describe("jasmine spec running", function () { var env; var fakeTimer; beforeEach(function() { env = new j$.Env(); }); it('should assign spec ids sequentially', function() { var it0, it1, it2, it3, it4; env.describe('test suite', function() { it0 ='spec 0', function() { }); it1 ='spec 1', function() { }); it2 = env.xit('spec 2', function() { }); it3 ='spec 3', function() { }); }); env.describe('test suite 2', function() { it4 ='spec 4', function() { }); }); expect('spec0'); expect('spec1'); expect('spec2'); expect('spec3'); expect('spec4'); }); it('nested suites', function (done) { var foo = 0; var bar = 0; var baz = 0; var quux = 0; var nested = env.describe('suite', function () { env.describe('nested', function () {'should run nested suites', function () { foo++; });'should run nested suites', function () { bar++; }); }); env.describe('nested 2', function () {'should run suites following nested suites', function () { baz++; }); });'should run tests following nested suites', function () { quux++; }); }); expect(foo).toEqual(0); expect(bar).toEqual(0); expect(baz).toEqual(0); expect(quux).toEqual(0); nested.execute(function() { expect(foo).toEqual(1); expect(bar).toEqual(1); expect(baz).toEqual(1); expect(quux).toEqual(1); done(); }); }); it("should permit nested describes", function(done) { var actions = []; env.beforeEach(function () { actions.push('topSuite beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function () { actions.push('topSuite afterEach'); }); env.describe('Something', function() { env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('outer beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('outer afterEach'); });'does it 1', function() { actions.push('outer it 1'); }); env.describe('Inner 1', function() { env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('inner 1 beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('inner 1 afterEach'); });'does it 2', function() { actions.push('inner 1 it'); }); });'does it 3', function() { actions.push('outer it 2'); }); env.describe('Inner 2', function() { env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('inner 2 beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('inner 2 afterEach'); });'does it 2', function() { actions.push('inner 2 it'); }); }); }); var assertions = function() { var expected = [ "topSuite beforeEach", "outer beforeEach", "outer it 1", "outer afterEach", "topSuite afterEach", "topSuite beforeEach", "outer beforeEach", "inner 1 beforeEach", "inner 1 it", "inner 1 afterEach", "outer afterEach", "topSuite afterEach", "topSuite beforeEach", "outer beforeEach", "outer it 2", "outer afterEach", "topSuite afterEach", "topSuite beforeEach", "outer beforeEach", "inner 2 beforeEach", "inner 2 it", "inner 2 afterEach", "outer afterEach", "topSuite afterEach" ]; expect(actions).toEqual(expected); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute(); }); it("should run multiple befores and afters in the order they are declared", function(done) { var actions = []; env.beforeEach(function () { actions.push('runner beforeEach1'); }); env.afterEach(function () { actions.push('runner afterEach1'); }); env.beforeEach(function () { actions.push('runner beforeEach2'); }); env.afterEach(function () { actions.push('runner afterEach2'); }); env.describe('Something', function() { env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('beforeEach1'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('afterEach1'); }); env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('beforeEach2'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('afterEach2'); });'does it 1', function() { actions.push('outer it 1'); }); }); var assertions = function() { var expected = [ "runner beforeEach1", "runner beforeEach2", "beforeEach1", "beforeEach2", "outer it 1", "afterEach2", "afterEach1", "runner afterEach2", "runner afterEach1" ]; expect(actions).toEqual(expected); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute(); }); it('should run beforeAlls before beforeEachs and afterAlls after afterEachs', function() { var actions = []; env.beforeAll(function() { actions.push('runner beforeAll'); }); env.afterAll(function() { actions.push('runner afterAll'); }); env.beforeEach(function () { actions.push('runner beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function () { actions.push('runner afterEach'); }); env.describe('Something', function() { env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('inner beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('inner afterEach'); }); env.beforeAll(function() { actions.push('inner beforeAll'); }); env.afterAll(function() { actions.push('inner afterAll'); });'does something or other', function() { actions.push('it'); }); }); var assertions = function() { var expected = [ "runner beforeAll", "inner beforeAll", "runner beforeEach", "inner beforeEach", "it", "inner afterEach", "runner afterEach", "inner afterAll", "runner afterAll" ]; expect(actions).toEqual(expected); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute(); }); it('should run beforeAlls and afterAlls as beforeEachs and afterEachs in the order declared when runnablesToRun is provided', function() { var actions = [], spec, spec2; env.beforeAll(function() { actions.push('runner beforeAll'); }); env.afterAll(function() { actions.push('runner afterAll'); }); env.beforeEach(function () { actions.push('runner beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function () { actions.push('runner afterEach'); }); env.describe('Something', function() { env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('inner beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('inner afterEach'); }); env.beforeAll(function() { actions.push('inner beforeAll'); }); env.afterAll(function() { actions.push('inner afterAll'); }); spec ='does something', function() { actions.push('it'); }); spec2 ='does something or other', function() { actions.push('it2'); }); }); var assertions = function() { var expected = [ "runner beforeAll", "inner beforeAll", "runner beforeEach", "inner beforeEach", "it", "inner afterEach", "runner afterEach", "inner afterAll", "runner afterAll", "runner beforeAll", "inner beforeAll", "runner beforeEach", "inner beforeEach", "it2", "inner afterEach", "runner afterEach", "inner afterAll", "runner afterAll" ]; expect(actions).toEqual(expected); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute([,]); }); describe('focused runnables', function() { it('runs the relevant alls and eachs for each runnable', function(done) { var actions = []; env.beforeAll(function() {actions.push('beforeAll')}); env.afterAll(function() {actions.push('afterAll')}); env.beforeEach(function() {actions.push('beforeEach')}); env.afterEach(function() {actions.push('afterEach')}); env.fdescribe('a focused suite', function() {'is run', function() { actions.push('spec in fdescribe') }); }); env.describe('an unfocused suite', function() {'has a focused spec', function() { actions.push('focused spec') }); }); var assertions = function() { var expected = [ 'beforeAll', 'beforeEach', 'spec in fdescribe', 'afterEach', 'afterAll', 'beforeAll', 'beforeEach', 'focused spec', 'afterEach', 'afterAll' ]; expect(actions).toEqual(expected); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute(); }); it('focused specs in focused suites cause non-focused siblings to not run', function(done){ var actions = []; env.fdescribe('focused suite', function() {'unfocused spec', function() { actions.push('unfocused spec') });'focused spec', function() { actions.push('focused spec') }); }); var assertions = function() { var expected = ['focused spec']; expect(actions).toEqual(expected); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute(); }); it('focused suites in focused suites cause non-focused siblings to not run', function(done){ var actions = []; env.fdescribe('focused suite', function() {'unfocused spec', function() { actions.push('unfocused spec') }); env.fdescribe('inner focused suite', function() {'inner spec', function() { actions.push('inner spec'); }); }); }); var assertions = function() { var expected = ['inner spec']; expect(actions).toEqual(expected); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute(); }); it('focused runnables unfocus ancestor focused suites', function() { var actions = []; env.fdescribe('focused suite', function() {'unfocused spec', function() { actions.push('unfocused spec') }); env.describe('inner focused suite', function() {'focused spec', function() { actions.push('focused spec'); }); }); }); var assertions = function() { var expected = ['focused spec']; expect(actions).toEqual(expected); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute(); }); }); it("shouldn't run disabled suites", function(done) { var specInADisabledSuite = jasmine.createSpy("specInADisabledSuite"), suite = env.describe('A Suite', function() { env.xdescribe('with a disabled suite', function(){'spec inside a disabled suite', specInADisabledSuite); }); }); var assertions = function() { expect(specInADisabledSuite).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute(); }); it("should allow top level suites to be disabled", function() { var specInADisabledSuite = jasmine.createSpy("specInADisabledSuite"), otherSpec = jasmine.createSpy("otherSpec"); env.xdescribe('A disabled suite', function() {'spec inside a disabled suite', specInADisabledSuite); }); env.describe('Another suite', function() {'another spec', otherSpec); }); var assertions = function() { expect(specInADisabledSuite).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(otherSpec).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute(); }); it("should set all pending specs to pending when a suite is run", function(done) { var pendingSpec, suite = env.describe('default current suite', function() { pendingSpec ="I am a pending spec"); }); suite.execute(function() { expect(pendingSpec.status()).toBe("pending"); done(); }); }); // TODO: is this useful? It doesn't catch syntax errors xit("should recover gracefully when there are errors in describe functions", function() { var specs = []; var superSimpleReporter = new j$.Reporter(); superSimpleReporter.reportSpecResults = function(result) { specs.push("Spec: " + result.fullName); }; try { env.describe("outer1", function() { env.describe("inner1", function() {"should thingy", function() { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); throw new Error("fake error"); }); env.describe("inner2", function() {"should other thingy", function() { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); }); throw new Error("fake error"); }); } catch(e) { } env.describe("outer2", function() {"should xxx", function() { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); }); env.addReporter(superSimpleReporter); env.execute(); expect(specs.join('')).toMatch(new RegExp( 'Spec: outer1 inner1 should thingy.' + 'Spec: outer1 inner1 encountered a declaration exception.' + 'Spec: outer1 inner2 should other thingy.' + 'Spec: outer1 encountered a declaration exception.' + 'Spec: outer2 should xxx.' )); }); });