€cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(Xsupported mathml commandsqNXmathml in html pagesqNXmathml-supportqKX mathml3.0q KX#results of the mathml3.0 test suiteq KXmathjax mathml supportq NuUsubstitution_defsq }q Uparse_messagesq]qUcurrent_sourceqNU decorationqNUautofootnote_startqKUnameidsq}q(hUsupported-mathml-commandsqhUmathml-in-html-pagesqhUmathml-supportqh U mathml3-0qh U#results-of-the-mathml3-0-test-suiteqh Umathjax-mathml-supportquUchildrenq]q(cdocutils.nodes target q)q}q(U rawsourceq X.. _MathML-support:q!Uparentq"hUsourceq#cdocutils.nodes reprunicode q$XP/Data/Code/JavaScript/MathJax/Code/SourceForge/trunk/mathjax/docs/rst/mathml.rstq%…q&}q'bUtagnameq(Utargetq)U attributesq*}q+(Uidsq,]q-Ubackrefsq.]q/Udupnamesq0]q1Uclassesq2]q3Unamesq4]q5Urefidq6huUlineq7KUdocumentq8hh]q9ubcdocutils.nodes section q:)q;}q<(h Uh"hh#h&Uexpect_referenced_by_nameq=}q>hhsh(Usectionq?h*}q@(h0]qAh2]qBh.]qCh,]qD(hheh4]qE(h heuh7Kh8hUexpect_referenced_by_idqF}qGhhsh]qH(cdocutils.nodes title qI)qJ}qK(h XMathJax MathML SupportqLh"h;h#h&h(UtitleqMh*}qN(h0]qOh2]qPh.]qQh,]qRh4]qSuh7Kh8hh]qTcdocutils.nodes Text qUXMathJax MathML SupportqV…qW}qX(h hLh"hJubaubcdocutils.nodes paragraph qY)qZ}q[(h XâThe support for :term:`MathML` in MathJax consists of three parts: the `mml2jax` preprocessor, the MathML input processor, and the NativeMML output processor. The first of these looks for ```` tags within your document and marks them for later processing by MathJax. The second converts the MathML to the internal format used by MathJax, and the third turns the internal format into MathML within the page so that it can be displayed by the browser's native MathML support.q\h"h;h#h&h(U paragraphq]h*}q^(h0]q_h2]q`h.]qah,]qbh4]qcuh7Kh8hh]qd(hUX���The support for qe…qf}qg(h X���The support for qhh"hZubcsphinx.addnodes pending_xref qi)qj}qk(h X���:term:`MathML`qlh"hZh(U pending_xrefqmh*}qn(UreftypeqoX���termqpU reftargetqqX���mathmlqrU refdomainqsX���stdqth,]quh.]qvU refexplicitqw‰h0]qxh2]qyh4]qzUrefdocq{Umathmlq|uh7Kh]q}cdocutils.nodes emphasis q~)q}q€(h hlh*}q(h0]q‚h2]qƒ(Uxrefq„htX���std-termq…eh.]q†h,]q‡h4]qˆuh"hjh]q‰hUX���MathMLqŠ…q‹}qŒ(h U�h"hubah(UemphasisqubaubhUX*��� in MathJax consists of three parts: the qŽ…q}q(h X*��� in MathJax consists of three parts: the q‘h"hZubcdocutils.nodes title_reference q’)q“}q”(h X ���`mml2jax`q•h*}q–(h0]q—h2]q˜h.]q™h,]qšh4]q›uh"hZh]qœhUX���mml2jaxq…qž}qŸ(h U�h"h“ubah(Utitle_referenceq ubhUXm��� preprocessor, the MathML input processor, and the NativeMML output processor. The first of these looks for q¡…q¢}q£(h Xm��� preprocessor, the MathML input processor, and the NativeMML output processor. The first of these looks for q¤h"hZubcdocutils.nodes literal q¥)q¦}q§(h X ���````q¨h*}q©(h0]qªh2]q«h.]q¬h,]q­h4]q®uh"hZh]q¯hUX���q°…q±}q²(h U�h"h¦ubah(Uliteralq³ubhUX�� tags within your document and marks them for later processing by MathJax. The second converts the MathML to the internal format used by MathJax, and the third turns the internal format into MathML within the page so that it can be displayed by the browser's native MathML support.q´…qµ}q¶(h X�� tags within your document and marks them for later processing by MathJax. The second converts the MathML to the internal format used by MathJax, and the third turns the internal format into MathML within the page so that it can be displayed by the browser's native MathML support.q·h"hZubeubhY)q¸}q¹(h Xã��Because of MathJax's modular design, you do not need to use all three of these components. For example, you could use the `tex2jax` preprocessor and the TeX input processor, but the NativeMML output processor, so that your mathematics is entered in TeX format, but displayed as MathML. Or you could use the `mml2jax` reprocessor and MathML input processor with the HTML-CSS output processor to make MathML available in browsers that don't have native MathML support. It is also possible to have MathJax select the output processor for you so that MathML is used in those browsers that support it, while HTML-CSS is used for those that don't. See the :ref:`common configurations ` section for details and examples.qºh"h;h#h&h(h]h*}q»(h0]q¼h2]q½h.]q¾h,]q¿h4]qÀuh7Kh8hh]qÁ(hUX{���Because of MathJax's modular design, you do not need to use all three of these components. For example, you could use the qÂ…qÃ}qÄ(h X{���Because of MathJax's modular design, you do not need to use all three of these components. For example, you could use the qÅh"h¸ubh’)qÆ}qÇ(h X ���`tex2jax`qÈh*}qÉ(h0]qÊh2]qËh.]qÌh,]qÍh4]qÎuh"h¸h]qÏhUX���tex2jaxqÐ…qÑ}qÒ(h U�h"hÆubah(h ubhUX±��� preprocessor and the TeX input processor, but the NativeMML output processor, so that your mathematics is entered in TeX format, but displayed as MathML. Or you could use the qÓ…qÔ}qÕ(h X±��� preprocessor and the TeX input processor, but the NativeMML output processor, so that your mathematics is entered in TeX format, but displayed as MathML. Or you could use the qÖh"h¸ubh’)q×}qØ(h X ���`mml2jax`qÙh*}qÚ(h0]qÛh2]qÜh.]qÝh,]qÞh4]qßuh"h¸h]qàhUX���mml2jaxqá…qâ}qã(h U�h"h×ubah(h ubhUXO�� reprocessor and MathML input processor with the HTML-CSS output processor to make MathML available in browsers that don't have native MathML support. It is also possible to have MathJax select the output processor for you so that MathML is used in those browsers that support it, while HTML-CSS is used for those that don't. See the qä…qå}qæ(h XO�� reprocessor and MathML input processor with the HTML-CSS output processor to make MathML available in browsers that don't have native MathML support. It is also possible to have MathJax select the output processor for you so that MathML is used in those browsers that support it, while HTML-CSS is used for those that don't. See the qçh"h¸ubhi)qè}qé(h X4���:ref:`common configurations `qêh"h¸h(hmh*}që(UreftypeqìX���refqíhqX���common-configurationsqîU refdomainqïX���stdqðh,]qñh.]qòU refexplicitqóˆh0]qôh2]qõh4]qöh{h|uh7Kh]q÷h~)qø}qù(h hêh*}qú(h0]qûh2]qü(h„hðX���std-refqýeh.]qþh,]qÿh4]r���uh"hèh]r��hUX���common configurationsr��…r��}r��(h U�h"høubah(hubaubhUX"��� section for details and examples.r��…r��}r��(h X"��� section for details and examples.r��h"h¸ubeubhY)r ��}r ��(h X��Of course it is also possible to use all three components together. It may seem strange to go through an internal format just to return to MathML in the end, but this is actually what makes it possible to view MathML within an HTML page (rather than an XHTML page), without the complications of handling special MIME-types for the document, or any of the other setup issues that make using native MathML difficult. MathJax handles the setup and properly marks the mathematics so that the browser will render it as MathML. In addition, MathJax provides its contextual menu for the MathML, which lets the user zoom the mathematics for easier reading, get the copy the source markup, and so on, so there is added value to using MathJax even whith a pure MathML workflow.r ��h"h;h#h&h(h]h*}r ��(h0]r ��h2]r��h.]r��h,]r��h4]r��uh7Kh8hh]r��hUX��Of course it is also possible to use all three components together. It may seem strange to go through an internal format just to return to MathML in the end, but this is actually what makes it possible to view MathML within an HTML page (rather than an XHTML page), without the complications of handling special MIME-types for the document, or any of the other setup issues that make using native MathML difficult. MathJax handles the setup and properly marks the mathematics so that the browser will render it as MathML. In addition, MathJax provides its contextual menu for the MathML, which lets the user zoom the mathematics for easier reading, get the copy the source markup, and so on, so there is added value to using MathJax even whith a pure MathML workflow.r��…r��}r��(h j ��h"j ��ubaubh:)r��}r��(h U�h"h;h#h&h(h?h*}r��(h0]r��h2]r��h.]r��h,]r��hah4]r��hauh7K+h8hh]r��(hI)r��}r ��(h X���MathML in HTML pagesr!��h"j��h#h&h(hMh*}r"��(h0]r#��h2]r$��h.]r%��h,]r&��h4]r'��uh7K+h8hh]r(��hUX���MathML in HTML pagesr)��…r*��}r+��(h j!��h"j��ubaubhY)r,��}r-��(h XÅ��For MathML that is handled via the pre-processor, you should not use the named MathML entities, but rather use the numeric entities like ``√`` or unicode characters embedded in the page itself. The reason is that entities are replaced by the browser before MathJax runs, and some browsers report errors for unknown entities. For browsers that are not MathML-aware, that will cause errors to be displayed for the MathML entities. While that might not occur in the browser you are using to compose your pages, it can happen with other browsers, so you should avoid the named entities whenever possible. If you must use named entities, you may need to declare them in the `DOCTYPE` declaration by hand.r.��h"j��h#h&h(h]h*}r/��(h0]r0��h2]r1��h.]r2��h,]r3��h4]r4��uh7K-h8hh]r5��(hUX‰���For MathML that is handled via the pre-processor, you should not use the named MathML entities, but rather use the numeric entities like r6��…r7��}r8��(h X‰���For MathML that is handled via the pre-processor, you should not use the named MathML entities, but rather use the numeric entities like r9��h"j,��ubh¥)r:��}r;��(h X ���``√``r<��h*}r=��(h0]r>��h2]r?��h.]r@��h,]rA��h4]rB��uh"j,��h]rC��hUX���√rD��…rE��}rF��(h U�h"j:��ubah(h³ubhUX�� or unicode characters embedded in the page itself. The reason is that entities are replaced by the browser before MathJax runs, and some browsers report errors for unknown entities. For browsers that are not MathML-aware, that will cause errors to be displayed for the MathML entities. While that might not occur in the browser you are using to compose your pages, it can happen with other browsers, so you should avoid the named entities whenever possible. If you must use named entities, you may need to declare them in the rG��…rH��}rI��(h X�� or unicode characters embedded in the page itself. The reason is that entities are replaced by the browser before MathJax runs, and some browsers report errors for unknown entities. For browsers that are not MathML-aware, that will cause errors to be displayed for the MathML entities. While that might not occur in the browser you are using to compose your pages, it can happen with other browsers, so you should avoid the named entities whenever possible. If you must use named entities, you may need to declare them in the rJ��h"j,��ubh’)rK��}rL��(h X ���`DOCTYPE`rM��h*}rN��(h0]rO��h2]rP��h.]rQ��h,]rR��h4]rS��uh"j,��h]rT��hUX���DOCTYPErU��…rV��}rW��(h U�h"jK��ubah(h ubhUX��� declaration by hand.rX��…rY��}rZ��(h X��� declaration by hand.r[��h"j,��ubeubhY)r\��}r]��(h Xß���When you use MathML in an HTML document rather than an XHTML one (MathJax will work woth both), you should not use the "self-closing" form for tags with no content, but should use separate open and close tags. That is, user^��h"j��h#h&h(h]h*}r_��(h0]r`��h2]ra��h.]rb��h,]rc��h4]rd��uh7K9h8hh]re��hUXß���When you use MathML in an HTML document rather than an XHTML one (MathJax will work woth both), you should not use the "self-closing" form for tags with no content, but should use separate open and close tags. That is, userf��…rg��}rh��(h j^��h"j\��ubaubcdocutils.nodes literal_block ri��)rj��}rk��(h X'���rl��h"j��h#h&h(U literal_blockrm��h*}rn��(Ulinenosro��‰Ulanguagerp��X���htmlrq��U xml:spacerr��Upreservers��h,]rt��h.]ru��h0]rv��h2]rw��h4]rx��uh7KAh8hh]ry��hUX'���rz��…r{��}r|��(h U�h"jj��ubaubhY)r}��}r~��(h Xå��rather than ````, since there is no closing tag, the rest of the mathematics will become the content of the ```` tag; but since ```` should have no content, the rest of the mathematics will not be displayed. This is a common error that should be avoided.r��h"j��h#h&h(h]h*}r€��(h0]r��h2]r‚��h.]rƒ��h,]r„��h4]r…��uh7KBh8hh]r†��(hUX ���rather than r‡��…rˆ��}r‰��(h X ���rather than rŠ��h"j}��ubh¥)r‹��}rŒ��(h X#���````rž��h*}rŸ��(h0]r ��h2]r¡��h.]r¢��h,]r£��h4]r¤��uh"j}��h]r¥��hUX���r¦��…r§��}r¨��(h U�h"jœ��ubah(h³ubhUX\���, since there is no closing tag, the rest of the mathematics will become the content of the r©��…rª��}r«��(h X\���, since there is no closing tag, the rest of the mathematics will become the content of the r¬��h"j}��ubh¥)r­��}r®��(h X ���````r¯��h*}r°��(h0]r±��h2]r²��h.]r³��h,]r´��h4]rµ��uh"j}��h]r¶��hUX���r·��…r¸��}r¹��(h U�h"j­��ubah(h³ubhUX��� tag; but since rº��…r»��}r¼��(h X��� tag; but since r½��h"j}��ubh¥)r¾��}r¿��(h X ���````rÀ��h*}rÁ��(h0]rÂ��h2]rÃ��h.]rÄ��h,]rÅ��h4]rÆ��uh"j}��h]rÇ��hUX���rÈ��…rÉ��}rÊ��(h U�h"j¾��ubah(h³ubhUX{��� should have no content, the rest of the mathematics will not be displayed. This is a common error that should be avoided.rË��…rÌ��}rÍ��(h X{��� should have no content, the rest of the mathematics will not be displayed. This is a common error that should be avoided.rÎ��h"j}��ubeubeubh:)rÏ��}rÐ��(h U�h"h;h#h&h(h?h*}rÑ��(h0]rÒ��h2]rÓ��h.]rÔ��h,]rÕ��hah4]rÖ��hauh7KLh8hh]r×��(hI)rØ��}rÙ��(h X���Supported MathML commandsrÚ��h"jÏ��h#h&h(hMh*}rÛ��(h0]rÜ��h2]rÝ��h.]rÞ��h,]rß��h4]rà��uh7KLh8hh]rá��hUX���Supported MathML commandsrâ��…rã��}rä��(h jÚ��h"jØ��ubaubhY)rå��}ræ��(h X��MathJax supports the `MathML3.0 `_ presentation mathematics tags, with some limitations. The MathML support is still under active development, so some tags are not yet implemented, and some features are not fully developed, but are coming.rç��h"jÏ��h#h&h(h]h*}rè��(h0]ré��h2]rê��h.]rë��h,]rì��h4]rí��uh7KNh8hh]rî��(hUX���MathJax supports the rï��…rð��}rñ��(h X���MathJax supports the rò��h"jå��ubcdocutils.nodes reference ró��)rô��}rõ��(h X,���`MathML3.0 `_rö��h*}r÷��(Unamerø��X ���MathML3.0rù��Urefurirú��X���http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML3/rû��h,]rü��h.]rý��h0]rþ��h2]rÿ��h4]r���uh"jå��h]r��hUX ���MathML3.0r��…r��}r��(h U�h"jô��ubah(U referencer��ubh)r��}r��(h X ��� r��h*}r ��(Urefurir ��jû��h,]r ��hah.]r ��h0]r ��h2]r��h4]r��h auh"jå��h]r��h(h)ubhUXÎ��� presentation mathematics tags, with some limitations. The MathML support is still under active development, so some tags are not yet implemented, and some features are not fully developed, but are coming.r��…r��}r��(h XÎ��� presentation mathematics tags, with some limitations. The MathML support is still under active development, so some tags are not yet implemented, and some features are not fully developed, but are coming.r��h"jå��ubeubhY)r��}r��(h X���The deficiencies include:r��h"jÏ��h#h&h(h]h*}r��(h0]r��h2]r��h.]r��h,]r��h4]r��uh7KTh8hh]r��hUX���The deficiencies include:r��…r ��}r!��(h j��h"j��ubaubcdocutils.nodes bullet_list r"��)r#��}r$��(h U�h"jÏ��h#h&h(U bullet_listr%��h*}r&��(Ubulletr'��X���-h,]r(��h.]r)��h0]r*��h2]r+��h4]r,��uh7KVh8hh]r-��(cdocutils.nodes list_item r.��)r/��}r0��(h X{���No support for the elementary math tags: ``mstack``, ``mlongdiv``, ``msgroup``, ``msrow``, ``mscarries``, and ``mscarry``. r1��h"j#��h#h&h(U list_itemr2��h*}r3��(h0]r4��h2]r5��h.]r6��h,]r7��h4]r8��uh7Nh8hh]r9��hY)r:��}r;��(h Xz���No support for the elementary math tags: ``mstack``, ``mlongdiv``, ``msgroup``, ``msrow``, ``mscarries``, and ``mscarry``.r<��h"j/��h#h&h(h]h*}r=��(h0]r>��h2]r?��h.]r@��h,]rA��h4]rB��uh7KVh]rC��(hUX)���No support for the elementary math tags: rD��…rE��}rF��(h X)���No support for the elementary math tags: rG��h"j:��ubh¥)rH��}rI��(h X ���``mstack``rJ��h*}rK��(h0]rL��h2]rM��h.]rN��h,]rO��h4]rP��uh"j:��h]rQ��hUX���mstackrR��…rS��}rT��(h U�h"jH��ubah(h³ubhUX���, rU��…rV��}rW��(h X���, rX��h"j:��ubh¥)rY��}rZ��(h X ���``mlongdiv``r[��h*}r\��(h0]r]��h2]r^��h.]r_��h,]r`��h4]ra��uh"j:��h]rb��hUX���mlongdivrc��…rd��}re��(h U�h"jY��ubah(h³ubhUX���, rf��…rg��}rh��(h X���, ri��h"j:��ubh¥)rj��}rk��(h X ���``msgroup``rl��h*}rm��(h0]rn��h2]ro��h.]rp��h,]rq��h4]rr��uh"j:��h]rs��hUX���msgrouprt��…ru��}rv��(h U�h"jj��ubah(h³ubhUX���, rw��…rx��}ry��(h X���, rz��h"j:��ubh¥)r{��}r|��(h X ���``msrow``r}��h*}r~��(h0]r��h2]r€��h.]r��h,]r‚��h4]rƒ��uh"j:��h]r„��hUX���msrowr…��…r†��}r‡��(h U�h"j{��ubah(h³ubhUX���, rˆ��…r‰��}rŠ��(h X���, r‹��h"j:��ubh¥)rŒ��}r��(h X ���``mscarries``rŽ��h*}r��(h0]r��h2]r‘��h.]r’��h,]r“��h4]r”��uh"j:��h]r•��hUX ���mscarriesr–��…r—��}r˜��(h U�h"jŒ��ubah(h³ubhUX���, and r™��…rš��}r›��(h X���, and rœ��h"j:��ubh¥)r��}rž��(h X ���``mscarry``rŸ��h*}r ��(h0]r¡��h2]r¢��h.]r£��h,]r¤��h4]r¥��uh"j:��h]r¦��hUX���mscarryr§��…r¨��}r©��(h U�h"j��ubah(h³ubhUX���.…rª��}r«��(h X���.h"j:��ubeubaubj.��)r¬��}r­��(h Xv���Limited support for line breaking (they are only allowed in direct children of ``mrow`` or implied ``mrow`` elements. r®��h"j#��h#h&h(j2��h*}r¯��(h0]r°��h2]r±��h.]r²��h,]r³��h4]r´��uh7Nh8hh]rµ��hY)r¶��}r·��(h Xu���Limited support for line breaking (they are only allowed in direct children of ``mrow`` or implied ``mrow`` elements.r¸��h"j¬��h#h&h(h]h*}r¹��(h0]rº��h2]r»��h.]r¼��h,]r½��h4]r¾��uh7KYh]r¿��(hUXO���Limited support for line breaking (they are only allowed in direct children of rÀ��…rÁ��}rÂ��(h XO���Limited support for line breaking (they are only allowed in direct children of rÃ��h"j¶��ubh¥)rÄ��}rÅ��(h X���``mrow``rÆ��h*}rÇ��(h0]rÈ��h2]rÉ��h.]rÊ��h,]rË��h4]rÌ��uh"j¶��h]rÍ��hUX���mrowrÎ��…rÏ��}rÐ��(h U�h"jÄ��ubah(h³ubhUX ��� or implied rÑ��…rÒ��}rÓ��(h X ��� or implied rÔ��h"j¶��ubh¥)rÕ��}rÖ��(h X���``mrow``r×��h*}rØ��(h0]rÙ��h2]rÚ��h.]rÛ��h,]rÜ��h4]rÝ��uh"j¶��h]rÞ��hUX���mrowrß��…rà��}rá��(h U�h"jÕ��ubah(h³ubhUX ��� elements.râ��…rã��}rä��(h X ��� elements.rå��h"j¶��ubeubaubj.��)ræ��}rç��(h X*���No support for alignment groups in table. rè��h"j#��h#h&h(j2��h*}ré��(h0]rê��h2]rë��h.]rì��h,]rí��h4]rî��uh7Nh8hh]rï��hY)rð��}rñ��(h X)���No support for alignment groups in table.rò��h"jæ��h#h&h(h]h*}ró��(h0]rô��h2]rõ��h.]rö��h,]r÷��h4]rø��uh7K\h]rù��hUX)���No support for alignment groups in table.rú��…rû��}rü��(h jò��h"jð��ubaubaubj.��)rý��}rþ��(h X(���No support for right-to-left rendering. rÿ��h"j#��h#h&h(j2��h*}r���(h0]r��h2]r��h.]r��h,]r��h4]r��uh7Nh8hh]r��hY)r��}r��(h X'���No support for right-to-left rendering.r ��h"jý��h#h&h(h]h*}r ��(h0]r ��h2]r ��h.]r ��h,]r��h4]r��uh7K^h]r��hUX'���No support for right-to-left rendering.r��…r��}r��(h j ��h"j��ubaubaubeubhY)r��}r��(h Xq���See the `results of the MathML3.0 test suite `_ for details.r��h"jÏ��h#h&h(h]h*}r��(h0]r��h2]r��h.]r��h,]r��h4]r��uh7K`h8hh]r��(hUX���See the r��…r��}r ��(h X���See the r!��h"j��ubjó��)r"��}r#��(h X\���`results of the MathML3.0 test suite `_r$��h*}r%��(Unamer&��X#���results of the MathML3.0 test suiter'��jú��X3���http://www.w3.org/Math/testsuite/results/tests.htmlr(��h,]r)��h.]r*��h0]r+��h2]r,��h4]r-��uh"j��h]r.��hUX#���results of the MathML3.0 test suiter/��…r0��}r1��(h U�h"j"��ubah(j��ubh)r2��}r3��(h X6��� r4��h*}r5��(Urefurir6��j(��h,]r7��hah.]r8��h0]r9��h2]r:��h4]r;��h auh"j��h]r<��h(h)ubhUX ��� for details.r=��…r>��}r?��(h X ��� for details.r@��h"j��ubeubeubeubeh U�U transformerrA��NU footnote_refsrB��}rC��UrefnamesrD��}rE��Usymbol_footnotesrF��]rG��Uautofootnote_refsrH��]rI��Usymbol_footnote_refsrJ��]rK��U citationsrL��]rM��h8hU current_linerN��NUtransform_messagesrO��]rP��(cdocutils.nodes system_message rQ��)rR��}rS��(h 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citation_refsr£��}r¤��Uindirect_targetsr¥��]r¦��Usettingsr§��(cdocutils.frontend Values r¨��or©��}rª��(Ufootnote_backlinksr«��KUrecord_dependenciesr¬��NU rfc_base_urlr­��Uhttp://tools.ietf.org/html/r®��U tracebackr¯��KUpep_referencesr°��NUstrip_commentsr±��NU toc_backlinksr²��Uentryr³��U language_coder´��Uenrµ��U datestampr¶��NU report_levelr·��KU _destinationr¸��NU halt_levelr¹��KU strip_classesrº��NhMNUerror_encoding_error_handlerr»��Ubackslashreplacer¼��Udebugr½��NUembed_stylesheetr¾��‰Uoutput_encoding_error_handlerr¿��UstrictrÀ��U sectnum_xformrÁ��KUdump_transformsrÂ��NU docinfo_xformrÃ��KUwarning_streamrÄ��NUpep_file_url_templaterÅ��Upep-%04drÆ��Uexit_status_levelrÇ��KUconfigrÈ��NUstrict_visitorrÉ��NUcloak_email_addressesrÊ��ˆUtrim_footnote_reference_spacerË��‰UenvrÌ��NUdump_pseudo_xmlrÍ��NUexpose_internalsrÎ��NUsectsubtitle_xformrÏ��‰U source_linkrÐ��NUrfc_referencesrÑ��NUoutput_encodingrÒ��Uutf-8rÓ��U source_urlrÔ��NUinput_encodingrÕ��U utf-8-sigrÖ��U_disable_configr×��NU 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