class Kuroko2::JobSuspendSchedule < Kuroko2::ApplicationRecord include Kuroko2::TableNameCustomizable belongs_to :job_definition validates :cron, format: { with: Kuroko2::JobSchedule::CRON_FORMAT }, uniqueness: { scope: :job_definition_id } validate :validate_cron_schedule def suspend_times(time_from, time_to) it =, now: time_from - 1) suspend_times = [] loop do next_time = if next_time <= time_to suspend_times << next_time else break end end end private def validate_cron_schedule if Kuroko2::JobSchedule::CRON_FORMAT === cron suspend_schedule = if job_definition.job_schedules.empty? errors.add(:cron, "needs job schedules") else schedule = job_definition.job_schedules.each_with_object({}) do |launch_schedule_model, h| launch_schedule = Kuroko2::JobSchedule::CHRONO_SCHEDULE_METHODS.each do |method| h[method] ||= [] suspend_schedule_list = suspend_schedule.public_send(method) # # > Note: The day of a command's execution can be specified by two fields # > day of month, and day of week. If both fields are restricted (ie, aren't *), # > the command will be run when either field matches the current time. # > For example, "30 4 1,15 * 5" would cause a command to be run at 4:30 am # > on the 1st and 15th of each month, plus every Friday. if launch_schedule.wdays? && launch_schedule.days? if (method == :wdays && suspend_schedule.wdays? && !suspend_schedule.days?) || (method == :days && !suspend_schedule.wdays? && suspend_schedule.days?) suspend_schedule_list = [] end end h[method] |= launch_schedule.public_send(method) - suspend_schedule_list end end if schedule.values.all?(&:empty?) errors.add(:cron, "suspends all launched schedules") end end end rescue Chrono::Fields::Base::InvalidField => e errors.add(:cron, "has invalid field: #{e.message}") end end