require_relative 'simple' module Selector # # Feature Selection for Text Classification - HP Labs # # class BiNormalSeperation < Selector::Simple include BNS def label "BiNormalSeperation" end def initialize classification, args={} super @word_selection = args.fetch(:word_selection){ :grams1_2 } end # # generates a list of feature vetors and their labels from preprocessed data # @param data_set [Array] list of preprocessed data # @param classification [Symbol] in `:industry`, `:function`, `:career_level` # @param dictionary_size [Integer] Size of a dictionary to create if non exists # # @return [Array] list of feature vectors and labels def generate_vectors data_set, dictionary_size=DEFAULT_DICTIONARY_SIZE words_and_label_per_data = extract_words data_set, true generate_global_dictionary words_and_label_per_data, dictionary_size words_per_data = p_map_with_index(words_per_data) do |words,index| word_set = words.uniq make_vector word_set, data_set[index] end end # # generates a list of words used as dictionary # @param all_words (see #extract_words) # @param size dictionary size # # @return [Array] list of words def generate_global_dictionary all_words, size=DEFAULT_DICTIONARY_SIZE return unless global_dictionary.empty? label_counts = [0,0] features = all_words.reduce( { |h, k| h[k] = [0,0] }) do |accumulator, bag| label = bag.label ? 1 : 0 label_counts[label] += 1 # only count a feature once per bag bag.features.uniq.each do |word| unless accumulator.has_key?(word) accumulator[word] = [0,0] end accumulator[word][label] += 1 end accumulator end neg, pos = label_counts words = p_map(features) do |word, counts| next if counts.any? { |e| e==0 } # skip words only appearing in one class bns = bi_normal_seperation(pos, neg, *counts) [word, bns.abs] end @global_dictionary = words.compact .sort_by{|e| e[1]} .last(size) .map{|e| e[0] } end def build_dictionary data_set, dictionary_size=DEFAULT_DICTIONARY_SIZE words_per_data = extract_words data_set, true generate_global_dictionary words_per_data, dictionary_size end # # extracts the words of all provided data entries # @param data_set [Array] list of preprocessed data # @param keep_label # # @return [Array,Boolean>>] list of words per data entry def extract_words data_set, keep_label=false do |data| extract_words_from_data data, keep_label end end end end