module Pione module RuleEngine # DataFinder finds data tuples from tuple space server. class DataFinder include TupleSpace::TupleSpaceInterface # Creates a new finder. def initialize(space, domain_id) set_tuple_space(space) @domain_id = domain_id end # Find data tuple combinations from tuple space server. This method calls # the block when the combination found. def find(type, conditions, env, &b) find_next(type, 1, conditions, env, [], &b) end private # Find input tuple combinatioins recursively. def find_next(type, index, conditions, env, combination, &b) # call block when we reach the recuirsion end return yield(env, combination) if conditions.empty? # expand variables and compile to regular expression head = conditions.first.eval(env) tail = conditions.drop(1) # find data tuples by head condition from tuple space server tuples = find_tuples_by_condition(head) # no tuples if tuples.empty? if head.accept_nonexistence? # accept noexistance data, find next tuples return find_next(type, index+1, tail, env.layer, combination + [[]], &b) else return # failed to find tuples end end # make combination results case head.distribution when :all _env = make_io_variables(type, index, :all, head, env, tuples) find_next(type, index+1, tail, _env, combination + [tuples], &b) when :each tuples.each do |tuple| _env = make_io_variables(type, index, :each, head, env, [tuple]) find_next(type, index+1, tail, _env, combination + [[tuple]], &b) end end end # Find all matched data tuples by the rule expression condition from tuple space. def find_tuples_by_condition(condition) return read_all( condition, domain: @domain_id)) end # Make input/output variables by data expression with all distribution. def make_io_variables(type, index, distribution, condition, env, tuples) _env = env.layer asterisk = [] # variable and value var = == :input ? "I" : "O") val = env.variable_get!(var) || # update value _val = tuples.inject(val) do |_val, tuple| # matched data md = condition.match( asterisk << md[1] # make a date expression data =, location: tuple.location, matched_data: md) # update value _val.put(Lang::IntegerSequence.of(index), Lang::DataExprSequence.of(data)) end _env.variable_set!(var, _val) # set special variable if index equals 1 if type == :input && index == 1 strs ={|str|} _env.variable_set("*"), distribution) ) end return _env end end end end