# frozen_string_literal: true module Node module Messages MESSAGES = { node: { error: { generic: "Error", }, connect: { connected: "Project now connected to {{green:%s}}", production_warning: <<~MESSAGE, {{yellow:! Warning: if you have connected to an {{bold:app in production}}, running {{command:serve}} may update the app URL and cause an outage. MESSAGE }, create: { help: <<~HELP, {{command:%s create node}}: Creates an embedded nodejs app. Usage: {{command:%s create node}} Options: {{command:--name=NAME}} App name. Any string. {{command:--app_url=APPURL}} App URL. Must be a valid URL. {{command:--organization_id=ID}} Partner organization ID. Must be an existing organization. {{command:--shop_domain=MYSHOPIFYDOMAIN }} Development store URL. Must be an existing development store. HELP error: { node_required: "node is required to create an app project. Download at https://nodejs.org/en/download.", node_version_failure: "Failed to get the current node version. Please make sure it is installed as " \ "per the instructions at https://nodejs.org/en.", npm_required: "npm is required to create an app project. Download at https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm.", npm_version_failure: "Failed to get the current npm version. Please make sure it is installed as per " \ "the instructions at https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm.", }, node_version: "node %s", npm_version: "npm %s", }, deploy: { help: <<~HELP, Deploy the current Node project to a hosting service. Heroku ({{underline:https://www.heroku.com}}) is currently the only option, but more will be added in the future. Usage: {{command:%s deploy [ heroku ]}} HELP extended_help: <<~HELP, {{bold:Subcommands:}} {{cyan:heroku}}: Deploys the current Node project to Heroku. Usage: {{command:%s deploy heroku}} HELP heroku: { help: <<~HELP, Deploy the current Node project to Heroku Usage: {{command:%s deploy heroku}} HELP downloading: "Downloading Heroku CLI…", downloaded: "Downloaded Heroku CLI", installing: "Installing Heroku CLI…", installing_windows: "Running Heroku CLI install wizard…", installed: "Installed Heroku CLI", authenticating: "Authenticating with Heroku…", authenticated: "{{v}} Authenticated with Heroku", authenticated_with_account: "{{v}} Authenticated with Heroku as `%s`", deploying: "Deploying to Heroku…", deployed: "{{v}} Deployed to Heroku", git: { checking: "Checking git repo…", initialized: "Git repo initialized", what_branch: "What branch would you like to deploy?", branch_selected: "{{v}} Git branch `%s` selected for deploy", }, app: { no_apps_found: "No existing Heroku app found. What would you like to do?", name: "What is your Heroku app’s name?", select: "Specify an existing Heroku app", selecting: "Selecting Heroku app `%s`…", selected: "{{v}} Heroku app `%s` selected", create: "Create a new Heroku app", creating: "Creating new Heroku app…", created: "{{v}} New Heroku app created", }, }, }, generate: { help: <<~HELP, Generate code in your Node project. Supports generating new billing API calls, new pages, or new webhooks. Usage: {{command:%s generate [ billing | page | webhook ]}} HELP extended_help: <<~EXAMPLES, {{bold:Examples:}} {{cyan:%s generate webhook PRODUCTS_CREATE}} Generate and register a new webhook that will be called every time a new product is created on your store. EXAMPLES error: { name_exists: "%s already exists!", generic: "Error generating %s", }, billing: { help: <<~HELP, Enable charging for your app. This command generates the necessary code to call Shopify’s billing API. Usage: {{command:%s generate billing [ one-time-billing | recurring-billing ]}} HELP type_select: "How would you like to charge for your app?", generating: "Generating %s code ...", generated: "{{green:%s}} generated in server/server.js", }, page: { help: <<~HELP, Generate a new page in your app with the specified name. New files are generated inside the project’s “/pages” directory. Usage: {{command:%s generate page <pagename>}} HELP error: { invalid_page_type: "Invalid page type.", }, type_select: "Which template would you like to use?", generating: "Generating %s page...", generated: "{{green: %s}} generated in pages/%s", }, webhook: { help: <<~HELP, Generate and register a new webhook that listens for the specified Shopify store event. Usage: {{command:%s generate webhook <type>}} HELP type_select: "What type of webhook would you like to create?", generating: "Generating webhook: %s", generated: "{{green:%s}} generated in server/server.js", }, }, open: { help: <<~HELP, Open your local development app in the default browser. Usage: {{command:%s open}} HELP }, populate: { help: <<~HELP, Populate your Shopify development store with example customers, orders, or products. Usage: {{command:%s populate [ customers | draftorders | products ]}} HELP extended_help: <<~HELP, {{bold:Subcommands:}} {{cyan:customers [options]}}: Add dummy customers to the specified development store. Usage: {{command:%1$s populate customers}} {{cyan:draftorders [options]}}: Add dummy orders to the specified development store. Usage: {{command:%1$s populate draftorders}} {{cyan:products [options]}}: Add dummy products to the specified development store. Usage: {{command:%1$s populate products}} {{bold:Options:}} {{cyan:--count [integer]}}: The number of dummy items to populate. Defaults to 5. {{cyan:--silent}}: Silence the populate output. {{cyan:--help}}: Display more options specific to each subcommand. {{bold:Examples:}} {{command:%1$s populate products}} Populate your development store with 5 additional products. {{command:%1$s populate customers --count 30}} Populate your development store with 30 additional customers. {{command:%1$s populate draftorders}} Populate your development store with 5 additional orders. {{command:%1$s populate products --help}} Display the list of options available to customize the {{command:%1$s populate products}} command. HELP customer: { added: "%s added to {{green:%s}} at {{underline:%scustomers/%d}}", }, draft_order: { added: "DraftOrder added to {{green:%s}} at {{underline:%sdraft_orders/%d}}", }, product: { added: "%s added to {{green:%s}} at {{underline:%sproducts/%d}}", }, }, serve: { help: <<~HELP, Start a local development node server for your project, as well as a public ngrok tunnel to your localhost. Usage: {{command:%s serve}} HELP extended_help: <<~HELP, {{bold:Options:}} {{cyan:--host=HOST}}: Bypass running tunnel and use custom host. HOST must be HTTPS url. HELP error: { host_must_be_https: "HOST must be a HTTPS url.", }, open_info: <<~MESSAGE, {{*}} To install and start using your app, open this URL in your browser: {{green:%s}} MESSAGE running_server: "Running server...", }, tunnel: { help: <<~HELP, Start or stop an http tunnel to your local development app using ngrok. Usage: {{command:%s tunnel [ auth | start | stop ]}} HELP extended_help: <<~HELP, {{bold:Subcommands:}} {{cyan:auth}}: Writes an ngrok auth token to ~/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml to connect with an ngrok account. Visit https://dashboard.ngrok.com/signup to sign up. Usage: {{command:%1$s tunnel auth <token>}} {{cyan:start}}: Starts an ngrok tunnel, will print the URL for an existing tunnel if already running. Usage: {{command:%1$s tunnel start}} {{cyan:stop}}: Stops the ngrok tunnel. Usage: {{command:%1$s tunnel stop}} HELP error: { token_argument_missing: "{{x}} {{red:auth requires a token argument}}\n\n", }, }, forms: { create: { error: { invalid_app_type: "Invalid app type %s", }, app_name: "App name", app_type: { select: "What type of app are you building?", select_public: "Public: An app built for a wide merchant audience.", select_custom: "Custom: An app custom built for a single client.", selected: "App type {{green:%s}}", }, }, }, }, }.freeze end end