import { kebabCase, camelCase, mapValues, keyBy } from "@helpers/lang"; import { castAttributeValue } from "@helpers/dom"; import { setData } from "@helpers/alpine"; export default function (Alpine) { Alpine.directive( "options", (el, { expression }, { evaluate, effect, cleanup }) => { // Extract the names of options to bind to from the directive // expression: `x-options="['option-name', 'another-option']"` const optionNames = evaluate(expression); const optionsData = buildOptionsData(el, optionNames); const optionAttrs = => option.attr); // Add `.$options` property to provide the component // with access to the (live, reactive) options values. const data = setData( el, Alpine.reactive({ $options: toPairs(optionsData), }) ); // Ensure data-attribute values are kept in sync with `$options` // property values: effect(() => { Object.entries(data.$options).forEach(([key, value]) => { Alpine.mutateDom(() => { const attrName = `data-${kebabCase(key)}`; if (value === null) { el.removeAttribute(attrName); } else { el.setAttribute(attrName, value); } }); }); }); // Create an attribute observer to watch for external changes to // component attributes and to update the options data object accordingly. const attrObserver = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => { for (const mutation of mutationsList) { const attrName = mutation.attributeName; if ( mutation.type !== "attributes" || !optionAttrs.includes(attrName) ) { return; } const value =; const option = camelCase(attrName.replace("data-", "")); data.$options[option] = castAttributeValue(value); } }).observe(el, { attributes: true }); // Cleanup when we are done... cleanup(() => { attrObserver && attrObserver.disconnect(); }); } ).before("bind"); } // Build an array of objects with normalized // attribute names, component keys and the initial value // of the option (if the data-attribute is present). function buildOptionsData(el, optionNames) { return => { const key = camelCase(name); const attr = `data-${kebabCase(name)}`; // Values are crudely type-cast into booleans, integers // and strings. Good enough to cover the majority of use cases. let value = null; if (el.hasAttribute(attr)) { const strValue = el.getAttribute(attr); value = castAttributeValue(strValue); } return { name, key, attr, value }; }); } function toPairs(optionsData) { return mapValues(keyBy(optionsData, "key"), "value"); }