require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/except' # Needed for Rails 3.0.0.rc but subsequently fixed - TODO: remove when gem is updated describe Item do # See extra setup in models / initializer files describe "defining accessors" do let(:app1){ Dragonfly[:images] } let(:app2){ Dragonfly[:videos] } it "should return the mapping of apps to attributes" do app1.define_macro(model_class, :image_accessor) app2.define_macro(model_class, :video_accessor) Item.class_eval do image_accessor :preview_image video_accessor :trailer_video end Item.dragonfly_apps_for_attributes.should == {:preview_image => app1, :trailer_video => app2} end it "should work for included modules (e.g. Mongoid::Document)" do mongoid_document = app1.define_macro_on_include(mongoid_document, :dog_accessor) model_class = do def self.before_save(*args); end def self.before_destroy(*args); end include mongoid_document dog_accessor :doogie end model_class.dragonfly_apps_for_attributes.should == {:doogie => app1} end end describe "correctly defined" do before(:each) do @app = Dragonfly[:images] @app.define_macro(model_class, :image_accessor) Item.class_eval do image_accessor :preview_image end @item = end it "should provide a reader" do @item.should respond_to(:preview_image) end it "should provide a writer" do @item.should respond_to(:preview_image=) end describe "when there has been nothing assigned" do it "the reader should return nil" do @item.preview_image.should be_nil end it "the uid should be nil" do @item.preview_image_uid.should be_nil end it "should not try to store anything on save" do @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:store)! end it "should not try to destroy anything on save" do @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:destroy)! end it "should not try to destroy anything on destroy" do @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:destroy) @item.destroy end end describe "when the uid is set manually" do before(:each) do @item.preview_image_uid = 'some_known_uid' end it "should not try to retrieve any data" do @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:retrieve)! end it "should not try to destroy any data" do @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:destroy)! end it "should not try to store any data" do @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:store)! end end describe "when there has been some thing assigned but not saved" do before(:each) do @item.preview_image = "DATASTRING" end it "the reader should return an attachment" do @item.preview_image.should be_a(Dragonfly::ActiveModelExtensions::Attachment) end it "the uid should be nil" do @item.preview_image_uid.should be_nil end it "should store the image when saved" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:store).with(a_temp_object_with_data("DATASTRING"), {})! end it "should not try to destroy anything on destroy" do @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:destroy) @item.destroy end it "should return nil for the url" do @item.preview_image.url.should be_nil end describe "when the uid is set manually" do before(:each) do @item.preview_image_uid = 'some_known_uid' end it "should not try to retrieve any data" do @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:retrieve)! end it "should not try to destroy any data" do @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:destroy)! end it "should not try to store any data" do @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:store)! end end end describe "when something has been assigned and saved" do before(:each) do @item.preview_image = "DATASTRING" @app.datastore.should_receive(:store).with(a_temp_object_with_data("DATASTRING"), {}).once.and_return('some_uid')! end it "should have the correct uid" do @item.preview_image_uid.should == 'some_uid' end it "should not try to store anything if saved again" do @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:store)! end it "should not try to destroy anything if saved again" do @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:destroy)! end it "should destroy the data on destroy" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:destroy).with('some_uid') @item.destroy end it "should return the url for the data" do @app.should_receive(:url_for).with(an_instance_of(Dragonfly::Job)).and_return('some.url') @item.preview_image.url.should == 'some.url' end it "should destroy the old data when the uid is set manually" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:destroy).with('some_uid') @item.preview_image_uid = 'some_known_uid'! end describe "when accessed by a new model object" do before(:each) do @item = Item.find( end it "should destroy the data on destroy" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:destroy).with(@item.preview_image_uid) @item.destroy end end describe "when something new is assigned" do before(:each) do @item.preview_image = "ANEWDATASTRING" @app.datastore.stub!(:store).and_return('some_uid') end it "should set the uid to nil" do @item.preview_image_uid.should be_nil end it "should destroy the old data when saved" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:destroy).with('some_uid')! end it "should not try to destroy the old data if saved again" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:destroy).with('some_uid')! @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:destroy).with('some_uid')! end it "should destroy the old data when saved, even if yet another thing is assigned" do @item.preview_image = "YET ANOTHER DATA STRING" @app.datastore.should_receive(:destroy).with('some_uid')! end it "should store the new data when saved" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:store).with(a_temp_object_with_data("ANEWDATASTRING"), {})! end it "should destroy the old data on destroy" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:destroy).with('some_uid') @item.destroy end it "should destroy the old data on destroy, even if yet another thing is assigned" do @item.preview_image = "YET ANOTHER DATA STRING" @app.datastore.should_receive(:destroy).with('some_uid') @item.destroy end it "should destroy the old data when the uid has been set manually" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:destroy).with('some_uid') @item.preview_image_uid = 'some_known_uid'! end it "should return the new size" do @item.preview_image.size.should == 14 end it "should return the new data" do == 'ANEWDATASTRING' end end describe "when it is set to nil" do before(:each) do @item.preview_image = nil end it "should set the uid to nil" do @item.preview_image_uid.should be_nil end it "should return the attribute as nil" do @item.preview_image.should be_nil end it "should destroy the data on save" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:destroy).with('some_uid')! @item.preview_image.should be_nil end it "should destroy the old data on destroy" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:destroy).with('some_uid') @item.destroy end end describe "when the data can't be found" do it "should log a warning if the data wasn't found on destroy" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:destroy).with('some_uid').and_raise(Dragonfly::DataStorage::DataNotFound) @app.log.should_receive(:warn) @item.destroy end end end describe "other types of assignment" do before(:each) do @app.generator.add :egg do "Gungedin" end @app.processor.add :doogie do |temp_object| end end describe "assigning with a job" do before(:each) do @job = @app.generate(:egg) @item.preview_image = @job end it "should work" do == 'Gungedin' end it "should not be affected by subsequent changes to the job" do @job.process!(:doogie) == 'Gungedin' end end describe "assigning with another attachment" do before(:each) do Item.class_eval do image_accessor :other_image end end it "should work like assigning the job" do @item.preview_image = 'eggheads' @item.other_image = @item.preview_image @item.preview_image = 'dogchin' == 'eggheads' end end end end describe "validations" do before(:all) do @app = Dragonfly[:images] @app.define_macro(model_class, :image_accessor) end describe "validates_presence_of" do before(:all) do Item.class_eval do image_accessor :preview_image validates_presence_of :preview_image end end it "should be valid if set" do => "1234567890").should be_valid end it "should be invalid if not set" do be_valid end end describe "validates_size_of" do before(:all) do Item.class_eval do image_accessor :preview_image validates_size_of :preview_image, :within => (6..10) end end it "should be valid if ok" do => "1234567890").should be_valid end it "should be invalid if too small" do => "12345").should_not be_valid end end describe "validates_property" do before(:each) do @item = => "1234567890") end before(:all) do custom_analyser = do def mime_type(temp_object) case when "WRONG TYPE" then 'wrong/type' when "OTHER TYPE" then nil else 'how/special' end end def number_of_Gs(temp_object)'G') end end @app.analyser.register(custom_analyser) Item.class_eval do validates_property :mime_type, :of => :preview_image, :in => ['how/special', 'how/crazy'], :if => :its_friday validates_property :mime_type, :of => [:other_image, :yet_another_image], :as => 'how/special' validates_property :number_of_Gs, :of => :preview_image, :in => (0..2) validates_property :mime_type, :of => :otra_imagen, :in => ['que/pasa', 'illo/tio'], :message => "tipo de contenido incorrecto. Que chungo tio" image_accessor :preview_image image_accessor :other_image image_accessor :yet_another_image image_accessor :otra_imagen def its_friday true end end end it "should be valid if nil, if not validated on presence (even with validates_property)" do @item.other_image = nil @item.should be_valid end it "should be invalid if the property is nil" do @item.preview_image = "OTHER TYPE" @item.should_not be_valid @item.errors[:preview_image].should match_ar_error("mime type is incorrect. It needs to be one of 'how/special', 'how/crazy', but was ''") end it "should be invalid if the property is wrong" do @item.preview_image = "WRONG TYPE" @item.should_not be_valid @item.errors[:preview_image].should match_ar_error("mime type is incorrect. It needs to be one of 'how/special', 'how/crazy', but was 'wrong/type'") end it "should work for a range" do @item.preview_image = "GOOGLE GUM" @item.should_not be_valid @item.errors[:preview_image].should match_ar_error("number of gs is incorrect. It needs to be between 0 and 2, but was '3'") end it "should validate individually" do @item.other_image = "1234567" @item.yet_another_image = "WRONG TYPE" @item.should_not be_valid @item.errors[:other_image].should match_ar_error(nil) @item.errors[:yet_another_image].should match_ar_error("mime type is incorrect. It needs to be 'how/special', but was 'wrong/type'") end it "should include standard extra options like 'if' on mime type validation" do @item.should_receive(:its_friday).and_return(false) @item.preview_image = "WRONG TYPE" @item.should be_valid end it "should require either :as or :in as an argument" do lambda{ Item.class_eval do validates_property :mime_type, :of => :preview_image end }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should require :of as an argument" do lambda{ Item.class_eval do validates_property :mime_type, :as => 'hi/there' end }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should allow for custom messages" do @item.otra_imagen = "WRONG TYPE" @item.should_not be_valid @item.errors[:otra_imagen].should match_ar_error("tipo de contenido incorrecto. Que chungo tio") end end end describe "extra properties" do before(:each) do @app = Dragonfly[:images] custom_analyser = do def some_analyser_method(temp_object) "abc" +[0..0] end def number_of_As(temp_object);'A'); end end @app.analyser.register(custom_analyser) @app.define_macro(model_class, :image_accessor) Item.class_eval do image_accessor :preview_image end @item = end describe "magic attributes" do it "should default the magic attribute as nil" do @item.preview_image_some_analyser_method.should be_nil end it "should set the magic attribute when assigned" do @item.preview_image = '123' @item.preview_image_some_analyser_method.should == 'abc1' end it "should not set non-magic attributes with the same prefix when assigned" do @item.preview_image_blah_blah = 'wassup' @item.preview_image = '123' @item.preview_image_blah_blah.should == 'wassup' end it "should update the magic attribute when something else is assigned" do @item.preview_image = '123' @item.preview_image = '456' @item.preview_image_some_analyser_method.should == 'abc4' end it "should reset the magic attribute when set to nil" do @item.preview_image = '123' @item.preview_image = nil @item.preview_image_some_analyser_method.should be_nil end it "should not reset non-magic attributes with the same prefix when set to nil" do @item.preview_image_blah_blah = 'wassup' @item.preview_image = '123' @item.preview_image = nil @item.preview_image_blah_blah.should == 'wassup' end it "should work for size too" do @item.preview_image = '123' @item.preview_image_size.should == 3 end it "should store the original file extension if it exists" do data = 'jasdlkf sadjl' data.stub!(:original_filename).and_return('hello.png') @item.preview_image = data @item.preview_image_ext.should == 'png' end it "should store the original file name if it exists" do data = 'jasdlkf sadjl' data.stub!(:original_filename).and_return('hello.png') @item.preview_image = data @item.preview_image_name.should == 'hello.png' end end describe "delegating methods to the job" do before(:each) do @item.preview_image = "DATASTRING" end it "should have properties from the analyser" do @item.preview_image.number_of_As.should == 2 end it "should report that it responds to analyser methods" do @item.preview_image.respond_to?(:number_of_As).should be_true end it "should include analyser methods in methods" do @item.preview_image.methods.include?('number_of_As'.to_method_name).should be_true end it "should include analyser methods in public_methods" do @item.preview_image.public_methods.include?('number_of_As'.to_method_name).should be_true end it "should update when something new is assigned" do @item.preview_image = 'ANEWDATASTRING' @item.preview_image.number_of_As.should == 3 end describe "from a new model object" do before(:each) do @app.datastore.stub!(:store).and_return('my_uid') item = Item.create!(:preview_image => 'DATASTRING') @item = Item.find( end it "should load the content then delegate the method" do @app.datastore.should_receive(:retrieve).with('my_uid').and_return(['DATASTRING', {}]) @item.preview_image.number_of_As.should == 2 end it "should use the magic attribute if there is one, and not load the content" do @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:retrieve) @item.should_receive(:preview_image_some_analyser_method).and_return('result yo') @item.preview_image.some_analyser_method.should == 'result yo' end %w(size name ext).each do |attr| it "should use the magic attribute for #{attr} if there is one, and not load the content" do @app.datastore.should_not_receive(:retrieve) @item.should_receive("preview_image_#{attr}".to_sym).and_return('result yo') @item.preview_image.send(attr).should == 'result yo' end it "should load the content then delegate '#{attr}' if there is no magic attribute for it" do @item.should_receive(:public_methods).and_return(['preview_image_uid']) # no magic attributes @app.datastore.should_receive(:retrieve).with('my_uid').and_return(['DATASTRING', {}]) @item.preview_image.send(attr).should == @item.preview_image.send(:job).send(attr) end end end it "should not raise an error if a non-existent method is called" do # Just checking method missing works ok lambda{ @item.preview_image.eggbert }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end end describe "inheritance" do before(:all) do @app = Dragonfly[:images] @app2 = Dragonfly[:egg] @app.define_macro(model_class, :image_accessor) @app2.define_macro(model_class, :egg_accessor) Car.class_eval do image_accessor :image end Photo.class_eval do egg_accessor :image end @base_class = Car class ReliantRobin < Car; image_accessor :reliant_image; end @subclass = ReliantRobin class ReliantRobinWithModule < Car include image_accessor :reliant_image end @subclass_with_module = ReliantRobinWithModule @unrelated_class = Photo end it "should allow assigning base class accessors" do @base_class.create! :image => 'blah' end it "should not allow assigning subclass accessors in the base class" do respond_to(:reliant_image=) end it "should allow assigning base class accessors in the subclass" do @subclass.create! :image => 'blah' end it "should allow assigning subclass accessors in the subclass" do @subclass.create! :reliant_image => 'blah' end it "should allow assigning base class accessors in the subclass, even if it has mixins" do @subclass_with_module.create! :image => 'blah' end it "should allow assigning subclass accessors in the subclass, even if it has mixins" do @subclass_with_module.create! :reliant_image => 'blah' end it "return the correct apps for each accessors, even when names clash" do @base_class.dragonfly_apps_for_attributes.should == {:image => @app} @subclass.dragonfly_apps_for_attributes.should == {:image => @app, :reliant_image => @app} @subclass_with_module.dragonfly_apps_for_attributes.should == {:image => @app, :reliant_image => @app} @unrelated_class.dragonfly_apps_for_attributes.should == {:image => @app2} end end end