require 'yaml' class String def red "\033[31m#{self}\033[0m" end end module Bib module Vagrant class << self # Checks for plugins and takes a plugin list plus optional true/false for checking some # _esoteric_ plugin constellation, see Bib::Vagrant#check_esoteric_plugin_constellation. # # ==== Example where given plugins are all mandatory (plugins are given as an array) # # Bib::Vagrant.check_plugins(['landrush', 'vagrant-hosts']) # # ==== Example where a plugin may be mandatory but doesn't need to (plugins are given as a hash) # # Bib::Vagrant.check_plugins( # { # 'landrush' => true, # 'vagrant-hosts' => false # }, # true # ) def check_plugins(plugins, check_esoteric_plugin_constellation = true) complete = true plugins.each do |plugin, mandatory| next if ::Vagrant.has_plugin?(plugin) next if ENV['VAGRANT_CI'] puts "!!! - You are missing a plugin: #{plugin}" puts '---' puts "### - Please run: vagrant plugin install #{plugin}" puts '---' puts "!!! - Read more here: #{plugin_list[plugin]}" complete = false if mandatory end if check_esoteric_plugin_constellation complete = self.check_esoteric_plugin_constellation ? complete : false end complete end # Checks for some _esoteric_ plugin constellation. # # Please follow the output instructions when the _esoteric_ constellation is met. def check_esoteric_plugin_constellation complete = true if ::Vagrant.has_plugin?('landrush') && !Gem.loaded_specs['celluloid'].nil? if Gem.loaded_specs['celluloid'].version.to_s == '0.16.1' puts 'This is an esoteric issue for vagrant 1.7.4/landrush 18 and virtualbox 5.x' puts 'celluloid is 0.16.1' puts 'Please do the following on your HOST OS' puts ' export GEM_HOME=~/.vagrant.d/gems' puts ' gem uninstall celluloid -v 0.16.1' puts ' gem install celluloid -v 0.16.0' complete = false end end complete end # Returns an array which lists plugins to check where index is the name of the plugin and value # is the url where the user can get more information about it. def plugin_list { 'landrush' => '', 'vagrant-hosts' => '', 'vagrant-faster' => '', 'vagrant-cachier' => '', 'bib-vagrant' => 'See' } end def init_github_hostkey(machine) machine.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| s.inline = 'ssh -T -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no; exit 0' s.privileged = false end end def check_gatling unless ::Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-gatling-rsync') puts "\nERROR: you're using rsync - you'll need the vagrant-gatling-rsync plugin\n" puts 'do' puts "\n\tvagrant plugin install vagrant-gatling-rsync\n\n" puts "(also: see the README for how to increase the inotify limit)\n" exit 1 end puts "\nNOTE: you're using rsync, run\n\n\tvagrant gatling-rsync-auto\n\nto auto-sync the shared folders\n\n" end def install_node_artifacts(machine, node_uri) machine.vm.provision 'shell', inline: <<-SHELL echo "grabbing /usr/lib/node_modules.." sudo wget --continue -O /tmp/usr_node.tgz #{node_uri} sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/node_modules sudo tar --overwrite -zxof /tmp/usr_node.tgz -C /usr/lib/ echo ".. done." SHELL end def add_composertoken_to_dna(dna, vagrantconfig) if vagrantconfig.key?('composer_github_token') && !vagrantconfig['composer_github_token'].empty? puts "[info] Replacing OAuth2 Token for composer with user token: #{vagrantconfig['composer_github_token']}" dna['composer']['oauth_key'] = vagrantconfig['composer_github_token'] else puts "[error] You don't have a token setup in!".red puts ' 1. (with repo scope only)' puts ' 2. Add this line to ~/.config/easybib/vagrantdefault.yml:' puts ' composer_github_token: your-token-here' puts '' puts "Run `vagrant #{ARGV[0]}` again!" exit end dna end def prepare_app_settings(vagrantconfig, machine, dna, applicationlist = 'applications') dna = add_composertoken_to_dna(dna, vagrantconfig) dna['vagrant'][applicationlist].each do |app, app_config| vagrant_share = File.expand_path(app_config['app_root_location']) host_folder = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/sites/#{app}" if vagrantconfig['nfs'] machine.vm.synced_folder host_folder, vagrant_share, type: 'nfs', mount_options: ['nolock,vers=3,udp,noatime,actimeo=1'] elsif vagrantconfig['rsync'] machine.vm.synced_folder host_folder, vagrant_share, type: 'rsync' else machine.vm.synced_folder host_folder, vagrant_share, owner: 'vagrant' end end dna end def setup_landrush_hostnames(config, host_ip, dna, applicationlist = 'applications') hosts_list = [] dna['vagrant'][applicationlist].each do |_app, app_config| # Populate Landrush and vagrant-hosts host_name = "#{app_config['domain_name']}" hosts_list.push(host_name) host_name, host_ip end # This loop will actually populate the /etc/hsots on the guest and host OS via vagrant-hosts hosts_flat = { |name| name.split(' ') }.flatten.uniq config.vm.provision :hosts do |provisioner| # Add a single hostname provisioner.add_host host_ip, hosts_flat end end def default_provision(machine) # remove locale passing via ssh also generate a default locale on the guest OS machine.vm.provision 'shell', inline: 'sed -i "s/@AcceptEnv LANG LC_\*/# AcceptEnv LANG LC_\*/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config' machine.vm.provision 'shell', inline: 'locale-gen en_US.UTF-8' # uncomment the next line and re-run provision if you end up with a # "Failed to fetch mirror://" error: # machine.vm.provision "shell", inline: "apt-spy2 fix --commit --launchpad --country=US" # machine.vm.provision "shell", inline: "apt-spy2 fix --commit --launchpad --country=Germany" machine.vm.provision 'shell', inline: 'apt-get update -y' end end end end