=== 0.2.2 / 2009-03-26
* Split out Ronin::Chars into the Chars library.
* Split out ronin-overlay and ronin-ext sub-commands into the Ronin Gen
* Require chars >= 0.1.0.
* Require repertoire >= 0.2.1.
* Removed String#to_method_name, use Extlib instead.
* Refactored Ronin::Platform::Overlay.
* Renamed Overlay#media_type to Overlay#media.
* Fixed parsing bugs in Overlay#initialize_metadata.
* Allow Extensions to be accessed via constants.
* Added the Creative Commons Zero license to Ronin::License.
* Added the Integer#bytes method.
* Added the String#hex_unescape method.
* Added the String#unhexdump method.
* Added Ronin::Static for managing static resources.
* Added Ronin::Static::Finders for searching for static files.
* Added static directories to Overlays and Extensions.
* Added ronin/platform/tasks:
* Added ronin/platform/tasks/spec task for running RSpec tests in an
* Added the ExtensionCache#reload! method.
* Added more specs.
=== 0.2.1 / 2009-02-23
* Added Ronin::UI::Verbose.
* Require Nokogiri >= 1.2.0:
* Use Nokogiri::XML, instead of REXML, for XML parsing and building.
* Renamed String#inspect to String#dump.
* Aliased String#inspect to String#dump.
* Rewrote Ronin::UI::CommandLine.
* Removed Ronin::UI::CommandLine::Options.command.
* Refactored Ronin::UI::CommandLine::Command.
* Added Command#defaults method to give the command's variables
default values.
* Fixed a bug in Command.run.
* Renamed DefaultCommand to ConsoleCommand.
* Implement git style sub-commands.
* Use reverse-require to find sub-commands.
* Refactored Ronin::UI::ParamParser.
* Control parameter formats and their parsers with ParamParser.recognize.
* Rewrote the Ronin::Chars spec.
* Updated the Ronin::UI::ParamParser spec.
=== 0.2.0 / 2009-02-06
* Moved the HTML formatting methods into the
{ronin-html}[http://ronin.rubyforge.org/html/] library.
* Added 'ronin/environment' which loads the Ronin Environment.
* Added the --database option to the DefaultCommand.
* Added the -C option to the add, install, list, update, remove and
uninstall commands.
* Added String#hex_escape.
* Added Net.http_ok?.
* Added UI::Diagnostics.
* Require Contextify >= 0.1.2 for the self.load_context_block method.
* Renamed Platform to Ronin::OS.
* Renamed Cache to Ronin::Platform.
* Refactored Ronin::Platform:
* Added Overlay#activate!.
* Added Overlay#deactivate!.
* Added a title attribute to Ronin::Platform::Overlay.
* Added a dirty flag to Ronin::Platform::OverlayCache to reduce
unnecessary writes.
* Added OverlayCache#has_extension?.
* Added Ronin::Platform::ObjectCache to handle the mass caching/mirroring
of object contexts.
* Added Platform.add.
* Added Platform.install.
* Added Platform.update.
* Added Platform.remove.
* Added Platform.uninstall.
* Added Platform::Extension#find_paths.
* Added specs for:
* Ronin::Platform.
* Ronin::Platform::Overlay.
* Ronin::Platform::OverlayCache.
* Ronin::Platform::Extension.
* Ronin::Platform::ExtensionCache.
* Shortened method names.
* Renamed OverlayCache#has_overlay? to OverlayCache#has?.
* Renamed OverlayCache#get_overlay to OverlayCache#get.
* Renamed OverlayCache#overlay_with to OverlayCache#with.
* Renamed Extension#was_setup? to Extension#setup?.
* Renamed Extension#was_toredown? to Extension#toredown?.
* Renamed Extension#perform_setup to Extension#setup!.
* Renamed Extension#perform_teardown to Extension#teardown!.
* Removed un-used or surpurfulous methods.
* Removed 'lib/ronin/platform/config.rb'.
* Allow Overlays to have their own lib/ directories.
* Many bug fixes.
* Updated the README.txt.
* Fixed bug in UI::Console.auto_load and UI::Console.start.
=== 0.1.4 / 2009-01-22
* Moved Ronin::Web and Ronin::Sessions::Web into the ronin-web library.
* Removed dependencies to hpricot, mechanize, spidr and rack.
* Moved Hexdump into the Ronin::UI namespace.
* Require parameters >= 0.1.3:
* Parameters 0.1.3 adds support for using lambdas as the default values
of parameters.
* Temporarily added Ronin::Model.first_or_new:
* Will be removed once dkubb's version of first_or_new is merged into
* Added the File.write method.
* Added specs for String#format_http and String#format_html.
* Fixed a formatting bug in String#format_chars and String#format_bytes.
* Fixed typos.
* Automatically load 'ronin/ui/hexdump' when starting the
=== 0.1.3 / 2009-01-08
* Moved Context into the Contextify library.
* Require dm-core >= 0.9.9.
* Require dm-predefined >= 0.1.0.
* Require parameters >= 0.1.2.
* Require contextify >= 0.1.0.
* Require reverse-require >= 0.3.1.
* Renamed Ronin::ObjectContext to Ronin::Objectify.
* Added the MIT license to the Ronin::License model, using dm-predefined.
* Added Ronin::HasLicense mixin for adding licenses to a model.
* Added Net.tcp_send and Ronin::Sessions::TCP#tcp_send for quickly sending
data through a TCP connection then closing it.
* Added Ronin::UI::CommandLine::ParamParser for parsing command-line
options into a Hash of parameters.
* Automatically create the ~/.ronin/config/ directory.
* Refactored Ronin::Objectify and how it uses primary keys.
* All Ronin::Session mixins use standard naming conventions for defining
the 'host' and 'port' parameters.
* Removed Ronin::Cache::Extension dependencies.
* Filter out the 'objects' directory from Ronin::Cache::Overlay#extensions.
* Improved tearing down of Extensions at exit.
* Improved output formatting of the +list+ sub-command.
* Ronin::UI::CommandLine.run now prints any exceptions and exits.
* Cleaned up the specs.
* Added more specs.
* Added more documentation.
=== 0.1.2 / 2008-12-10
* Require do_sqlite3 >= 0.9.9, since version 0.9.8 was totally broken.
* Require reverse-require >= 0.2.0, for improved performance.
* Require Spidr >= 0.1.3.
* Moved Ronin::Parameters into the parameters 0.1.0 RubyGem.
* Added a Ronin::Hexdump module:
* Provides Ronin::Hexdump.dump and Kernel#hexdump, which can hexdump any
object that supports the #each_byte method.
* Refactored Ronin::Chars::CharSet:
* Now inherites the SortedSet class.
* Stores chars as bytes.
* Added a Ronin::Chars::CharSet#=~ operator, for determining if a String
exists in the language over the alphabet represented by the character
* Added a Ronin::Chars::CharSet#inspect method which prints C-like
* Added a String#inspect method which prints C-like strings.
* Added a String#xor method (it might come in handy).
* Renamed Ronin::Encoders::Encoder to Ronin::Translators::Translator.
* Added URI::QueryParams#each_query_param.
* Added extensions to Hpricot, for comparing two Hpricot Element trees.
* Added the Ronin::Web.spider_agent, Ronin::Web.spider_host and
Ronin::Web.spider_site methods.
* Added Ronin::Code::SymbolTable#symbols.
* Added a basic Ronin::Code::Emittable module and a Ronin::Code::Token
* Renamed Ronin::ObjectContext.object_contextify to
* Merged the Ronin::Environment module into the Ronin::Config module.
* Refactored the Ronin::Shell class.
* Refactored the Ronin::Runner::Program module.
* Created the Ronin::UI namespace, to contain all things User Interfacing:
* Moved Ronin::Console and Ronin::Shell into the UI namespace.
* Renamed Ronin::Runner::Program to Ronin::UI::CommandLine.
* Added a Ronin::Cache::Overlay::Maintainer class to define maintainers of
an Ronin::Cache::Overlay and their contact information.
* Refactored the parsing of Overlay XML files.
* Added the sub-commands +overlay+ and +extension+ for generating skeleton
Overlays and Extensions.
* Added a XSL file for generating pretty HTML from Overlay XML files.
* Added even more specs.
* More typo and documentation fixes.
=== 0.1.1 / 2008-10-26
* Depend on the newly renamed reverse-require (>= 0.1.2) gem.
* Added Ronin::Code::SymbolTable for DSLs to make use of.
* Added String#common_prefix, String#common_postfix and
String#uncommon_substring, which will be useful when testing for
successful injections.
* Added DataMapper column indexes to Author.name, Product.name, Platform.os
and Platform.version.
* Renamed String#rand_case to String#random_case.
* Removed the Ronin::Runner namespace, renaming the Ronin::Runner::Program
namespace to Ronin::Program.
=== 0.1.0 / 2008-09-28
* Changed how Sessions are setup.
* Have Ronin use it's own DataMapper Repository name-space to avoid
conflicts with other DataMapper libraries.
* Added the Ronin::Parameters#set_params methods.
* Added specs.
* Fixed various trivial bugs.
=== 0.0.9 / 2008-08-20
* Initial release.
* Supports installing/updating/uninstalling of Overlays.
* Supports accessing Overlays from various media types:
* Darcs
* Subversion (SVN)
* Git
* Rsync
* Allows for the loading of Extensions from one or more Overlays.
* Provides a persistant Database using DataMapper.
* Caches and mirrors objects stored in Overlays using DataMapper.
* Provides convievance methods for:
* Formating data:
* Binary
* URIs
* Generating random text.
* Networking:
* Imap
* Telnet
* Web access (utilizing Mechanize and Hpricot).
* Provides an IRB styled console with:
* Tab-completion enabled.
* Auto-indentation enabled.
* Pretty-Print loaded.