Wrapper class for the v200909 TargetingIdea service. This class is automatically generated.

[R] api

Holds the AdWords::API object to which the wrapper belongs.

[R] module

Holds a shortcut to the parent module. Use this to avoid typing the full class name when creating classes belonging to this service, e.g.


instead of


This will make it easier to migrate your code between API versions.

Class Public methods
new(driver, api)

Constructor for TargetingIdeaServiceWrapper.


  • driver: SOAP::RPC::Driver object with the remote SOAP methods for this service

  • api: the AdWords::API object to which the wrapper belongs

    # File lib/adwords4r/v200909/TargetingIdeaServiceWrapper.rb, line 34
34:         def initialize(driver, api)
35:           @driver = driver
36:           @api = api
37:           @module = AdWords::V200909::TargetingIdeaService
38:         end
Instance Public methods

Calls the get method of the TargetingIdea service. Check the online documentation for this method.



Raises: Error::ApiError (or a subclass thereof) if a SOAP fault occurs.

    # File lib/adwords4r/v200909/TargetingIdeaServiceWrapper.rb, line 52
52:         def get(selector)
53:           begin
54:             AdWords::Service.validate_param('selector',
55:                 selector, AdWords::V200909::TargetingIdeaService::TargetingIdeaSelector)
56:             # Construct request object and make API call
57:             obj = AdWords::V200909::TargetingIdeaService::Get.new(selector)
58:             return @driver.get(obj)
59:           rescue SOAP::FaultError => fault
60:             raise(AdWords::Error::create_specific_api_error(fault),
61:                 "get Call Failed: " + fault.faultstring.to_s, caller)
62:           end
63:         end
    # File lib/adwords4r/v200909/TargetingIdeaServiceWrapper.rb, line 77
77:         def getBulkKeywordIdeas(selector)
78:           begin
79:             AdWords::Service.validate_param('selector',
80:                 selector, AdWords::V200909::TargetingIdeaService::TargetingIdeaSelector)
81:             # Construct request object and make API call
82:             obj = AdWords::V200909::TargetingIdeaService::GetBulkKeywordIdeas.new(selector)
83:             return @driver.getBulkKeywordIdeas(obj)
84:           rescue SOAP::FaultError => fault
85:             raise(AdWords::Error::create_specific_api_error(fault),
86:                 "getBulkKeywordIdeas Call Failed: " + fault.faultstring.to_s, caller)
87:           end
88:         end