# Header
## Introduction
The header component is used at the top of every GOV.UK page, to help users navigate.
## Guidance
Find out when to use the header component in your service in the [GOV.UK Design System](https://design-system.service.gov.uk/components/header).
## Quick start examples
### Header
[Preview this example in the Frontend review app](http://govuk-frontend-review.herokuapp.com/components/header/preview)
#### Markup
Name | Type | Required | Description |
homepageUrl | string | No | The url of the homepage. Defaults to / |
assetsPath | string | No | The public path for the assets folder. If not provided it defaults to /assets/images |
productName | string | No | Header title that is placed next to GOV.UK. Used for product names (i.e. Pay, Verify) |
serviceName | string | No | Header title that is placed next to GOV.UK. Used for product names (i.e. Pay, Verify) |
serviceUrl | string | No | Url for the service name anchor. |
navigation | array | No | An array of navigation item objects. |
navigation.{}.text | string | No | Text of the navigation item. |
navigation.{}.href | string | No | Url of the navigation item anchor. Both `href` and `text` attributes for navigation items need to be provided to create an item. |
navigation.{}.active | boolean | No | Flag to mark the navigation item as active or not. |
navigationClasses | string | No | Optional classes that can be added to the navigation section of the header. |
containerClasses | string | No | Optional classes that can be added to the container, useful if you want to make the header fixed width. |
classes | string | No | Optional additional classes to add to the header container. |
attributes | object | No | Any extra HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the header container. |