require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' module TypeSpec TestValues = { date:, number: 27, int: 356192, float: 72.362517, bool: true, boolean: false, array: ["test1","test2"], json: {test1: true, test2: "false"} } TestData = TestValues.inject({}){|acc,(k,v)| acc["a_#{k}".to_sym] = v; acc } class TypedObject < RedisObject TestValues.keys.each do |type| send(type.to_sym,"a_#{type}".to_sym) send(type.to_sym,"another_#{type}".to_sym) end end class TypedChild < TypedObject; end describe Seabright::Types do before do SpecHelper.flushdb end it "can be created via data packet" do obj = TypedObject.create(TestData) TestData.each do |k,v| obj.get(k).should eq(v) end end it "inherits types" do obj = TypedChild.create(TestData) TestData.each do |k,v| obj.get(k).should eq(v) end end it "can be instantiated (new) via data packet" do obj = TestData.each do |k,v| obj.get(k).should eq(v) end end it "can be created via individual sets" do obj = TestData.each do |k,v| obj.set(k,v) obj.get(k).should eq(v) end end it "gets correct values after being found" do objc = TypedObject.create(TestData) obj = TypedObject.find( TestData.each do |k,v| obj.get(k).should eq(v) end end it "nullifies non-date date value" do obj = obj.a_date = "sjahfgasjfg" obj.a_date.should eq(nil) end it "can get unset typed fields" do obj = obj.another_json.should eq(nil) obj.another_array.should be_a(Array) obj.another_array.size.should eq(0) obj.another_date.should eq(nil) obj.another_int.should eq(nil) obj.another_number.should eq(nil) obj.another_float.should eq(nil) obj.another_bool.should eq(false) obj.another_boolean.should eq(false) end it "describes itself" do obj = TypedObject.create(TestData) objc = TypedChild.create(TestData) desc = TypedObject.describe TypedObject.dump_schema("/tmp/redisobject_dump_test","w")) end end end