module Katello # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class Api::Registry::RegistryProxiesController < Api::V2::ApiController before_action :disable_strong_params before_action :confirm_settings skip_before_action :authorize before_action :optional_authorize, only: [:token, :catalog] before_action :registry_authorize, except: [:token, :v1_search, :catalog] before_action :authorize_repository_read, only: [:pull_manifest, :tags_list, :check_blob, :pull_blob] before_action :container_push_prop_validation, only: [:start_upload_blob, :upload_blob, :finish_upload_blob, :push_manifest] before_action :create_container_repo_if_needed, only: [:start_upload_blob, :upload_blob, :finish_upload_blob, :push_manifest] skip_before_action :check_media_type, only: [:start_upload_blob, :upload_blob, :finish_upload_blob, :push_manifest] wrap_parameters false around_action :repackage_message def repackage_message yield ensure response.headers['Docker-Distribution-API-Version'] = 'registry/2.0' end rescue_from RestClient::Exception do |e| Rails.logger.error pp_exception(e) if request_from_katello_cli? render json: { errors: [e.http_body] }, status: e.http_code else render plain: e.http_body, status: e.http_code end end def redirect_authorization_headers response.headers['Docker-Distribution-API-Version'] = 'registry/2.0' response.headers['Www-Authenticate'] = "Bearer realm=\"#{request_url}/v2/token\"," \ "service=\"#{}\"," \ "scope=\"repository:registry:pull,push\"" end def set_user_by_token(token, redirect_on_failure = true) if token token_type, token = token.split if token_type == 'Bearer' && token personal_token = PersonalAccessToken.find_by_token(token) if personal_token && !personal_token.expired? User.current = User.unscoped.find(personal_token.user_id) return true if User.current end elsif token_type == 'Basic' && token return true if authorize redirect_authorization_headers if redirect_on_failure return false end end false end def optional_authorize @repository = find_scope_repository if @repository && (@repository.environment.registry_unauthenticated_pull || ssl_client_authorized?(@repository.organization.label)) true elsif params['action'] == 'catalog' set_user_by_token(request.headers['Authorization'], false) elsif (params['action'] == 'token' && params['scope'].blank? && params['account'].blank?) true else authorize end end def registry_authorize @repository = find_readable_repository return true if ['GET', 'HEAD'].include?(request.method) && @repository && !require_user_authorization? is_user_set = set_user_by_token(request.headers['Authorization']) return true if is_user_set redirect_authorization_headers render_error('unauthorized', :status => :unauthorized) return false end def container_push_prop_validation(props = nil) # Handle validation and repo creation for container pushes before talking to pulp props = parse_blob_push_props if props.nil? return false unless check_blob_push_field_syntax(props) # validate input and find the org and product either using downcase label or id if props[:schema] == "label" return false unless check_blob_push_org_label(props) return false unless check_blob_push_product_label(props) else return false unless check_blob_push_org_id(props) return false unless check_blob_push_product_id(props) end return false unless check_blob_push_container(props) true end def parse_blob_push_props(path_string = nil) # path string should follow one of these formats: # - /v2/{org_label}/{product_label}/{name}/blobs/uploads... # - /v2/id/{org_id}/{product_id}/{name}/blobs/uploads... # - /v2/{org_label}/{product_label}/{name}/manifests/... # - /v2/id/{org_id}/{product_id}/{name}/manifests/... # inputs not matching format will return {valid_format: false} path_string = @_request.fullpath if path_string.nil? segments = path_string.split('/') if segments.length >= 7 && segments[0] == "" && segments[1] == "v2" && segments[2] != "id" && (segments[5] == "blobs" || segments[5] == "manifests") return { valid_format: true, schema: "label", organization: segments[2], product: segments[3], name: segments[4], } elsif segments.length >= 8 && segments[0] == "" && segments[1] == "v2" && segments[2] == "id" && (segments[6] == "blobs" || segments[6] == "manifests") return { valid_format: true, schema: "id", organization: segments[3], product: segments[4], name: segments[5], } else return {valid_format: false} end end def check_blob_push_field_syntax(props) # check basic url field syntax unless props[:valid_format] return render_podman_error( "NAME_INVALID", _("Invalid format. Container pushes should follow 'organization_label/product_label/name' OR 'id/organization_id/product_id/name' schema."), :bad_request ) end return true end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def check_blob_push_org_label(props) org_label = props[:organization] unless org_label.present? && org_label.length > 0 return render_podman_error( "NAME_INVALID", _("Invalid format. Organization label cannot be blank."), :bad_request ) end org = Organization.where("LOWER(label) = '#{org_label}'") # convert to lowercase # reject ambiguous orgs (possible due to lowercase conversion) if org.length > 1 # Determine if the repo already exists in one of the possible products. If yes, # inform the user they need to destroy the existing repo and use the ID format unless props[:product].blank? || props[:name].blank? org.each do |o| products = get_matching_products_from_org(o, props[:product]) products.each do |prod| root_repos = get_root_repo_from_product(prod, props[:name]) unless root_repos.empty? return render_podman_error( "NAME_INVALID", _("Due to a change in your organizations, this container name has become "\ "ambiguous (org name '%{org_label}'). If you wish to continue using this "\ "container name, destroy the organization in conflict with '%{o_name} (id "\ "%{o_id}). If you wish to keep both orgs, destroy '%{o_label}/%{prod_label}/"\ "%{root_repo_label}' and retry your push using the id format.") % { org_label: org_label, o_name:, o_id:, o_label: o.label, prod_label: prod.label, root_repo_label: root_repos.first.label }, :conflict ) end end end end # Otherwise tell them to try pushing with ID format return render_podman_error( "NAME_INVALID", _("Organization label '%s' is ambiguous. Try using an id-based container name.") % org_label, :conflict ) end if org.length == 0 return render_podman_error( "NAME_UNKNOWN", _("Organization not found: '%s'") % org_label, :not_found ) end @organization = org.first true end def check_blob_push_org_id(props) org_id = props[:organization] unless org_id.present? && org_id == org_id.to_i.to_s return render_podman_error( "NAME_INVALID", _("Invalid format. Organization id must be an integer without leading zeros."), :bad_request ) end @organization = Organization.find_by_id(org_id.to_i) if @organization.nil? return render_podman_error( "NAME_UNKNOWN", _("Organization id not found: '%s'") % org_id, :not_found ) end true end def check_blob_push_product_label(props) prod_label = props[:product] unless prod_label.present? && prod_label.length > 0 return render_podman_error( "NAME_INVALID", _("Invalid format. Product label cannot be blank."), :bad_request ) end product = get_matching_products_from_org(@organization, prod_label) # reject ambiguous products (possible due to lowercase conversion) if product.length > 1 # Determine if the repo already exists in one of the possible products. If yes, # inform the user they need to destroy the existing repo and use the ID format unless props[:name].blank? product.each do |prod| root_repos = get_root_repo_from_product(prod, props[:name]) unless root_repos.empty? return render_podman_error( "NAME_INVALID", _("Due to a change in your products, this container name has become ambiguous "\ "(product name '%{prod_label}'). If you wish to continue using this container "\ "name, destroy the product in conflict with '%{prod_name}' (id %{prod_id}). If "\ "you wish to keep both products, destroy '%{org_label}/%{prod_dot_label}/"\ "%{root_repo_label}' and retry your push using the id format.") % { prod_label: prod_label, prod_name:, prod_id:, org_label: @organization.label, prod_dot_label: prod.label, root_repo_label: root_repos.first.label }, :conflict ) end end end return render_podman_error( "NAME_INVALID", _("Product label '%s' is ambiguous. Try using an id-based container name.") % prod_label, :conflict ) end if product.length == 0 return render_podman_error( "NAME_UNKNOWN", _("Product not found: '%s'") % prod_label, :not_found ) end @product = product.first true end def check_blob_push_product_id(props) prod_id = props[:product] unless prod_id.present? && prod_id == prod_id.to_i.to_s return render_podman_error( "NAME_INVALID", _("Invalid format. Product id must be an integer without leading zeros."), :bad_request ) end @product = @organization.products.find_by_id(prod_id.to_i) if @product.nil? return render_podman_error( "NAME_UNKNOWN", _("Product id not found: '%s'") % prod_id, :not_found ) end true end def get_matching_products_from_org(organization, product_label) return organization.products.where("LOWER(label) = '#{product_label}'") # convert to lowercase end def get_root_repo_from_product(product, root_repo_name) return product.root_repositories.where(label: root_repo_name) end def root_repository @root_repository ||= get_root_repo_from_product(@product, @container_name)&.first @root_repository end def check_blob_push_container(props) unless props[:name].present? && props[:name].length > 0 return render_podman_error( "NAME_INVALID", _("Invalid format. Container name cannot be blank."), :bad_request ) end @container_name = props[:name] @container_push_name_format = props[:schema] if @container_push_name_format == "label" @container_path_input = "#{props[:organization]}/#{props[:product]}/#{props[:name]}" else @container_path_input = "id/#{props[:organization]}/#{props[:product]}/#{props[:name]}" end # If the repo already exists, check if the existing push format matches root_repo = get_root_repo_from_product(@product, @container_name).first if !root_repo.nil? && @container_push_name_format != root_repo.container_push_name_format return render_podman_error( "NAME_INVALID", _("Repository name '%{container_name}' already exists in this product using a different naming scheme. Please retry your request with the %{root_repo_container_push_name} format or destroy and recreate the repository using your preferred schema.") % {container_name: @container_name, root_repo_container_push_name: root_repo.container_push_name_format}, :conflict ) end true end def create_container_repo_if_needed unless @product.syncable? return render_podman_error( 'DENIED', _("Requested access to '%s' is denied") % @container_name, :not_found ) end if get_root_repo_from_product(@product, @container_name).empty? root = @product.add_repo( name: @container_name, label: @container_name, download_policy: 'immediate', content_type: Repository::DOCKER_TYPE, unprotected: true, is_container_push: true, container_push_name: @container_path_input, container_push_name_format: @container_push_name_format ) sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::CreateContainerPushRoot, root, @container_path_input) end end def save_pulp_push_repository_href instance_repo = root_repository&.library_instance unless root_repository.present? && instance_repo.present? return render_podman_error( "BLOB_UPLOAD_UNKNOWN", _("Could not locate local uploaded repository for content indexing."), :not_found ) end pulp_api = instance_repo.backend_service(SmartProxy.pulp_primary).api push_repo_api_response = pulp_api.container_push_repo_for_name(@container_path_input) latest_version_href = push_repo_api_response&.latest_version_href pulp_repo_href = push_repo_api_response&.pulp_href if latest_version_href.empty? || pulp_repo_href.empty? return render_podman_error( "BLOB_UPLOAD_UNKNOWN", _("Could not locate repository properties for content indexing."), :not_found ) end instance_repo.update!(version_href: latest_version_href) # The Pulp repository should not change after first creation if root_repository.repository_references.empty? ::Katello::Pulp3::RepositoryReference.where(root_repository_id: instance_repo.root_id, content_view_id:, repository_href: pulp_repo_href).create! end return pulp_repo_href end def save_pulp_push_distribution_href(pulp_repo_href) instance_repo = root_repository&.library_instance pulp_api = instance_repo.backend_service(SmartProxy.pulp_primary).api instance_repo = root_repository&.library_instance distribution_api_response = pulp_api.container_push_distribution_for_repository(pulp_repo_href) pulp_distribution_href = distribution_api_response&.pulp_href if pulp_distribution_href.empty? return render_podman_error( "BLOB_UPLOAD_UNKNOWN", _("Could not locate Pulp distribution."), :not_found ) end dist = ::Katello::Pulp3::DistributionReference.where(path: @container_path_input, href: pulp_distribution_href, repository_id: if dist if dist.href != pulp_distribution_href dist.update(href: pulp_distribution_href) end else ::Katello::Pulp3::DistributionReference.create!(path: @container_path_input, href: pulp_distribution_href, repository_id: end end def save_push_repo_hrefs # After content upload, save Pulp hrefs. pulp_repo_href = save_pulp_push_repository_href return unless pulp_repo_href save_pulp_push_distribution_href(pulp_repo_href) end def find_writable_repository Repository.docker_type.syncable.find_by_container_repository_name(params[:repository]) end def authorize_repository_write @repository = find_writable_repository return item_not_found(params[:repository]) unless @repository true end def find_readable_repository return nil unless params[:repository] repository = Repository.docker_type.find_by(container_repository_name: params[:repository]) if require_user_authorization?(repository) repository = Repository.readable_docker_catalog.find_by(container_repository_name: params[:repository]) end repository end def require_user_authorization?(repository = @repository) !(params['action'] == 'token' && params['scope'].blank? && params['account'].blank?) && (!repository || (!repository.archive? && !repository.environment.registry_unauthenticated_pull && !ssl_client_authorized?(repository.organization.label))) end def ssl_client_authorized?(org_label) request.headers['HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY'] == "SUCCESS" && request.headers['HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_S_DN'] == "O=#{org_label}" end def authorize_repository_read @repository = find_readable_repository return item_not_found(params[:repository]) unless @repository if params[:tag] if params[:tag][0..6] == 'sha256:' manifest = Katello::DockerManifestList.where(digest: params[:tag]).first || Katello::DockerManifest.where(digest: params[:tag]).first return item_not_found(params[:tag]) unless manifest else tag = ::Katello::DockerMetaTag.where(id: ::Katello::RepositoryDockerMetaTag. where(repository_id:, name: params[:tag]).first return item_not_found(params[:tag]) unless tag end end true end def token if !require_user_authorization? personal_token = 'unauthenticated', issued_at:, expires_at: 3.minutes.from_now) else personal_token = PersonalAccessToken.where(user_id:, name: 'registry').first if personal_token.nil? personal_token = User.current, name: 'registry', expires_at: 6.minutes.from_now) personal_token.generate_token! else personal_token.expires_at = 6.minutes.from_now! end end create_time = (personal_token.created_at || personal_token.issued_at).to_time expiry_time = personal_token.expires_at.to_time expiration_seconds = (expiry_time - create_time).to_int # result already in seconds response.headers['Docker-Distribution-API-Version'] = 'registry/2.0' render json: { token: personal_token.token, expires_in: expiration_seconds, issued_at: create_time.rfc3339, # We're keeping the 'expires_at' field for now to maintain compatibility with existing # smart-proxies during 4.11 upgrades. This is not a part of OAuth2 spec. # TODO - Remove 'expires_at' in Katello 4.13 or later. expires_at: expiry_time.rfc3339, } end def pull_manifest headers = {} env = do |key, _value| key.match("^HTTP_.*") end env.each do |header| headers[header[0].split('_')[1..].join('-')] = header[1] end if (manifest_response = redirect_client { Resources::Registry::Proxy.get(@_request.fullpath, headers) }) response.header['Docker-Content-Digest'] = manifest_response.headers[:docker_content_digest] response.headers['Content-Type'] = manifest_response.headers[:content_type] response.header['Content-Length'] = manifest_response.headers[:content_length] render json: manifest_response end end def check_blob pulp_response = Resources::Registry::Proxy.get(@_request.fullpath, 'Accept' => request.headers['Accept']) head pulp_response.code end def redirect_client return yield rescue RestClient::Exception => exception if [301, 302, 307].include?(exception.response.code) redirect_to exception.response.headers[:location] nil else raise exception end end def pull_blob headers = {} headers['Accept'] = request.headers['Accept'] if request.headers['Accept'] redirect_client { Resources::Registry::Proxy.get(@_request.fullpath, headers, max_redirects: 0) } end def translated_headers_for_proxy current_headers = {} env = do |key, _value| key.match("^HTTP_.*") end env.each do |header| current_headers[header[0].split('_')[1..].join('-')] = header[1] end current_headers end def start_upload_blob headers = translated_headers_for_proxy headers['Content-Type'] = request.headers['Content-Type'] if request.headers['Content-Type'] headers['Content-Length'] = request.headers['Content-Length'] if request.headers['Content-Length'] pulp_response =, @_request.body, headers) pulp_response.headers.each do |key, value| response.header[key.to_s] = value end save_push_repo_hrefs if pulp_response.code.between?(200, 299) head pulp_response.code end def upload_blob headers = translated_headers_for_proxy headers['Content-Type'] = request.headers['Content-Type'] if request.headers['Content-Type'] headers['Content-Range'] = request.headers['Content-Range'] if request.headers['Content-Range'] headers['Content-Length'] = request.headers['Content-Length'] if request.headers['Content-Length'] body = pulp_response = Resources::Registry::Proxy.patch(@_request.fullpath, body, headers) pulp_response.headers.each do |key, value| response.header[key.to_s] = value end save_push_repo_hrefs if pulp_response.code.between?(200, 299) head pulp_response.code end def finish_upload_blob headers = translated_headers_for_proxy headers['Content-Type'] = request.headers['Content-Type'] if request.headers['Content-Type'] headers['Content-Range'] = request.headers['Content-Range'] if request.headers['Content-Range'] headers['Content-Length'] = request.headers['Content-Length'] if request.headers['Content-Length'] pulp_response = Resources::Registry::Proxy.put(@_request.fullpath, @_request.body, headers) pulp_response.headers.each do |key, value| response.header[key.to_s] = value end save_push_repo_hrefs if pulp_response.code.between?(200, 299) head pulp_response.code end def push_manifest headers = translated_headers_for_proxy headers['Content-Type'] = request.headers['Content-Type'] if request.headers['Content-Type'] body = pulp_response = Resources::Registry::Proxy.put(@_request.fullpath, body, headers) pulp_response.headers.each do |key, value| response.header[key.to_s] = value end save_push_repo_hrefs if pulp_response.code.between?(200, 299) # Indexing content is only needed after pushing manifests root_repository.library_instance.index_content head pulp_response.code end def ping response.headers['Docker-Distribution-API-Version'] = 'registry/2.0' render json: {}, status: :ok end def v1_ping head :ok end def v1_search # Checks for v2 client and issues a 404 in that case. Podman # examines the response from a /v1_search request. If the result # is a 4XX, it will then proceed with a request to /_catalog if request.headers['HTTP_DOCKER_DISTRIBUTION_API_VERSION'] == 'registry/2.0' render json: {}, status: :not_found return end authenticate # to set current_user, not to enforce options = { resource_class: Katello::Repository, } params[:per_page] = params[:n] || 25 params[:search] = params[:q] search_results = scoped_search(Repository.readable_docker_catalog.distinct, :container_repository_name, :asc, options) results = { num_results: search_results[:subtotal], query: params[:search], } results[:results] = search_results[:results].collect do |repository| { name: repository[:container_repository_name], description: repository[:description] } end render json: results, status: :ok end def catalog repositories = Repository.readable_docker_catalog.collect do |repository| repository.container_repository_name end render json: { repositories: repositories } end def tags_list tags = @repository.docker_tags.collect do |tag| end tags.uniq! tags.sort! render json: { name: @repository.container_repository_name, tags: tags, } end def create_manifest filename = tmp_file('manifest.json') if File.exist? filename render_error('custom_error', :status => :unprocessable_entity, :locals => { :message => "Upload already in progress" }) return nil end manifest ='manifest.json'), 'wb', 0600) do |file| file.write manifest end manifest = JSON.parse(manifest) rescue File.delete(tmp_file('manifest.json')) if File.exist? tmp_file('manifest.json') end def get_manifest_files(repository, manifest) files = ['manifest.json'] case manifest['schemaVersion'] when 1 if manifest['fsLayers'] files += manifest['fsLayers'].collect do |layer| layerfile = "#{layer['blobSum'][7..]}.tar" force_include_layer(repository, layer['blobSum'], layerfile) layerfile end end when 2 if manifest['layers'] files += manifest['layers'].collect do |layer| layerfile = "#{layer['digest'][7..]}.tar" force_include_layer(repository, layer['digest'], layerfile) layerfile end end files << "#{manifest['config']['digest'][7..]}.tar" else render_error 'custom_error', :status => :internal_server_error, :locals => { :message => "Unsupported schema #{manifest['schemaVersion']}" } return nil end files end def create_tar_file(files, repository, tag) tar_file = "#{repository}_#{tag}.tar" `/usr/bin/tar cf #{tmp_file(tar_file)} -C #{tmp_dir} #{files.join(' ')}` files.each do |file| filename = tmp_file(file) File.delete(filename) if File.exist? filename end tar_file end def tmp_dir "#{Rails.root}/tmp" end def tmp_file(filename) File.join(tmp_dir, filename) end # TODO: Until pulp supports optional upload of layers, include all layers # def force_include_layer(repository, digest, layer) unless File.exist? tmp_file(layer) logger.debug "Getting blob #{digest} to write to #{layer}" fullpath = "/v2/#{repository}/blobs/#{digest}" request = Resources::Registry::Proxy.get(fullpath), 'wb', 0600) do |file| file.write request.body end logger.debug "Wrote blob #{digest} to #{layer}" end end def find_scope_repository scope = params['scope'] return nil unless scope scopes = scope.split(':') scopes[2] == 'pull' ? Repository.docker_type.non_archived.find_by_container_repository_name(scopes[1]) : nil end def disable_strong_params params.permit! end def confirm_settings if SETTINGS.dig(:katello, :container_image_registry) || SmartProxy.pulp_primary&.pulp3_repository_type_support?(::Katello::Repository::DOCKER_TYPE) return true end render_error('custom_error', :status => :not_found, :locals => { :message => "Registry not configured" }) end def request_url request.protocol + request.host_with_port end def logger ::Foreman::Logging.logger('katello/registry_proxy') end def route_name Engine.routes.router.recognize(request) do |_, params| break params[:action] if params[:action] end end def process_action(method_name, *args) ::Api::V2::BaseController.instance_method(:process_action).bind(self).call(method_name, *args) Rails.logger.debug "With body: #{filter_sensitive_data(response.body)}\n" unless route_name == 'pull_blob' end def render_podman_error(code, message, status = :bad_request) # Renders a podman-compatible error and returns false. # code: uppercase string code from opencontainer error code spec: # # message: a custom error string # status: a symbol in the 400 block of the rails response code table: # render json: {errors: [{code: code, message: message}]}, status: status false end def item_not_found(item) render_podman_error("NAME_UNKNOWN", _("%s was not found!") % item, :not_found) end end end