import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Col } from 'react-flexbox-grid'; import { action } from 'mobx'; import { observer } from 'mobx-react'; import { titleize } from 'hippo/lib/util'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import Dropzone from 'react-dropzone'; import Field from 'grommet/components/FormField'; import DocumentIcon from 'grommet/components/icons/base/DocumentCloud'; import { BaseModel } from '../models/base'; import './asset.scss'; @observer export default class Asset extends React.PureComponent { static defaultProps = { label: '', className: '', } static propTypes = { model: PropTypes.instanceOf(BaseModel).isRequired, name: PropTypes.string.isRequired, label: PropTypes.string, className: PropTypes.string, } @action.bound onDrop(files) { if (!this.asset) { this.props.model[] = {}; } this.asset.setFile(files[0]); } get asset() { return this.props.model[]; } get label() { return this.props.label || titleize(; } preview() { if (this.asset && this.asset.exists) { return this.asset.isImage ? : ; } return (
Drop a file here, or click to select one to upload.
); } render() { const { model: _, label: __, name: ___, className, ...col } = this.props; return ( {this.preview()} ); } }