# TODO: remove OG graphiti debugger module GraphitiGql class LogSubscriber def self.subscribe!(activerecord: false) instance = LogSubscriber.new instance.subscribe!('resolve', :on_data) instance.subscribe!('schema.before_execute', :on_schema_before_execute) instance.subscribe!('schema.execute', :on_schema_execute) instance.subscribe!('resource.all', :on_resource_all) instance.subscribe!('association', :on_association) instance.subscribe!('before_stats', :on_before_stats) instance.subscribe!('after_stats', :on_after_stats) if activerecord ActiveSupport::Notifications .subscribe("sql.active_record", instance.method(:on_activerecord)) end end def initialize @chunks = {} end def subscribe!(name, method_name) ActiveSupport::Notifications .subscribe("#{name}.graphiti", method(method_name)) end def on_data(name, start, stop, id, payload) @resolving = false if payload[:exception] @error_on_resolve = true return end num_results = payload[:results].length klasses = payload[:results].map(&:class).map(&:name).uniq color = num_results == 0 ? :yellow : :green stmt = "#{indent} #{num_results} #{"result".pluralize(num_results)}" stmt << " of #{"type".pluralize(klasses.length)} #{klasses.to_sentence}" if num_results > 0 add_chunk(stmt, color, true) took = ((stop - start) * 1000.0).round(2) add_chunk("#{indent} Took: #{took}ms", :magenta, true) end def on_schema_before_execute(name, start, stop, id, payload) Graphiti.debug(payload[:query].strip_heredoc, :white, true) unless payload[:variables].empty? Graphiti.debug("✨ Variables: #{payload[:variables].inspect}", :yellow, true) end unless payload[:context].empty? Graphiti.debug("✨ Context: #{payload[:context].inspect}", :blue, true) end Graphiti.debug(%|💡 Debug tip! Override Resource#resolve: class YourResource < ApplicationResource # ... code ... def resolve(scope) debugger # if activerecord, call scope.to_sql/scope.to_a super end end|, :white, true) Graphiti.debug("🤠🚀🤠🚀🤠🚀🤠🚀🤠🚀🤠🚀🤠🚀🤠 Executing! 🤠🚀🤠🚀🤠🚀🤠🚀🤠🚀🤠🚀🤠🚀🤠", :white, true) end def on_schema_execute(name, start, stop, id, payload) if payload[:exception] || (response_errors = payload[:result]["errors"]) indent = indent(path: @last_association_path) add_chunk("#{indent}❌🚨❌🚨❌🚨❌ ERROR! ❌🚨❌🚨❌🚨❌", :red, true, path: @last_association_path) if @error_on_resolve add_chunk("#{indent}This error occurred while executing the above query, so it's likely not caused by Graphiti itself. Maybe bad SQL? Try running again and putting a debugger in this Resource's #resolve, or try to run the query independent of Graphiti/GraphQL.", :red, true, path: @last_association_path) end flush_chunks(@chunks) if response_errors Graphiti.info("❌🚨 Response contained errors!", :red, true) response_errors.each do |err| Graphiti.info("#{err['extensions']['code']} - #{err['message']}", :red, true) Graphiti.info("#{err['path'].join(".")}", :red, false) if err['path'] end end else flush_chunks(@chunks) took = ((stop - start) * 1000.0).round(2) Graphiti.info("✅ Completed successfully in #{took}ms", :magenta, true) end end def on_resource_all(name, start, stop, id, payload) @resolving = true params = payload[:params].inspect resource = payload[:resource].name if thin_path.length == 1 add_chunk("Query.#{thin_path.first}", :yellow, true) end add_chunk("#{indent}\\_ #{resource}.all(#{params})", :cyan, true) end def on_association(name, start, stop, id, payload) @last_association_path = thin_path sideload = payload[:sideload] add_chunk("#{indent}🔗 #{sideload.type} :#{sideload.name}", :white, true) end def on_before_stats(name, start, stop, id, payload) @stats = true add_chunk("#{indent}🔢 Calculating Statistics...", :yellow, true) end def on_after_stats(name, start, stop, id, payload) @stats = false took = ((stop - start) * 1000.0).round(2) add_chunk("#{indent}🔢 Done! Took #{took}ms", :yellow, true) end def on_activerecord(name, start, stop, id, payload) if @resolving || @stats sql = payload[:sql] unless sql.starts_with?('SHOW ') add_chunk("#{indent}#{sql}", :blue, true) end end end private def flush_chunks(chunks) chunks.each_pair do |_, value| value[:lines].each do |line| Graphiti.info(line[:text], line[:color], line[:bold]) end flush_chunks(value.except(:lines)) end end def add_chunk(text, color, bold, path: nil) path ||= thin_path current_chunks = @chunks path.each_with_index do |subpath, index| last = index == path.length - 1 line = { text: text, color: color, bold: bold } if current_chunks.key?(subpath) if last current_chunks[subpath][:lines] << line else current_chunks = current_chunks[subpath] end else current_chunks[subpath] ||= { lines: [] } current_chunks[subpath][:lines] << line end end end def thin_path path = Graphiti.context[:object][:current_path] return [] unless path path.reject do |p| p.is_a?(Integer) || p == "nodes" || p == "node" || p == "edges" end end def indent(path: nil) path ||= thin_path " " * [path.length - 1, 0].max end def current_path path = Graphiti.context[:object][:current_path].join(".") "Query.#{path}" end end end