# frozen_string_literal: true class Avo::FieldWrapperComponent < ViewComponent::Base attr_reader :dash_if_blank attr_reader :compact attr_reader :field attr_reader :form attr_reader :full_width attr_reader :resource attr_reader :view def initialize( dash_if_blank: true, data: {}, compact: false, help: nil, # do we really need it? field: nil, form: nil, full_width: false, label: nil, # do we really need it? resource: nil, short: false, stacked: nil, style: "", view: :show, **args ) @args = args @classes = args[:class].present? ? args[:class] : "" @dash_if_blank = dash_if_blank @data = data @compact = compact @help = help @field = field @form = form @full_width = full_width @label = label @resource = resource @action = field.action @short = short @stacked = stacked @style = style @view = view end def classes(extra_classes = "") "field-wrapper relative flex flex-col grow pb-2 md:pb-0 leading-tight min-h-14 h-full #{stacked? ? "field-wrapper-layout-stacked" : "field-wrapper-layout-inline md:flex-row md:items-center"} #{compact? ? "field-wrapper-size-compact" : "field-wrapper-size-regular"} #{full_width? ? "field-width-full" : "field-width-regular"} #{@classes || ""} #{extra_classes || ""} #{@field.get_html(:classes, view: view, element: :wrapper)}" end def style "#{@style} #{@field.get_html(:style, view: view, element: :wrapper)}" end def label @label || @field.name end delegate :show?, :edit?, to: :view, prefix: :on def help Avo::ExecutionContext.new(target: @help || @field.help, record: record, resource: resource, view: view).handle end def record resource.present? ? resource.record : nil end def data attributes = { field_id: @field.id, field_type: @field.type, **@data } # Fetch the data attributes off the html option wrapper_data_attributes = @field.get_html :data, view: view, element: :wrapper if wrapper_data_attributes.present? attributes.merge! wrapper_data_attributes end # Add the built-in stimulus integration data tags. if @resource.present? add_stimulus_attributes_for(@resource, attributes) end if @action.present? add_stimulus_attributes_for(@action, attributes) end attributes end def stacked? # Override on the declaration level return @stacked unless @stacked.nil? # Fetch it from the field return field.stacked unless field.stacked.nil? # Fallback to defaults Avo.configuration.field_wrapper_layout == :stacked end def compact? @compact end def short? @short end def full_width? @full_width end private def add_stimulus_attributes_for(entity, attributes) entity.get_stimulus_controllers.split(" ").each do |controller| attributes["#{controller}-target"] = "#{@field.id.to_s.underscore}_#{@field.type.to_s.underscore}_wrapper".camelize(:lower) end end end