begin require "google/cloud/storage" rescue LoadError => e $stderr.puts "#{e.class}: #{e.message}".color(:red) $stderr.puts <<~EOL Unable to: require "google/cloud/storage" In order to use gcs as a terraspace bundler source, please add the google-cloud-storage gem to your Terraspace project's Gemfile and run bundle. To add the gem to your Gemfile, you can run: bundle add google-cloud-storage Then download modules in defined your Terrafile with: terraspace bundle EOL exit 1 end class TerraspaceBundler::Mod::Fetcher class Gcs < Base extend Memoist def run bucket, key, path = gcs_info download(bucket, key, path) end def download(bucket_name, key, path) # Download to cache area bucket = storage.bucket(bucket_name) unless bucket logger.error "ERROR: bucket #{bucket_name} does not exist".color(:red) exit 1 end file = bucket.file(key) unless file logger.error "ERROR: Unable to find gs://#{bucket_name}/#{key}".color(:red) exit 1 end archive = cache_path(path) # temporary path logger.debug "Gcs save archive to #{archive}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(archive)) # Save to stage dest = stage_path(rel_dest_dir) extract(archive, dest) end private def gcs_info path = type_path path.sub!(%r{storage/v\d+/},'') bucket, key = get_bucket_key(path) [bucket, key, path] end def storage end memoize :storage end end