AWS::EC2::Instance: Properties: AvailabilityZone: "\"ap-southeast-2\"" BlockDeviceMappings: | [ { "DeviceName" => "/dev/sda1", "Ebs" => { "DeleteOnTermination" => false, "Encrypted" => false, "Iops" => "1000", "SnapshotId" => "snap-xxxxx", "VolumeSize" => "100", "VolumeType" => "standard | io1 | gp2" } }, { "DeviceName" => "/dev/sde", "NoDevice" => {} }, { "DeviceName" => "/dev/sdc", "VirtualName" => "ephemeral0" } ] DisableApiTermination: "\"false\"" EbsOptimized: "\"false\"" IamInstanceProfile: "\"instance profile id\"" ImageId: "\"ami-xxxx\"" InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: "\"stop | terminate\"" InstanceType: "\"t2.small\"" KernelId: "\"your kernel Id\"" KeyName: "\"your ssh key name\"" Monitoring: "\"true\"" NetworkInterfaces: | [ { "AssociatePublicIpAddress" => false, "DeleteOnTermination" => true, "Description" => "service nic" , "DeviceIndex" => "1", "GroupSet" => [ "sg-xxxx", "sg-xxxx" ], "NetworkInterfaceId" => "An existing network interface ID.", "PrivateIpAddress" => "", "PrivateIpAddresses" => [ { "PrivateIpAddress" => "", "Primary" => true }, { "PrivateIpAddress" => "", "Primary" => false } ], "SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount" => "The number of secondary private IP addresses that Amazon EC2 auto assigns to the network interface. ", "SubnetId" => "sb-xxxxxx" } ] PlacementGroupName: "\"pg-xxxxx\"" PrivateIpAddress: "\"\"" RamdiskId: "\"ram-xxx\"" SecurityGroupIds: | [ "sg-xxx", "sg-xxx" ] # A list that contains the security group IDs for VPC security groups SecurityGroups: | ["sg-xxx", "sg-xxx"] # The list can contain both the name of existing Amazon EC2 security groups or references to AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup resources created in the template. SourceDestCheck: "\"true\"" SubnetId: "\"sb-xxxx\"" Tags: | [ { "Key" => "Name", "Value" => "Test EC2" } ] Tenancy: "\"default | dedicated\"" UserData: | FnBase64(FnJoin("/n", [ "/bin/bash", "exec 1<&-", "exec 2<&-", "exec 1<>/var/log/user-data.txt", "exec 2>&1" ])) Volumes: | [ { "Device" => "/dev/sda", "VolumeId" => "vol-xxxx" } ] AdditionalInfo: "\"reserved property for AWS\""