require 'helper' require 'omniauth-irm_health' require 'openssl' require 'base64' class StrategyTest < StrategyTestCase include OAuth2StrategyTests end class ClientTest < StrategyTestCase test 'has correct IrmHealth(Ophies) site' do assert_equal IRM_AUTH_BASE_URL, end test 'has correct authorize url' do assert_equal '/auth/oauth2/auth', strategy.client.options[:authorize_url] end test 'has correct token url' do assert_equal '/auth/oauth2/token', strategy.client.options[:token_url] end end class CallbackUrlTest < StrategyTestCase test "returns the default callback url" do url_base = IRM_OPHIES_BASE_URL callback_url = "#{IRM_OPHIES_BASE_URL}/auth/oauth2/irm_health/callback" @request.stubs(:url).returns("#{url_base}/some/page") strategy.stubs(:script_name).returns('') # as not to depend on Rack env assert_equal callback_url, strategy.callback_url end # test "returns path from callback_path option" do # @options = { :callback_path => "/auth/FB/done" } # url_base = '' # @request.stubs(:url).returns("#{url_base}/page/path") # strategy.stubs(:script_name).returns('') # as not to depend on Rack env # assert_equal "#{url_base}/auth/FB/done", strategy.callback_url # end # test "returns url from callback_url option" do # url = '' # @options = { :callback_url => url } # assert_equal url, strategy.callback_url # end end class AuthorizeParamsTest < StrategyTestCase test 'includes default scope for email' do assert strategy.authorize_params.is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 'email', strategy.authorize_params[:scope] end test 'includes default access type as offline' do assert strategy.authorize_params.is_a? Hash assert_equal 'offline', strategy.authorize_params[:access_type] end # test 'includes display parameter from request when present' do # @request.stubs(:params).returns({ 'display' => 'touch' }) # assert strategy.authorize_params.is_a?(Hash) # assert_equal 'touch', strategy.authorize_params[:display] # end # test 'includes auth_type parameter from request when present' do # @request.stubs(:params).returns({ 'auth_type' => 'reauthenticate' }) # assert strategy.authorize_params.is_a?(Hash) # assert_equal 'reauthenticate', strategy.authorize_params[:auth_type] # end # test 'overrides default scope with parameter passed from request' do # @request.stubs(:params).returns({ 'scope' => 'email' }) # assert strategy.authorize_params.is_a?(Hash) # assert_equal 'email', strategy.authorize_params[:scope] # end end # N/A # class TokenParamsTest < StrategyTestCase # test 'has correct parse strategy' do # assert_equal :query, strategy.token_params[:parse] # end # end # N/A # class AccessTokenOptionsTest < StrategyTestCase # test 'has correct param name by default' do # assert_equal 'access_token', strategy.access_token_options[:param_name] # end # # test 'has correct header format by default' do # assert_equal 'OAuth %s', strategy.access_token_options[:header_format] # end # end class UidTest < StrategyTestCase def setup super strategy.stubs(:raw_info).returns({ 'uid' => '123' }) end test 'returns the id from raw_info' do assert_equal '123', strategy.uid end end class InfoTest < StrategyTestCase test 'contains username and email' do strategy.stubs(:raw_info).returns({ username: 'user01', email: ''}) end # test 'returns the secure facebook avatar url when `secure_image_url` option is specified' do # @options = { :secure_image_url => true } # raw_info = { 'name' => 'Fred Smith', 'id' => '321' } # strategy.stubs(:raw_info).returns(raw_info) # assert_equal '',['image'] # end # test 'returns the image with size specified in the `image_size` option' do # @options = { :image_size => 'normal' } # raw_info = { 'name' => 'Fred Smith', 'id' => '321' } # strategy.stubs(:raw_info).returns(raw_info) # assert_equal '',['image'] # end # # test 'returns the image with width and height specified in the `image_size` option' do # @options = { :image_size => { :width => 123, :height => 987 } } # raw_info = { 'name' => 'Fred Smith', 'id' => '321' } # strategy.stubs(:raw_info).returns(raw_info) # assert_match 'width=123',['image'] # assert_match 'height=987',['image'] # assert_match '',['image'] # end end class InfoTestOptionalDataPresent < StrategyTestCase def setup super @raw_info ||= { 'username' => 'Fred Smith' } strategy.stubs(:raw_info).returns(@raw_info) end test 'returns the username' do assert_equal 'Fred Smith',['name'] end test 'returns the email' do @raw_info['email'] = '' assert_equal '',['email'] end # test 'returns the username as nickname' do # @raw_info['username'] = 'fredsmith' # assert_equal 'fredsmith',['nickname'] # end # test 'returns the first name' do # @raw_info['first_name'] = 'Fred' # assert_equal 'Fred',['first_name'] # end # # test 'returns the last name' do # @raw_info['last_name'] = 'Smith' # assert_equal 'Smith',['last_name'] # end # # test 'returns the location name as location' do # @raw_info['location'] = { 'id' => '104022926303756', 'name' => 'Palo Alto, California' } # assert_equal 'Palo Alto, California',['location'] # end # # test 'returns bio as description' do # @raw_info['bio'] = 'I am great' # assert_equal 'I am great',['description'] # end # # test 'returns the facebook avatar url' do # @raw_info['id'] = '321' # assert_equal '',['image'] # end # # test 'returns the Facebook link as the Facebook url' do # @raw_info['link'] = '' # assert_kind_of Hash,['urls'] # assert_equal '',['urls']['Facebook'] # end # # test 'returns website url' do # @raw_info['website'] = '' # assert_kind_of Hash,['urls'] # assert_equal '',['urls']['Website'] # end # # test 'return both Facebook link and website urls' do # @raw_info['link'] = '' # @raw_info['website'] = '' # assert_kind_of Hash,['urls'] # assert_equal '',['urls']['Facebook'] # assert_equal '',['urls']['Website'] # end # # test 'returns the positive verified status' do # @raw_info['verified'] = true # assert['verified'] # end # # test 'returns the negative verified status' do # @raw_info['verified'] = false # refute['verified'] # end end class InfoTestOptionalDataNotPresent < StrategyTestCase def setup super @raw_info ||= { 'name' => 'Fred Smith' } strategy.stubs(:raw_info).returns(@raw_info) end test 'has no email key' do refute_has_key 'email', end test 'has no nickname key' do refute_has_key 'nickname', end test 'has no first name key' do refute_has_key 'first_name', end test 'has no last name key' do refute_has_key 'last_name', end test 'has no location key' do refute_has_key 'location', end test 'has no description key' do refute_has_key 'description', end test 'has no urls' do refute_has_key 'urls', end test 'has no verified key' do refute_has_key 'verified', end end class RawInfoTest < StrategyTestCase def setup super @access_token = stub('OAuth2::AccessToken') @appsecret_proof = 'appsecret_proof' @options = {:appsecret_proof => @appsecret_proof} end test "performs a GET to IRM_AUTH_BASE_URL/me" do strategy.stubs(:appsecret_proof).returns(@appsecret_proof) strategy.stubs(:access_token).returns(@access_token) # params = {:params => @options} # @access_token.expects(:get).with('/me', params).returns(stub_everything('OAuth2::Response')) @access_token.expects(:get).with('/me').returns(stub_everything('OAuth2::Response')) strategy.raw_info end # test 'performs a GET to with locale' do # @options.merge!({ :locale => 'cs_CZ' }) # strategy.stubs(:access_token).returns(@access_token) # strategy.stubs(:appsecret_proof).returns(@appsecret_proof) # params = {:params => @options} # @access_token.expects(:get).with('/me', params).returns(stub_everything('OAuth2::Response')) # strategy.raw_info # end # # test 'performs a GET to with info_fields' do # @options.merge!({:info_fields => 'about'}) # strategy.stubs(:access_token).returns(@access_token) # strategy.stubs(:appsecret_proof).returns(@appsecret_proof) # params = {:params => {:appsecret_proof => @appsecret_proof, :fields => 'about'}} # @access_token.expects(:get).with('/me', params).returns(stub_everything('OAuth2::Response')) # strategy.raw_info # end test 'returns a Hash' do strategy.stubs(:access_token).returns(@access_token) strategy.stubs(:appsecret_proof).returns(@appsecret_proof) raw_response = stub('Faraday::Response') raw_response.stubs(:body).returns('{ "ohai": "thar" }') raw_response.stubs(:status).returns(200) raw_response.stubs(:headers).returns({'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) oauth2_response = # params = {:params => @options} @access_token.stubs(:get).with('/me').returns(oauth2_response) assert_kind_of Hash, strategy.raw_info assert_equal 'thar', strategy.raw_info['ohai'] end test 'returns an empty hash when the response is false' do strategy.stubs(:access_token).returns(@access_token) strategy.stubs(:appsecret_proof).returns(@appsecret_proof) oauth2_response = stub('OAuth2::Response', :parsed => false) # params = {:params => @options} @access_token.stubs(:get).with('/me').returns(oauth2_response) assert_kind_of Hash, strategy.raw_info assert_equal({}, strategy.raw_info) end test 'should not include raw_info in extras hash when skip_info is specified' do @options = { :skip_info => true } strategy.stubs(:raw_info).returns({:foo => 'bar' }) refute_has_key 'raw_info', strategy.extra end end class CredentialsTest < StrategyTestCase def setup super @access_token = stub('OAuth2::AccessToken') @access_token.stubs(:token) @access_token.stubs(:expires?) @access_token.stubs(:expires_at) @access_token.stubs(:refresh_token) strategy.stubs(:access_token).returns(@access_token) end test 'returns a Hash' do assert_kind_of Hash, strategy.credentials end test 'returns the token' do @access_token.stubs(:token).returns('123') assert_equal '123', strategy.credentials['token'] end test 'returns the expiry status' do @access_token.stubs(:expires?).returns(true) assert strategy.credentials['expires'] @access_token.stubs(:expires?).returns(false) refute strategy.credentials['expires'] end test 'returns the refresh token and expiry time when expiring' do ten_mins_from_now = ( + 600).to_i @access_token.stubs(:expires?).returns(true) @access_token.stubs(:refresh_token).returns('321') @access_token.stubs(:expires_at).returns(ten_mins_from_now) assert_equal '321', strategy.credentials['refresh_token'] assert_equal ten_mins_from_now, strategy.credentials['expires_at'] end test 'does not return the refresh token when test is nil and expiring' do @access_token.stubs(:expires?).returns(true) @access_token.stubs(:refresh_token).returns(nil) assert_nil strategy.credentials['refresh_token'] refute_has_key 'refresh_token', strategy.credentials end test 'does not return the refresh token when not expiring' do @access_token.stubs(:expires?).returns(false) @access_token.stubs(:refresh_token).returns('XXX') assert_nil strategy.credentials['refresh_token'] refute_has_key 'refresh_token', strategy.credentials end end class ExtraTest < StrategyTestCase def setup super @raw_info = { 'name' => 'Fred Smith' } strategy.stubs(:raw_info).returns(@raw_info) end test 'extra is not empty' do refute_empty(strategy.extra) end test 'contains raw info' do assert_has_key "raw_info", strategy.extra assert_equal({ 'raw_info' => @raw_info }, strategy.extra) end end # module SignedRequestHelpers # def signed_request(payload, secret) # encoded_payload = base64_encode_url(MultiJson.encode(payload)) # encoded_signature = base64_encode_url(signature(encoded_payload, secret)) # [encoded_signature, encoded_payload].join('.') # end # # def base64_encode_url(value) # Base64.encode64(value).tr('+/', '-_').gsub(/\n/, '') # end # # def signature(payload, secret, algorithm = # OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(algorithm, secret, payload) # end # end module SignedRequestTests # class TestCase < StrategyTestCase # include SignedRequestHelpers # end # class CookieAndParamNotPresentTest < TestCase # test 'is nil' do # assert_nil strategy.send(:signed_request_from_cookie) # end # # test 'throws an error on calling build_access_token' do # assert_raises(OmniAuth::Strategies::IrmHealth::NoAuthorizationCodeError) { strategy.send(:with_authorization_code!) {} } # end # end # class CookiePresentTest < TestCase # def setup(algo = nil) # super() # @payload = { # 'algorithm' => algo || 'HMAC-SHA256', # 'code' => 'm4c0d3z', # 'issued_at' =>, # 'user_id' => '123456' # } # # @request.stubs(:cookies).returns({"fbsr_#{@client_id}" => signed_request(@payload, @client_secret)}) # end # # test 'parses the access code out from the cookie' do # assert_equal @payload, strategy.send(:signed_request_from_cookie) # end # # test 'throws an error if the algorithm is unknown' do # setup('UNKNOWN-ALGO') # assert_equal "unknown algorithm: UNKNOWN-ALGO", assert_raises(OmniAuth::Strategies::IrmHealth::UnknownSignatureAlgorithmError) { strategy.send(:signed_request_from_cookie) }.message # end # end # class EmptySignedRequestTest < TestCase # def setup # super # @request.stubs(:params).returns({'signed_request' => ''}) # end # # test 'empty param' do # assert_equal nil, strategy.send(:signed_request_from_cookie) # end # end # class MissingCodeInParamsRequestTest < TestCase # def setup # super # @request.stubs(:params).returns({}) # end # # test 'calls fail! when a code is not included in the params' do # strategy.expects(:fail!).times(1).with(:no_authorization_code, kind_of(Exception)) # strategy.callback_phase # end # end # class MissingCodeInCookieRequestTest < TestCase # def setup(algo = nil) # super() # @payload = { # 'algorithm' => algo || 'HMAC-SHA256', # 'code' => nil, # 'issued_at' =>, # 'user_id' => '123456' # } # # @request.stubs(:cookies).returns({"fbsr_#{@client_id}" => signed_request(@payload, @client_secret)}) # end # # test 'calls fail! when a code is not included in the cookie' do # strategy.expects(:fail!).times(1).with(:no_authorization_code, kind_of(Exception)) # strategy.callback_phase # end # end end