Module BinaryBlocker
In: lib/blocker.rb
GroupEncoder ListOfEncoder Blocker FixedArrayEncoder CountedArrayEncoder Encoder SimpleEncoder BitFieldEncoder OneOfEncoder PackedNumberEncoder PackedDateEncoder PackedDateTimeEncoder FixedStringEncoder FixedUTF16StringEncoder BinaryBlocker Module: BinaryBlocker


Classes and Modules

Class BinaryBlocker::BitFieldEncoder
Class BinaryBlocker::Blocker
Class BinaryBlocker::CountedArrayEncoder
Class BinaryBlocker::Encoder
Class BinaryBlocker::FixedArrayEncoder
Class BinaryBlocker::FixedStringEncoder
Class BinaryBlocker::FixedUTF16StringEncoder
Class BinaryBlocker::GroupEncoder
Class BinaryBlocker::ListOfEncoder
Class BinaryBlocker::OneOfEncoder
Class BinaryBlocker::PackedDateEncoder
Class BinaryBlocker::PackedDateTimeEncoder
Class BinaryBlocker::PackedNumberEncoder
Class BinaryBlocker::SimpleEncoder

Public Class methods


    # File lib/blocker.rb, line 15
15:     def klasses
16:       @klasses ||= {}
17:     end


    # File lib/blocker.rb, line 53
53:     def pack_symbols
54:       { 
55:         :int8   => 'c', 
56:         :uint8  => 'C',
57:         :int16  => 's',
58:         :uint16 => 'S',
59:         :int32  => 'i',   
60:         :uint32 => 'I',
61:         :int64  => 'q',    
62:         :uint64 => 'Q'
63:       }
64:     end

To simplify naming of classes and laying out fields in your structures they can be registered:

BinaryBlocker.register_klass(:string, FixedStringEncoder)


    # File lib/blocker.rb, line 23
23:     def register_klass(sym, klass)
24:       @klasses ||= {}
25:       @klasses[sym] = klass
26:     end

Handy helper method that returns the size of a given pack/unpack format string


    # File lib/blocker.rb, line 30
30:     def sizeof_format(format)
31:       length = 0
32:       format.scan(/(\S_?)\s*(\d*)/).each do |directive,count|
33:         count = count.to_i
34:         count = 1 if count == 0
36:         length += case directive
37:         when 'A', 'a', 'C', 'c', 'Z', 'x' : count
38:         when 'B', 'b' : (count / 8.0).ceil
39:         when 'D', 'd', 'E', 'G' : count * 8
40:         when 'e', 'F', 'f', 'g' : count * 4
41:         when 'H', 'h' : (count / 2.0).ceil
42:         when 'I', 'i', 'L', 'l', 'N', 'V' : count * 4
43:         when 'n', 'S', 's', 'v' : count * 2
44:         when 'Q', 'q' : count * 8
45:         when 'X' : count * -1
46:         else raise"#{directive} is not supported in sizeof_format")
47:         end
48:       end
50:       length
51:     end

As we have to process some fields to determine what type they are (that is we sometimes start and half to backup), this routine takes any io (that can be repositioned) and yields to a block — if the block returns not true it will reset the original position of the io stream. If you need to use BinaryBlocker with a non-repositioning stream (like a TCP/IP stream), see the handy BufferedIO class.


    # File lib/blocker.rb, line 72
72:     def with_guarded_io_pos(io)
73:       pos = io.pos
74:       status = yield io
75:     ensure
76:       io.pos = pos unless status
77:     end
