).includes(:posts) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load_one).with(person).once.and_call_original end let!(:from_db) do criteria.last end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(from_db).to eq(person) end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_one) end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_two) end context "when subsequently getting all documents" do before do context.should_receive(:eager_load).with([ person ]).once.and_call_original end let!(:documents) do criteria.entries end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(documents).to eq([ person ]) end end end context "when the criteria has limiting options" do let!(:person_two) do Person.create end let!(:post_three) do person_two.posts.create(title: "three") end before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:criteria) do Person.includes(:posts).asc(:age).limit(1) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load).with([ person ]).once.and_call_original end let!(:documents) do criteria.entries end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(documents).to eq([ person ]) end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_one) end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_two) end it "does not insert the third post into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to be_nil end end end context "when including a has one" do let!(:game_one) do person.create_game(name: "one") end let!(:game_two) do person.create_game(name: "two") end context "when the criteria has no options" do before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:criteria) do Person.asc(:age).includes(:game) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load).with([ person ]).once.and_call_original end let!(:documents) do criteria.entries end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(documents).to eq([ person ]) end it "deletes the replaced document from the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Game.collection_name][]).to be_nil end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Game.collection_name][]).to eq(game_two) end context "when asking from map or db" do let(:in_map) do Mongoid::IdentityMap[Game.collection_name][] end let(:game) do Game.where("person_id" => end it "returns the document from the map" do expect(game).to equal(in_map) end end end context "when the criteria has limiting options" do let!(:person_two) do Person.create(age: 2) end let!(:game_three) do person_two.create_game(name: "Skyrim") end before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:criteria) do Person.where(id: end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load).with([ person ]).once.and_call_original end let!(:documents) do criteria.entries end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(documents).to eq([ person ]) end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Game.collection_name][]).to eq(game_two) end it "does not load the extra child into the map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Game.collection_name][]).to be_nil end end end context "when including a belongs to" do let(:person_two) do Person.create(age: 2) end let!(:game_one) do person.create_game(name: "one") end let!(:game_two) do person_two.create_game(name: "two") end before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end context "when providing no options" do let!(:criteria) do Game.includes(:person) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context. should_receive(:eager_load). with([ game_one, game_two ]). once. and_call_original end let!(:documents) do criteria.entries end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ game_one, game_two ]) end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Person.collection_name][]).to eq(person) end it "inserts the second document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Person.collection_name][]).to eq(person_two) end end context "when the criteria has limiting options" do let!(:criteria) do Game.where(id: end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load).with([ game_one ]).once.and_call_original end let!(:documents) do criteria.entries end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(documents).to eq([ game_one ]) end it "inserts the first document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Person.collection_name][]).to eq(person) end it "does not load the documents outside of the limit" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Person.collection_name][]).to be_nil end end end context "when including multiples in the same criteria" do let!(:post_one) do person.posts.create(title: "one") end let!(:post_two) do person.posts.create(title: "two") end let!(:game_one) do person.create_game(name: "one") end let!(:game_two) do person.create_game(name: "two") end before do Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear end let!(:criteria) do Person.includes(:posts, :game).asc(:age) end let(:context) do criteria.context end before do context.should_receive(:eager_load).with([ person ]).once.and_call_original end let!(:documents) do criteria.entries end it "returns the correct documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ person ]) end it "inserts the first has many document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_one) end it "inserts the second has many document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Post.collection_name][]).to eq(post_two) end it "removes the first has one document from the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Game.collection_name][]).to be_nil end it "inserts the second has one document into the identity map" do expect(Mongoid::IdentityMap[Game.collection_name][]).to eq(game_two) end end end describe "#inclusions" do let(:criteria) do Band.includes(:records) end let(:metadata) do Band.relations["records"] end it "returns the inclusions" do expect(criteria.inclusions).to eq([ metadata ]) end end describe "#inclusions=" do let(:criteria) do Band.all end let(:metadata) do Band.relations["records"] end before do criteria.inclusions = [ metadata ] end it "sets the inclusions" do expect(criteria.inclusions).to eq([ metadata ]) end end describe "#lt" do let!(:match) do Band.create(member_count: 1) end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(member_count: 5) end let(:criteria) do 4) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#lte" do let!(:match) do Band.create(member_count: 4) end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(member_count: 5) end let(:criteria) do Band.lte(member_count: 4) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#map_reduce" do let(:map) do %Q{ function() { emit(, { likes: this.likes }); }} end let(:reduce) do %Q{ function(key, values) { var result = { likes: 0 }; values.forEach(function(value) { result.likes += value.likes; }); return result; }} end let!(:depeche_mode) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode", likes: 200) end let!(:tool) do Band.create(name: "Tool", likes: 100) end let(:map_reduce) do Band.limit(2).map_reduce(map, reduce).out(inline: 1) end it "returns the map/reduce results" do expect(map_reduce).to eq([ { "_id" => "Depeche Mode", "value" => { "likes" => 200 }}, { "_id" => "Tool", "value" => { "likes" => 100 }} ]) end end describe "#max" do context "when provided a single field" do let!(:depeche) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode", likes: 1000) end let!(:tool) do Band.create(name: "Tool", likes: 500) end let(:criteria) do Band.all end context "when provided a symbol" do let(:max) do criteria.max(:likes) end it "returns the max of the provided field" do expect(max).to eq(1000) end end context "when provided a block" do let(:max) do criteria.max do |a, b| a.likes <=> b.likes end end it "returns the document with the max value for the field" do expect(max).to eq(depeche) end end end end describe "#max_distance" do before do Bar.create_indexes end let!(:match) do Bar.create(location: [ 52.30, 13.25 ]) end let!(:non_match) do Bar.create(location: [ 19.26, 99.70 ]) end let(:criteria) do Bar.near(location: [ 52, 13 ]).max_distance(location: 5) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#merge" do let(:band) do end let(:criteria) do Band.scoped.where(name: "Depeche Mode").asc(:name) end context "when merging with another criteria" do let(:mergeable) do Band.includes(:records).tap do |crit| crit.documents = [ band ] end end let(:metadata) do Band.relations["records"] end let(:merged) do criteria.merge(mergeable) end it "merges the selector" do expect(merged.selector).to eq({ "name" => "Depeche Mode" }) end it "merges the options" do expect(merged.options).to eq({ sort: { "name" => 1 }}) end it "merges the documents" do expect(merged.documents).to eq([ band ]) end it "merges the scoping options" do expect(merged.scoping_options).to eq([ nil, nil ]) end it "merges the inclusions" do expect(merged.inclusions).to eq([ metadata ]) end it "returns a new criteria" do expect(merged).to_not equal(criteria) end end context "when merging with a hash" do let(:mergeable) do { klass: Band, includes: [ :records ] } end let(:metadata) do Band.relations["records"] end let(:merged) do criteria.merge(mergeable) end it "merges the selector" do expect(merged.selector).to eq({ "name" => "Depeche Mode" }) end it "merges the options" do expect(merged.options).to eq({ sort: { "name" => 1 }}) end it "merges the scoping options" do expect(merged.scoping_options).to eq([ nil, nil ]) end it "merges the inclusions" do expect(merged.inclusions).to eq([ metadata ]) end it "returns a new criteria" do expect(merged).to_not equal(criteria) end end end describe "#merge!" do let(:band) do end let(:criteria) do Band.scoped.where(name: "Depeche Mode").asc(:name) end let(:mergeable) do Band.includes(:records).tap do |crit| crit.documents = [ band ] end end let(:metadata) do Band.relations["records"] end let(:merged) do criteria.merge!(mergeable) end it "merges the selector" do expect(merged.selector).to eq({ "name" => "Depeche Mode" }) end it "merges the options" do expect(merged.options).to eq({ sort: { "name" => 1 }}) end it "merges the documents" do expect(merged.documents).to eq([ band ]) end it "merges the scoping options" do expect(merged.scoping_options).to eq([ nil, nil ]) end it "merges the inclusions" do expect(merged.inclusions).to eq([ metadata ]) end it "returns the same criteria" do expect(merged).to equal(criteria) end end describe "#min" do context "when provided a single field" do let!(:depeche) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode", likes: 1000) end let!(:tool) do Band.create(name: "Tool", likes: 500) end let(:criteria) do Band.all end context "when provided a symbol" do let(:min) do criteria.min(:likes) end it "returns the min of the provided field" do expect(min).to eq(500) end end context "when provided a block" do let(:min) do criteria.min do |a, b| a.likes <=> b.likes end end it "returns the document with the min value for the field" do expect(min).to eq(tool) end end end end describe "#mod" do let!(:match) do Band.create(member_count: 5) end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(member_count: 2) end let(:criteria) do Band.mod(member_count: [ 4, 1 ]) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#ne" do let!(:match) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(name: "Tool") end let(:criteria) do "Tool") end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#near" do before do Bar.create_indexes end let!(:match) do Bar.create(location: [ 52.30, 13.25 ]) end let(:criteria) do Bar.near(location: [ 52, 13 ]) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#near_sphere" do before do Bar.create_indexes end let!(:match) do Bar.create(location: [ 52.30, 13.25 ]) end let(:criteria) do Bar.near_sphere(location: [ 52, 13 ]) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#nin" do let!(:match) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(name: "Tool") end let(:criteria) do Band.nin(name: [ "Tool" ]) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#nor" do let!(:match) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(name: "Tool") end let(:criteria) do Band.nor({ name: "Tool" }, { name: "New Order" }) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#only" do let!(:band) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode", likes: 3, views: 10) end context "when not using inheritance" do context "when passing splat args" do let(:criteria) do Band.only(:_id) end it "limits the returned fields" do expect( be_nil end it "does not add _type to the fields" do expect(criteria.options[:fields]["_type"]).to be_nil end end context "when passing an array" do let(:criteria) do Band.only([ :name, :likes ]) end it "includes the limited fields" do expect( be_nil end it "excludes the non included fields" do expect( be_nil end it "does not add _type to the fields" do expect(criteria.options[:fields]["_type"]).to be_nil end end context "when instantiating a class of another type inside the iteration" do let(:criteria) do Band.only(:name) end it "only limits the fields on the correct model" do criteria.each do |band| expect( eq(100) end end end context "when instantiating a document not in the result set" do let(:criteria) do Band.only(:name) end it "only limits the fields on the correct criteria" do criteria.each do |band| expect( be_true end end end context "when nesting a criteria within a criteria" do let(:criteria) do Band.only(:name) end it "only limits the fields on the correct criteria" do criteria.each do |band| Band.all.each do |b| expect( be_true end end end end end context "when using inheritance" do let(:criteria) do Doctor.only(:_id) end it "adds _type to the fields" do expect(criteria.options[:fields]["_type"]).to eq(1) end end context "when limiting to embedded documents" do context "when the embedded documents are aliased" do let(:criteria) do Person.only(:phones) end it "properly uses the database field name" do expect(criteria.options).to eq(fields: { "mobile_phones" => 1 }) end end end end [ :or, :any_of ].each do |method| describe "\##{method}" do let!(:match) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(name: "Tool") end context "when sending a normal $or criterion" do let(:criteria) do Band.send(method, { name: "Depeche Mode" }, { name: "New Order" }) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end context "when matching against an id or other parameter" do let(:criteria) do Band.send(method, { id: }, { name: "New Order" }) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end end end describe "#pluck" do let!(:depeche) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode", likes: 3) end let!(:tool) do Band.create(name: "Tool", likes: 3) end let!(:photek) do Band.create(name: "Photek", likes: 1) end context "when the criteria matches" do context "when there are no duplicate values" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(:name.exists => true) end let!(:plucked) do criteria.pluck(:name) end it "returns the values" do expect(plucked).to eq([ "Depeche Mode", "Tool", "Photek" ]) end context "when subsequently executing the criteria without a pluck" do it "does not limit the fields" do expect(criteria.first.likes).to eq(3) end end end context "when plucking mult-fields" do let(:plucked) do Band.where(:name.exists => true).pluck(:name, :likes) end it "returns the values" do expect(plucked).to eq([ ["Depeche Mode", 3], ["Tool", 3], ["Photek", 1] ]) end end context "when there are duplicate values" do let(:plucked) do Band.where(:name.exists => true).pluck(:likes) end it "returns the duplicates" do expect(plucked).to eq([ 3, 3, 1 ]) end end end context "when the criteria does not match" do let(:plucked) do Band.where(name: "New Order").pluck(:_id) end it "returns an empty array" do expect(plucked).to be_empty end end context "when plucking an aliased field" do let(:plucked) do Band.all.pluck(:id) end it "returns the field values" do expect(plucked).to eq([,, ]) end end context "when plucking a field that doesnt exist" do context "when pluck one field" do let(:plucked) do Band.all.pluck(:foo) end it "returns a empty array" do expect(plucked).to eq([]) end end context "when pluck multiple fields" do let(:plucked) do Band.all.pluck(:foo, :bar) end it "returns a empty array" do expect(plucked).to eq([[], [], []]) end end end end describe "#respond_to?" do let(:criteria) do end before do class Person def self.ages; self; end end end context "when asking about a model public class method" do it "returns true" do expect(criteria).to respond_to(:ages) end end context "when asking about a model private class method" do context "when including private methods" do it "returns true" do expect(criteria.respond_to?(:for_ids, true)).to be_true end end end context "when asking about a model class public instance method" do it "returns true" do expect(criteria.respond_to?(:join)).to be_true end end context "when asking about a model private instance method" do context "when not including private methods" do it "returns false" do expect(criteria).to_not respond_to(:fork) end end context "when including private methods" do it "returns true" do expect(criteria.respond_to?(:fork, true)).to be_true end end end context "when asking about a criteria instance method" do it "returns true" do expect(criteria).to respond_to(:context) end end context "when asking about a private criteria instance method" do context "when not including private methods" do it "returns false" do expect(criteria).to_not respond_to(:puts) end end context "when including private methods" do it "returns true" do expect(criteria.respond_to?(:puts, true)).to be_true end end end end describe "#sort" do let!(:depeche) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode", likes: 1000) end let!(:tool) do Band.create(name: "Tool", likes: 500) end let(:sorted) do Band.all.sort do |a, b| <=> end end it "sorts the results in memory" do expect(sorted).to eq([ tool, depeche ]) end end describe "#sum" do context "when provided a single field" do let!(:depeche) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode", likes: 1000) end let!(:tool) do Band.create(name: "Tool", likes: 500) end let(:criteria) do Band.all end context "when provided a symbol" do let(:sum) do criteria.sum(:likes) end it "returns the sum of the provided field" do expect(sum).to eq(1500) end end context "when provided a block" do let(:sum) do criteria.sum(&:likes) end it "returns the sum for the provided block" do expect(sum).to eq(1500) end end end end describe "#to_ary" do let!(:band) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end it "returns the executed criteria" do expect(criteria.to_ary).to eq([ band ]) end end describe "#extras with a hint" do let!(:band) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode").extras(:hint => {:bad_hint => 1}) end it "executes the criteria while properly giving the hint to Mongo" do expect { criteria.to_ary }.to raise_error(Moped::Errors::QueryFailure, %r{failed with error 10113: "bad hint"}) end end describe "#hint" do let!(:band) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode").hint(bad_hint: 1) end it "executes the criteria while properly giving the hint to Mongo" do expect { criteria.to_ary }.to raise_error(Moped::Errors::QueryFailure, %r{failed with error 10113: "bad hint"}) end end describe "#max_scan" do let!(:band) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:band2) do Band.create(name: "Tool") end let(:criteria) do Band.where({}).max_scan(1) end it "executes the criteria while properly giving the max scan to Mongo" do expect(criteria.to_ary).to eq [band] end end describe "#text_search" do let(:criteria) do Word.all end before do Word.with(database: "admin").mongo_session.command(setParameter: 1, textSearchEnabled: true) Word.create_indexes Word.create!(name: "phase", origin: "latin") end after(:all) do Word.remove_indexes end let(:search) do criteria.text_search("phase") end it "returns all fields" do expect(search.first.origin).to eq("latin") end end describe "#to_criteria" do let(:criteria) do Band.all end it "returns self" do expect(criteria.to_criteria).to eq(criteria) end end describe "#to_proc" do let(:criteria) do Band.all end it "returns a proc" do expect(criteria.to_proc).to be_a(Proc) end it "wraps the criteria in the proc" do expect(criteria.to_proc[]).to eq(criteria) end end describe "#type" do context "when the type is a string" do let!(:browser) do Browser.create end let(:criteria) do Canvas.all.type("Browser") end it "returns documents with the provided type" do expect(criteria).to eq([ browser ]) end end context "when the type is an Array of type" do let!(:browser) do Firefox.create end let(:criteria) do Canvas.all.type([ "Browser", "Firefox" ]) end it "returns documents with the provided types" do expect(criteria).to eq([ browser ]) end end end describe "#where" do let!(:match) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(name: "Tool") end context "when provided a string" do context "when the criteria is embedded" do it "raises an error" do expect { match.records.where(" == null") }.to raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::UnsupportedJavascript) end end context "when the criteria is not embedded" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(" == 'Depeche Mode'") end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end end context "when provided criterion" do context "when the criteria is standard" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end context "when the criteria is an exact fk array match" do let(:id_one) do end let(:id_two) do end let(:criteria) do Account.where(agent_ids: [ id_one, id_two ]) end it "does not wrap the array in another array" do expect(criteria.selector).to eq({ "agent_ids" => [ id_one, id_two ]}) end end end end describe "#for_js" do let!(:match) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end context "when the code has no scope" do let(:criteria) do Band.for_js(" == 'Depeche Mode'") end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end context "when the code has scope" do let(:criteria) do Band.for_js(" == param", param: "Depeche Mode") end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end end describe "#method_missing" do let(:criteria) do Person.all end context "when the method exists on the class" do before do Person.should_receive(:minor).and_call_original end it "calls the method on the class" do expect(criteria.minor).to be_empty end end context "when the method exists on the criteria" do before do criteria.should_receive(:to_criteria).and_call_original end it "calls the method on the criteria" do expect(criteria.to_criteria).to eq(criteria) end end context "when the method exists on array" do before do criteria.should_receive(:entries).and_call_original end it "calls the method on the criteria" do expect( be_nil end end context "when the method does not exist" do before do criteria.should_receive(:entries).never end it "raises an error" do expect { criteria.to_hash }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end end end describe "#uniq" do let!(:band_one) do Band.create(name: "New Order") end let!(:band_two) do Band.create(name: "New Order") end let(:criteria) do Band.all end it "passes the block through method_missing" do expect(criteria.uniq(&:name)).to eq([ band_one ]) end end describe "#with" do let!(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode").with(collection: "artists") end it "retains the criteria selection" do expect(criteria.selector).to eq("name" => "Depeche Mode") end it "sets the persistence options" do expect(criteria.persistence_options).to eq(collection: "artists") end end describe "#within_box" do before do Bar.create_indexes end let!(:match) do Bar.create(location: [ 52.30, 13.25 ]) end let(:criteria) do Bar.within_box(location: [[ 50, 10 ], [ 60, 20 ]]) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#within_circle" do before do Bar.create_indexes end let!(:match) do Bar.create(location: [ 52.30, 13.25 ]) end let(:criteria) do Bar.within_circle(location: [[ 52, 13 ], 0.5 ]) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#within_polygon" do before do Bar.create_indexes end let!(:match) do Bar.create(location: [ 52.30, 13.25 ]) end let(:criteria) do Bar.within_polygon( location: [[ 50, 10 ], [ 50, 20 ], [ 60, 20 ], [ 60, 10 ]] ) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#within_spherical_circle" do before do Bar.create_indexes end let!(:match) do Bar.create(location: [ 52.30, 13.25 ]) end let(:criteria) do Bar.within_spherical_circle(location: [[ 52, 13 ], 0.5 ]) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#with_size" do let!(:match) do Band.create(genres: [ "electro", "dub" ]) end let!(:non_match) do Band.create(genres: [ "house" ]) end let(:criteria) do Band.with_size(genres: 2) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#with_type" do let!(:match) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:criteria) do Band.with_type(name: 2) end it "returns the matching documents" do expect(criteria).to eq([ match ]) end end describe "#without" do context "when omitting to embedded documents" do context "when the embedded documents are aliased" do let(:criteria) do Person.without(:phones) end it "properly uses the database field name" do expect(criteria.options).to eq(fields: { "mobile_phones" => 0 }) end end end end end