#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'forwardable' require 'cache_method' require_relative 'internal/config_loader' require_relative 'workspaces' require_relative 'clients' # https://developers.asana.com/reference/timelines module Checkoff # Manages timelines of dependent tasks with dates and milestones class Timelines # @!parse # extend CacheMethod::ClassMethods MINUTE = 60 HOUR = MINUTE * 60 DAY = 24 * HOUR REALLY_LONG_CACHE_TIME = HOUR * 1 LONG_CACHE_TIME = MINUTE * 15 SHORT_CACHE_TIME = MINUTE # @param config [Hash] # @param workspaces [Checkoff::Workspaces] # @param sections [Checkoff::Sections] # @param tasks [Checkoff::Tasks] # @param clients [Checkoff::Clients] # @param client [Asana::Client] def initialize(config: Checkoff::Internal::ConfigLoader.load(:asana), workspaces: Checkoff::Workspaces.new(config: config), sections: Checkoff::Sections.new(config: config), tasks: Checkoff::Tasks.new(config: config), clients: Checkoff::Clients.new(config: config), client: clients.client) @workspaces = workspaces @sections = sections @tasks = tasks @client = client end # @param task [Asana::Resources::Task] # @param limit_to_portfolio_gid [String, nil] # @param project_name [String] def task_dependent_on_previous_section_last_milestone?(task, limit_to_portfolio_gid: nil) task_data = @tasks.task_to_h(task) # @sg-ignore # @type [Array Hash{String => String}}>] memberships_data = task_data.fetch('memberships') memberships_data.all? do |membership_data| # @type [Hash{String => String}] section_data = membership_data.fetch('section') section_gid = section_data.fetch('gid') section = @sections.section_by_gid(section_gid) task_data_dependent_on_previous_section_last_milestone?(task_data, section) end end # @param task [Asana::Resources::Task] def last_task_milestone_depends_on_this_task?(task) all_dependent_task_gids = @tasks.all_dependent_tasks(task).map(&:gid) task.memberships.all? do |membership_data| # @type [Hash{String => String}] section_data = membership_data.fetch('section') # @type [String] section_gid = section_data.fetch('gid') last_milestone = last_milestone_in_section(section_gid) next false if last_milestone.nil? next true if last_milestone.gid == task.gid all_dependent_task_gids.include? last_milestone.gid end end # @param section_gid [String] # # @return [Asana::Resources::Task,nil] def last_milestone_in_section(section_gid) # @type [Array] task_list = @sections.tasks_by_section_gid(section_gid, extra_fields: ['resource_subtype']).to_a last_task = task_list.last last_task&.resource_subtype == 'milestone' ? last_task : nil end private # @param task_data [Hash] # @param section [Asana::Resources::Section] # # @return [Boolean] def task_data_dependent_on_previous_section_last_milestone?(task_data, section) # @sg-ignore # @type [Array String}>] dependencies = task_data.fetch('dependencies') return false if dependencies.empty? previous_section = @sections.previous_section(section) return false if previous_section.nil? previous_section_last_milestone = last_milestone_in_section(previous_section.gid) return false if previous_section_last_milestone.nil? dependencies.any? { |dependency| dependency.fetch('gid') == previous_section_last_milestone.gid } end # @return [Checkoff::Workspaces] attr_reader :workspaces # @return [Asana::Client] attr_reader :client # bundle exec ./timelines.rb # :nocov: class << self # @return [void] def run # @sg-ignore # @type [String] # workspace_name = ARGV[0] || raise('Please pass workspace name as first argument') # @sg-ignore # @type [String] # timeline_name = ARGV[1] || raise('Please pass timeline name as second argument') # timelines = Checkoff::Timelines.new # timeline = timelines.timeline_or_raise(workspace_name, timeline_name) # puts "Results: #{timeline}" end end # :nocov: end end # :nocov: abs_program_name = File.expand_path($PROGRAM_NAME) Checkoff::Timelines.run if abs_program_name == File.expand_path(__FILE__) # :nocov: