require 'symath/value' require 'symath/type' module SyMath class Definition::Variable < Definition # Return parity of permutation. Even number of permutations give # 1 and odd number gives -1 def self.permutation_parity(perm) # perm is an array of indexes representing the permutation # Put permutation list into disjoint cycles form cycles = {} (0..perm.length-1).each do |i| cycles[perm[i]] = i end sign = 0 # Count the number even cycles. (0..perm.length-1).each do |i| next if !cycles.key?(i) count = 0 while cycles.key?(i) count += 1 j = cycles[i] cycles.delete(i) i = j end if (count % 2) == 0 sign += 1 end end # Even => 1, Odd => -1 sign = (1 - (sign % 2)*2).to_m end # Re-calculate various auxiliary data structured based on the given basis # This does not scale for higher dimensions, but that will most probably # be out of scope for this library anyway. def self.recalc_basis_vectors() b = SyMath.get_variable(:basis) g = SyMath.get_variable(:g) brow = b.row(0) dim = brow.length dmap = do |bb| "d#{}".to_sym.to_m('dform') end vmap = do |bb|'vector') end # Hash up the order of the basis vectors @@basis_order = {} (0..dim - 1).each do |i| @@basis_order[brow[i].name.to_sym] = i @@basis_order["d#{brow[i].name}".to_sym] = i end # Calculate all possible permutations of all possible combinations of # the basis vectors (including no vectors). @@norm_map = {} @@hodge_map = {} (0..dim).each do |d| (0..dim - 1).to_a.permutation(d).each do |p| if p.length == 0 @@norm_map[1.to_m] = 1.to_m @@hodge_map[1.to_m] = dmap.inject(:^) next end # Hash them to the normalized expression (including the sign). # Do this both for vectors and dforms. norm = p.sort sign = permutation_parity(p) dform = { |i| dmap[i] }.inject(:^) vect = { |i| vmap[i] }.inject(:^) dnorm = sign*( { |i| dmap[i] }.inject(:^)) vnorm = sign*( { |i| vmap[i] }.inject(:^)) @@norm_map[dform] = dnorm @@norm_map[vect] = vnorm # Hash them to their hodge dual dual = (0..dim - 1).to_a - norm dsign = permutation_parity(p + dual) if dual.length == 0 hdd = sign hdv = sign else hdd = sign*dsign*( { |i| dmap[i] }.inject(:^)) hdv = sign*dsign*( { |i| vmap[i] }.inject(:^)) end @@hodge_map[dform] = hdd @@hodge_map[vect] = hdv end end # Calculate the musical isomorphisms. Hash up the mappings both ways. flat = (g* sharp = (g.inverse* normalize.col(0) @@flat_map = (0..dim - 1).map { |i| [vmap[i], flat[i]] }.to_h @@sharp_map = (0..dim - 1).map { |i| [dmap[i], sharp[i]] }.to_h end # Return the hodge dual of an expression consisting only of basis vectors # or basis dforms def self.hodge_dual(exp) if !@@hodge_map.key?(exp) raise 'No hodge dual for ' + exp.to_s end return @@hodge_map[exp] end attr_reader :name attr_reader :type def initialize(name, t = 'real') @type = t.to_t super(name, define_symbol: false) end def description() return "#{name} - free variable" end def call(*args) return SyMath::Operator.create(self, { |a| a.nil? ? a : a.to_m }) end def ==(other) return false if != return false if @type != other.type return @name == end def <=>(other) if != return super(other) end if != return <=> end # Order basis vectors and basis dforms by basis order if type.is_subtype?('vector') or type.is_subtype?('dform') bv1 = @@basis_order.key?(@name) bv2 = @@basis_order.key?( if !bv1 and bv2 # Order basis vectors higher than other vectors return 1 elsif bv1 and !bv2 # Order basis vectors higher than other vectors return -1 elsif bv1 and bv2 return @@basis_order[@name] <=> @@basis_order[] end end return @name.to_s <=> end def is_constant?(vars = nil) return false if vars.nil? return !(vars.member?(self)) end # Returns true if variable is a differential form def is_d?() return @type.is_dform? end # Returns variable which differential is based on def undiff() n = "#{@name}" if n[0] == 'd' n = n[1..-1] end n.to_sym.to_m(:real) end def to_d() return "d#{@name}".to_sym.to_m(:dform) end # Return the vector dual of the dform def raise_dform() if !@@sharp_map.key?(self) raise 'No vector dual for ' + to_s end return @@sharp_map[self] end # Return the dform dual of the vector def lower_vector() if !@@flat_map.key?(self) raise 'No dform dual for ' + to_s end return @@flat_map[self] end def variables() return [@name] end def replace(map) if is_d? u = undiff if map.key?(u) return op(:d, map[u].deep_clone) else return self end end if map.key?(self) return map[self].deep_clone else return self end end def to_s() if @type.is_dform? return SyMath.setting(:d_symbol) + undiff.to_s elsif @type.is_vector? return @name.to_s + SyMath.setting(:vector_symbol) elsif @type.is_covector? return @name.to_s + SyMath.setting(:covector_symbol) elsif @type.is_subtype?('tensor') return @name.to_s + '['.to_s + @type.index_str + ']'.to_s else return @name.to_s end end def to_latex() if type.is_dform? return '\mathrm{d}' + undiff.to_latex elsif @type.is_vector? return '\vec{'.to_s + @name.to_s + '}'.to_s elsif @type.is_covector? # What is the best way to denote a covector without using indexes? return '\vec{'.to_s + @name.to_s + '}'.to_s elsif @type.is_subtype?('tensor') return @name.to_s + '['.to_s + @type.index_str + ']'.to_s else return @name.to_s end end alias eql? == end end class Symbol def to_m(type = 'real') begin # Look up the already defined symbol # (we might want to check that it is a constant or variable) return SyMath::Definition.get(self) rescue # Not defined. Define it now. return, type) end end end