--- exclude_paths: - bin detectors: UtilityFunction: public_methods_only: true TooManyStatements: exclude: - initialize max_statements: 8 RepeatedConditional: max_ifs: 4 LongParameterList: exclude: - initialize # This one just makes sure the Class/Module has a comment. Dumb. IrresponsibleModule: enabled: false # Transaction result blocks are 3-deep NestedIterators: max_allowed_nesting: 3 UncommunicativeVariableName: accept: - i # array index - c # config - k # key - v # value - h # hash initializer (Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = Hash.new }) - "_" UncommunicativeModuleName: accept: - Auth0 # AS::Subscriber objects tend to rely heavily on `event` and `payload`, so its # hard to avoid "Feature Envy", but is perfectly readable. FeatureEnvy: enabled: false directories: "spec/support": UtilityFunction: enabled: false # vi:syntax=yaml