module DataMaker module CN module Address extend ModuleUtilities def self.street_address end def = nil) address = province) address.generate end def self.province(city = nil) address = city) address.generate address.province end def self.postal_code(province = nil) address = province) address.generate address.postal_code end def self.address(province: nil, city: nil, district: nil, struct: false) address = province, city: city, district: district) struct ? address.address_struct : address.address_string end class GenerateAddress attr_accessor :province, :city, :district, :street_address, :locale, :options def initialize(*args) self.options = (args.last.is_a?(::Hash) ? args.last : {}).delete_if { |k, v| v.nil? } self.district = options[:district] = options[:city] self.province = options[:province] self.locale = options[:locale] || :zh unless options.empty? validate end end def generate if options.empty? # Generate a random address from a province self.province = provinces.sample = province_cities.sample self.district = city_districts.nil? ? nil : city_districts.sample end if options[:province] && options[:city].nil? && options[:district].nil? = province_cities.sample self.district = city_districts.nil? ? nil : city_districts.sample end if options[:province].nil? && options[:city] && options[:district].nil? self.province = city_province self.district = city_districts.nil? ? nil : city_districts.sample end end def street_address [unit_no, street_name, street_suffix].join end def address_string generate build_address end def address_struct generate street_address, city: translate('city', city), district: translate('district', district), province: translate('province', province), postal_code: postal_code ) end def postal_code postal_code = nil province_postal_codes = DataMaker::CN::Address::PROVINCE_POSTAL_CODES do |province_postal_code| p, pc = province_postal_code.split(",") p == province ? postal_code = pc : nil end postal_code end private def translate(prefix, value) DataMaker::Config.locale = locale DataMaker.translate(['data_maker', 'address', prefix, value].join(".")) end def validate if province unless province_exists? raise ArgumentError, "The province #{province} does not exist!" end end if city unless city_exists? raise ArgumentError, "The city #{city} does not exist!" end end if district unless district_exists? raise ArgumentError, "The district #{district} does not exist!" end end if city.nil? && district raise ArgumentError, "You must always pass a city with a district!" end if province && city unless province_has_city? raise ArgumentError, "The province #{province} does not have the city #{city}" end end if city && district unless city_has_district? raise ArgumentError, "The city #{city} does not have the district #{district}" end end end def provinces DataMaker::CN::Address::PROVINCES end def cities DataMaker::CN::Address::CITIES end def districts DataMaker::CN::Address::DISTRICTS end def build_address address = [] address << street_address address << translate('city', city) address << translate('district', district) unless district.nil? address << translate('province', province) address << postal_code address.compact.join(", ") end def street_name DataMaker::CN::Name::LAST_NAMES.sample end def street_suffix DataMaker::CN::Address::STREET_SUFFIXES.sample end def unit_no masks = "#" * rand(1..2) DataMaker.numerify(masks) end def city_districts raise ArgumentError, "Please pass a city!" if city.nil? d = DataMaker::CN::Address.const_get("#{city}_districts".upcase) d.empty? ? nil : d end def city_province province = nil city_provinces = DataMaker::CN::Address::CITY_PROVINCES do |city_province| c, p = city_province.split(",") c == city ? province = p : nil end province end def province_cities raise ArgumentError, "Please pass a province!" if province.nil? DataMaker::CN::Address.const_get("#{province}_cities".upcase) end def province_exists? provinces.to_set.include?(province) end def city_exists? cities.to_set.include?(city) end def district_exists? districts.to_set.include?(district) end def province_has_city? province_cities.to_set.include?(city) end def city_has_district? city_districts.to_set.include?(district) end end end end end