require 'test/unit' # require 'thread_frame' # To compare with previous version require_relative '../../ext/thread_frame' # Test source_location and source_container. class TestSpSize < Test::Unit::TestCase def sizes tf = RubyVM::ThreadFrame::current ary = [] 0.upto(2) do |i| ary << tf.sp_size tf = tf.prev end # Swap first two items. The item that generally # will vary is the a[0]. ary[0], ary[1] = ary[1], ary[0] # p ary return ary end def f0; return sizes end def f1; a=1; return sizes end def f1a(a) return sizes end def f2(a,b) return sizes end def test_sp_size f0_s = f0 f1_s = f1 f1a_s = f1a(1) f2_s = f2(1,2) assert_equal(f0_s[0]+1, f1_s[0]) assert_equal(f0_s[1..-1], f1_s[1..-1]) assert_equal(f1_s, f1a_s) assert_equal(f1_s[0]+1, f2_s[0]) assert_equal(f1_s[1..-1], f2_s[1..-1]) assert_raises ArgumentError do tf = RubyVM::ThreadFrame.current tf.sp_set(tf.sp_size, "Should not be able to set this.") end end end