module Optimacms module PageServices class PageRouteService def self.find_page_by_url(url, lang='') where_base = 'is_folder = 0 AND enabled = 1 AND ' order = 'url_parts_count DESC, url_vars_count ASC' if url.blank? where = where_base + 'url = \'\'' else #where = where_base + '\'' + url + '\' REGEXP parsed_url' where = where_base + '\'' + url + '\''+ " REGEXP parsed_url" end # result pagedata = pagedata.url = url # try 1 rows = Page.where(where).order(order).all = rows[0] if rows.count>0 # try 2 if && url.blank? where = where_base + "url = '#{lang}'" rows = Page.where(where).order(order).all = rows[0] if row.count>0 end return pagedata if # params from url pagedata.url_vars = get_url_vars(pagedata.url, # controller if pagedata.controller, pagedata.action = parse_controller_action( end pagedata end def self.parse_controller_action(s) m = s.match /^(\w+)#(\w+)$/ if m [m[1], m[2]] else return nil end end REGEX_VARIABLE = '[a-z\d\_]+' def self.parse_url(url) if url.blank? return '^$' end url_parts = url.split '/' a = [] i_part = 0 n_parts = url_parts.count is_last_optional = false url_parts.each do |part| i_part+=1 is_last_optional = false # check for brackets inside brackets return nil if part =~ /\{[^{}]*[{}][^{}]*\}/ # check if any single brackets or symbol $ without brackets or bracket without $ return nil if part =~ /(\{[^}]*$|^[^{]*\}|[^{]\$|\{[^\$])/ p = part # variables inside (...) - optional # last optional varible if i_part==n_parts # /^(:name)..$ # include last / as optional p_before = p.clone p.gsub! /^(\(\:#{REGEX_VARIABLE}\))([-\.]|$)/, '\/?([^/]+)*\2' is_last_optional = true if p!=p_before end p.gsub! /(\(\:#{REGEX_VARIABLE}\))([-\.]|$)/, '([^/]+)*\2' #if i_part>1 # add / to the beginning - / is optional too #p.gsub! /(\(\:#{REGEX_VARIABLE}\))([-\.]|$)/, '([^/]+)*\2' #else # the first param #p.gsub! /(\(\:#{REGEX_VARIABLE}\))([-\.]|$)/, '([^/]+)*\2' #end # variables #p.gsub! /\{\$[^}]+\}/, '([^/]+)' p.gsub! /(\:#{REGEX_VARIABLE})([-\.]|$)/, '([^/]+)\2' # escape system symbols # replace '.' p.sub! '.', '[.]' # if i_part>1 && !is_last_optional p = '/'+p end a << p end return '^'+a.join('')+'$' end def self.count_url_parts(url) url_parts = url.split '/' n = url_parts.count # if nothing after the last / n-=1 if url_parts.last == '' n end def self.count_url_vars(url) #m = url.scan /\{\$[^}]+\}/ m = url.scan /\:#{REGEX_VARIABLE}/ m.count end def self.get_url_vars(url, page_row) return {} if page_row.nil? return {} if url.blank? #parsed_url = page_row.parsed_url.sub '/', '\/' parsed_url = page_row.parsed_url #if (preg_match('/' . $parsed_url . '/', $url, $values_matches)) { m_params_in_url = url.scan /#{parsed_url}/ return nil if m_params_in_url.empty? values_matches = m_params_in_url[0] # search for variables in URL #keys_matches = page_row.url.scan /\{\$([^}\/]+)\}/ keys_matches = page_row.url.scan /\:(#{REGEX_VARIABLE})/ if !keys_matches.empty? keys_matches ={|r| r[0]} if keys_matches.count == values_matches.count res = {} values_matches.each_with_index do |val, key| res[keys_matches[key].to_sym] = val end #url_vars = array_combine($keys_matches, $values_matches); return res else #user_error('Keys and values has different number of elements'); return {} end elsif m_params_in_url.count == 0 # no variables found, and parsed_url has no variables => return empty [] return {} else # smth wrong return {} end end def self.make_url(u, params_extra={}) p ={|x| x.to_sym} p_used = [] res = u.gsub(/\:#{REGEX_VARIABLE}/) do |name| p_used << name[1..-1].to_sym (params_extra[name[1..-1].to_sym] || '') end # remove () res.gsub! /[\(\)]/, '' # add extra params p_not_used = p - p_used - [:controller, :action, :only_path, :url] # a_extra = [] p_not_used.each do |name| a_extra << "#{name}=#{(params_extra[name] || '')}" end if a_extra.length>0 res = res + '?'+a_extra.join('&') end # #res.gsub! /\?$/, '' res end end end end