require 'bundler' require 'logger' require 'pathname' require 'tmpdir' require 'rake' require 'rubygems/installer' module Killbill class PluginHelper include Rake::DSL class << self def install_tasks(opts = {}) gemfile_name = ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] || 'Gemfile' new(opts[:base_name] || Dir.pwd, # Path to the plugin root directory (where the gempec and/or Gemfile should be) opts[:plugin_name], # Plugin name, e.g. 'klogger' opts[:gem_name], # Gem file name, e.g. 'klogger-1.0.0.gem' opts[:gemfile_name] || gemfile_name, # Gemfile name opts[:gemfile_lock_name] || "#{gemfile_name}.lock", opts.key?(:verbose) ? opts[:verbose] : ENV['VERBOSE'] == 'true') .install end end def initialize(base_name, plugin_name, gem_name, gemfile_name, gemfile_lock_name, verbose) @verbose = verbose @logger = @logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, _, msg| date_format = datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L') if severity == "INFO" || severity == "WARN" "KillBill [#{date_format}] #{severity} : #{msg}\n" else "KillBill [#{date_format}] #{severity} : #{msg}\n" end end @logger.level = @verbose ? Logger::DEBUG : Logger::INFO @base_name = base_name @plugin_name = plugin_name @gem_name = gem_name @gemfile_name = gemfile_name @gemfile_lock_name = gemfile_lock_name # Plugin base directory @base = # Find the gemspec to determine name and version @plugin_gemspec = load_plugin_gemspec @package_dir ='pkg').expand_path FileUtils.mkdir_p @package_dir # Temporary build directory # will hard link all files from @package_tmp_dir to pkg to avoid tar'ing # up symbolic links (similar to how Rake::PackageTask does prepare files) @package_tmp_dir ='tmp', name)).expand_path @root_dir_path = 'ROOT' # plugin's ROOT directory @gems_dir_path = File.join(@root_dir_path, 'gems') # Staging area to install the and files @plugin_target_dir = @package_tmp_dir.join("#{version}").expand_path @plugin_root_target_dir = @plugin_target_dir.join(@root_dir_path) # Staging area to install gem dependencies # Note the Killbill friendly structure (which we will keep in the tarball) @plugin_gem_target_dir = @plugin_target_dir.join(@gems_dir_path) end attr_reader :base def name end def version @plugin_gemspec.version end def specs # Rely on the Gemfile definition, if it exists, to get all dependencies # (we assume the Gemfile includes the plugin gemspec, as it should). # Otherwise, use recursively retrieve the plugin gemspec' runtime dependencies # ... resolves all gems as they are currently installed with RubyGems @specs ||= if @gemfile_definition # don't include the :development group @gemfile_definition.specs_for([:default]) else get_dependencies = lambda do |spec| deps = ( spec.runtime_dependencies || [] ).map(&:to_spec) deps.dup.each { |spec| deps += } deps.uniq end all_dependencies = all_dependencies.dup.each do |spec| next unless all_dependencies.include?(spec) # removed previously # duplicate gemspec of same name might get included since we did # not really do through the gem activation hustle, lowest version # should win since those tend to be matched by strict requirements if other_spec = all_dependencies.find { |s| == && s != spec } if other_spec.version > spec.version @logger.debug "Discarding matched gem '#{}' version #{other_spec.version} in favor of #{spec.version}" all_dependencies.delete(other_spec) else # other_spec.version < spec.version @logger.debug "Discarding matched gem '#{}' version #{spec.version} in favor of #{other_spec.version}" all_dependencies.delete(spec) end end end [ @plugin_gemspec ] + all_dependencies end end def install namespace :killbill do desc "Validate plugin tree" # The file is required, but not the one task :validate, [:verbose] => killbill_properties_file do |t, args| set_verbosity(args) validate end desc "Build all package files for #{name} plugin #{version}" task :package, [:verbose] => :stage # builds .tar.gz & .zip packages package_name = "#{name}-#{version}" package_dir = @package_dir.realpath # pkg package_dir_path = File.join(package_dir, package_name) # pkg/killbill-xxx-0.1.2 task :package => [ tar_gz_file = File.join(package_dir, "#{package_name}.tar.gz") ] file tar_gz_file => [ package_dir_path, 'package:files' ] do chdir(package_dir) do tar_command = 'tar' sh tar_command, "zcvf", tar_gz_file, package_name end end task :package => [ zip_file = File.join(package_dir, "#{package_name}.zip") ] file zip_file => [ package_dir_path, 'package:files' ] do chdir(package_dir) do zip_command = 'zip' sh zip_command, "-r", zip_file, package_name end end directory package_dir_path task 'package:files' do # move files from tmp directory to pkg (based on how rake does) basename = Regexp.escape(@package_tmp_dir.basename.to_s) tmp_path = @package_tmp_dir.realpath.to_s realpath_tmp_prefix = tmp_path.sub(/\/#{basename}$/, '') package_files ="#{tmp_path}/**/*") package_files.each do |fn| f = File.join(package_dir_path, fn.sub(realpath_tmp_prefix, '')) fdir = File.dirname(f) mkdir_p(fdir) unless File.exist?(fdir) if mkdir_p(f) else rm_f f safe_ln(fn, f) end end end desc "Force a rebuild of package files for #{name} plugin #{version}" task :repackage => [:clobber_package, :package] task :clobber_tmp do rm_r @package_tmp_dir rescue nil end desc "Remove package files from #{@package_dir}" task :clobber_package do rm_f tar_gz_file if File.exist?(tar_gz_file) rm_f zip_file if File.exist?(zip_file) rm_r package_dir_path rescue nil end task :clobber => [:clobber_tmp, :clobber_package] task 'stage:init' do # NOOP task for plugins to hook up if they need some sort of initialization # (task will be run in the context of the Killbill::PluginHelper instance) # NOTE: no need for post (stage:done) hook since it's easy using Rake : # Rake::Task["killbill:package"].enhance { ... } end desc "Stage dependencies for #{name} plugin #{version}" task :stage, [:verbose] => [ :validate, 'stage:init' ] do |t, args| set_verbosity(args) mkdir_p @plugin_target_dir.to_s, :verbose => @verbose stage_dependencies stage_extra_files end desc "Deploy #{name} plugin #{version} to KillBill server" task :deploy, [:force, :plugin_dir, :verbose] => :stage do |t, args| plugins_dir = prepare_deploy(t, args) cp_r @package_tmp_dir, plugins_dir, :verbose => @verbose deploy_config_files plugin_path(plugins_dir) # .../[name]/[version] end desc "Deploy plugin in development mode (without staging)" task 'deploy:dev', [:force, :plugin_dir, :verbose] => :validate do |t, args| raise 'development deployment only works with Bundler' unless bundler? plugins_dir = prepare_deploy(t, args) # prepare "temporary" deployment at tmp/deploy:dev package_tmp_dir ='tmp', 'deploy:dev')).expand_path rm_r package_tmp_dir if File.exist?(package_tmp_dir) mkdir_p package_tmp_dir.to_s, :verbose => @verbose mkdir target_dir = package_tmp_dir.join(version.to_s) # NOTE: although same _boot.rb_ as with regular deploys might not work stage_extra_files target_dir if boot_rb_file.nil? generate_dev_boot_rb target_dir else "Make sure the suplied #{boot_rb_file} is removed/adjusted before doing a regular killbill:deploy (same boot.rb won't likely work)" end # here we assume Gemfile declares gemspec and we link ROOT to base : ln_s @base, target_dir.join(@root_dir_path), :verbose => @verbose # ln -s /var/tmp/bundles/plugins/ruby/killbill-xxx -> tmp/deploy:dev ln_s package_tmp_dir, plugins_dir.join(name), :verbose => @verbose deploy_config_files target_dir end desc "List all dependencies" task :dependencies => :validate do print_dependencies end task :dependency => :dependencies desc "Delete #{@package_dir}" task :clean => :clobber do rm_r @package_dir if File.exist?(@package_dir) end end end private def plugin_path(plugins_dir, versioned = true) plugin_path = plugins_dir.join(name) versioned ? plugin_path.join(version.to_s) : plugin_path end # (shared) deploy task(s) helper # @return _plugins_ directory def prepare_deploy(t, args) set_verbosity(args) plugins_dir ="#{args.plugin_dir || '/var/tmp/bundles/plugins/ruby'}").expand_path mkdir_p plugins_dir, :verbose => @verbose plugin_path = plugin_path(plugins_dir, false) # "#{plugins_dir}/#{name}" if plugin_path.exist? if args.force == "true" safe_unlink plugin_path # if link (deploy:dev) just remove the link if plugin_path.exist? "Deleting previous plugin deployment #{plugin_path}" rm_rf plugin_path, :verbose => @verbose if plugin_path.exist? else "Unlinked previous plugin deployment #{plugin_path}" end else raise "Cowardly not deleting previous plugin deployment #{plugin_path} - override with rake #{}[true]" end end plugins_dir end # (shared) deploy task(s) helper def deploy_config_files(path, config_files ="#{@base}/*.yml")) config_files.each do |config_file| config_file_path = File.join(path, File.basename(config_file)) "Deploying #{config_file} to #{config_file_path}" cp config_file, config_file_path, :verbose => @verbose end end def set_verbosity(args) return unless args.verbose == 'true' @verbose = true @logger.level = Logger::DEBUG end def validate if @gemfile_definition = build_gemfile @gemfile_definition.resolve end true end def bundler?; !! @gemfile_definition end def print_dependencies # NOTE: can be improved to include :git info and warn on gem :path specs.each { |spec| puts " #{} (#{spec.version})" } end # Parse the .gemspec file def load_plugin_gemspec gemspecs = @plugin_name ? [File.join(@base, "#{@plugin_name}.gemspec")] : Dir[File.join(@base, "{,*}.gemspec")] raise "Unable to find your plugin gemspec in #{@base}" if gemspecs.size == 0 raise "Found multiple plugin gemspec in #{@base} : #{gemspecs.inspect}" if gemspecs.size > 1 spec_path = gemspecs.first @logger.debug "Loading #{spec_path}" Gem::Specification.load(spec_path) end def find_plugin_gem(spec) gem_name = spec.file_name # Try in the base directory first plugin_gem_file = unless plugin_gem_file.file? # `rake build` (./pkg) plugin_gem_file ='pkg', gem_name)) end unless plugin_gem_file.file? raise "Unable to find #{gem_name}. Did you build it? (`rake build')" end @logger.debug "Found #{plugin_gem_file}" plugin_gem_file.expand_path end def find_missing_gem(spec, silent = nil) base = nil if spec.loaded_from # spec.loaded_from is (usually) the path to the gemspec file base = if ! base.file? base = nil unless end end unless base base = spec.gems_dir if spec.respond_to?(:gems_dir) base = spec.base_dir if spec.respond_to?(:base_dir) end # might end-up with a slightly incorrect resolution (due Bundler) : # e.g. .../rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.19@global/gems/bundler-1.7.9/lib/bundler/gems if base parent = base parent = parent.parent while ! parent.join('cache').directory? base = parent if parent && parent.join('gems').directory? # RGs layout end gem_file = nil gem_name = spec.file_name gem_paths = Gem.paths.path.dup; gem_paths.unshift(base) if base gem_paths.each do |gem_path| # e.g. /opt/rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.16@global if cache_dir = File.join(gem_path, 'cache') if File.file? gem_file = File.join(cache_dir, gem_name) gem_file =; break else gem_file = nil end else gem_files = Dir[File.join(gem_path, "**/#{gem_name}")] unless gem_files.empty? @logger.debug "Gem candidates found: #{gem_files.inspect}" gem_file =; break end end end if gem_file.nil? || ! gem_file.file? return nil if silent raise "Unable to find #{gem_name} under #{gem_paths.inspect}" end @logger.debug "Found #{gem_file}" gem_file.expand_path end # Parse the existing Gemfile and Gemfile.lock files def build_gemfile gemfile = gemfile_path # Don't make the Gemfile a requirement, a gemspec should be enough return nil unless gemfile.file? # Make sure the developer ran `bundle install' first. We could probably run # Bundler::Installer::install(@plugin_gem_target_dir, @definition, {}) # but it may be better to make sure all dependencies are resolved first, # before attempting to build the plugin gemfile_lock = gemfile_lock_path raise "Unable to find the bundle .lock at #{gemfile_lock} for your plugin. Please run `bundle install' first" unless gemfile_lock.file? @logger.debug "Parsing #{gemfile} and #{gemfile_lock}", gemfile_lock, nil) end def gemfile_path @base.join(@gemfile_name).expand_path end def gemfile_lock_path @base.join(@gemfile_lock_name).expand_path end def stage_dependencies # Create the target directory mkdir_p @plugin_gem_target_dir.to_s, :verbose => @verbose @logger.debug "Installing all gem dependencies to #{@plugin_gem_target_dir}" # We can't simply use Bundler::Installer unfortunately, because we can't tell it to copy the gems for cached ones # (it will default to using Bundler::Source::Path references to the gemspecs on "install"). generate_boot_rb if boot_rb_file.nil? # else user-suplied boot.rb will be copied into the package # part of copying the dependencies is getting Gemfile/Gemfile.lock in # otherwise :git => gem dependencies would need work-arounds to work copy_gemfile if bundler? # plugin gem build might re-copy, that's fine! specs.each do |spec| if ! gem_path = valid_gem_path(spec) if gem_path == false # == name # Gemfile very likely declares gemspec ... so we need to get that in # yet the current way (the plugin gem must be built first) we can # not simply copy spec.loaded_from into the package's root directory # (the actual [PLUGIN_ROOT]/killbill-plugin.gemspec) as that depends # on `git' binary on PATH (to get the actual gem.files) "Building #{} gem from #{spec.loaded_from}" Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| plugin_gem =, spec.file_name)) plugin_gem.spec = spec # skip_validation gemspec_name = File.basename(spec.loaded_from) puts_to_root plugin_gem.spec.to_ruby, gemspec_name # NOTE: further the unpacked gemspec will be read by Bundler and assumes # the unpacked gem structure to be found on the file-system, extract : plugin_gem.extract_files @plugin_root_target_dir end next end if bundler? # gem not under gem cache_dir (default gem or multiple gem paths) gem_path = find_missing_gem(spec) @logger.debug "Staging #{} (#{spec.version}) from #{gem_path}" do_install_gem(gem_path, spec) else # mostly Bunder-less backwards-compatibility gem_path = find_missing_gem(spec, :silent) || find_plugin_gem(spec) "Staging #{spec.full_name} from #{gem_path}" do_install_gem(gem_path, spec) end elsif gem_path.file? @logger.debug "Staging #{} (#{spec.version}) from #{gem_path}" do_install_gem(gem_path, spec) elsif @logger.debug "Staging #{} (#{spec.version}) from #{gem_path}" do_install_bundler(gem_path, spec) else raise "#{} gem path #{gem_path.inspect} does not exist" end end end def valid_gem_path(spec) cache_file = File.join(spec.cache_dir, "#{spec.full_name}.gem") cache_path = return cache_path if cache_path.file? return false if == name # it's the plugin gem itself if spec.source && bundler? && spec.source.is_a?(Bundler::Source) # Path < Source and Git < Path : case spec.source when Bundler::Source::Git # NOTE cache_path only works with `bundle cache --all` # when bundle cached install path points to cache # e.g. ./vendor/cache/killbill-plugin-framework-ruby-ce5e19f45bc9 # otherwise it's the path from under RG (as usual for Bundler) # e.g. [RVM]/gems/jruby-1.7.19@kb/bundler/gems/killbill-plugin-framework-ruby-ce5e19f45bc9 return spec.source.install_path when Bundler::Source::Path @logger.warn "gem '#{}' declares :path => '#{spec.source.path}' packaging will only work locally (while the path exists) !" return spec.source.path end end nil end def do_install_bundler(path, spec) #full_gem_path = #gem_relative_path = full_gem_path.relative_path_from(Bundler.install_path) #filenames = []; gem_relative_path.each_filename { |f| filenames << f } #exclude_gems = true #unless filenames.empty? # full_gem_path = + filenames.first # exclude_gems = false #end FileUtils.mkdir_p target_dir = File.join(@plugin_gem_target_dir, "bundler/gems") if spec.groups.include?(:killbill_excluded) Dir.glob("#{path}/**/#{}.gemspec").each do |file| gem_target_file = File.join(target_dir, File.basename(file)) FileUtils.rm(gem_target_file) if File.exist?(gem_target_file) FileUtils.cp(file, target_dir) # gemspec only to avert Bundler error end else gem_target_dir = File.join(target_dir, File.basename(path)) FileUtils.rm_r(gem_target_dir) if File.exist?(gem_target_dir) FileUtils.cp_r(path, target_dir) # the copied .git directory is not needed (might be large) : git_target_dir = File.join(gem_target_dir, '.git') FileUtils.rm_r(git_target_dir) if File.exist?(git_target_dir) end rescue => e @logger.warn "Unable to stage #{} from #{path}: #{e}" raise e end def do_install_gem(path, spec) name, version =, spec.version options = { :force => true, :install_dir => @plugin_gem_target_dir, #:only_install_dir => true, # Should be redundant with the tweaks below :development => false, :wrappers => true } if Gem::Installer.respond_to?(:at) gem_installer =, options) else # constructing an Installer object with a string is deprecated gem_installer =, options) end # Tweak the spec file as there are a lot of things we don't care about gem_installer.spec.executables = nil gem_installer.spec.extra_rdoc_files = nil gem_installer.spec.test_files = nil # avoid the annoying post_install_message from money gem (and others) gem_installer.spec.post_install_message = nil gem_installer.install rescue => e @logger.warn "Unable to stage #{name} (#{version}) from #{path}: #{e}" raise e end def generate_boot_rb(target_dir = @plugin_target_dir) @logger.debug "Generating boot.rb into #{target_dir}" # NOTE: previously the same WD was used dependent on server startup puts_to target_dir, <<-END, 'boot.rb' Dir.chdir File.expand_path('#{@root_dir_path}', File.dirname(__FILE__)) ENV["GEM_HOME"] = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '#{@gems_dir_path}') ENV["GEM_PATH"] = ENV["GEM_HOME"] # environment is set statically, as soon as Sinatra is loaded ENV["RACK_ENV"] = 'production' # prepare to boot using Bundler : ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"] = "#{ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"] || 'development:test'}" ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = File.expand_path('Gemfile') ENV["JBUNDLE_SKIP"] = 'true' # we only use JBundler for development/testing require 'rubygems' unless defined? Gem if File.exists?(ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"]) require 'bundler'; Bundler.setup else #{adjust_plugin_load_path} end # try loading killbill (Bunler-less deploys or in case plugin forgot to require) begin require 'killbill' rescue LoadError => e # not fatal for un-usual cases where plugins vendor the gem warn "WARN: failed to load killbill gem: \#\{e.inspect\}" end #{plugin_require_line} END end def generate_dev_boot_rb(target_dir, env = 'production') @logger.debug "Generating (dev) boot.rb into #{target_dir}" puts_to target_dir, <<-END, 'boot.rb' Dir.chdir File.expand_path('#{@root_dir_path}', File.dirname(__FILE__)) ENV["GEM_HOME"] = '#{Gem.paths.home}' ENV["GEM_PATH"] = '#{Gem.paths.path.join(':')}' # environment is set statically, as soon as Sinatra is loaded ENV["RACK_ENV"] = '#{env}' # prepare to boot using Bundler : ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"] = "#{ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"] || ''}" ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = File.expand_path('Gemfile') require 'rubygems' unless defined? Gem require 'bundler'; Bundler.setup # require 'killbill' #{plugin_require_line} END end def plugin_require_line files = @plugin_gemspec.files; require_path = "#{@plugin_gemspec.require_path}/" files = { |file| file.start_with?(require_path) && file[-3..-1] == '.rb' } # [ "lib/stripe.rb", "lib/stripe/api.rb", "lib/stripe/application.rb", ... ]! { |file| file.sub(require_path, '') } # [ "stripe.rb", "stripe/api.rb", "stripe/application.rb", ... ] # 0. if killbill-stripe gem name has a killbill-stripe.rb use it return "require '#{name}'" if files.include?("#{name}.rb") # 1. RG convention: killbill-stripe -> require 'killbill/stripe' filename = "#{name.sub('-', '/')}" return "require '#{filename}'" if files.include?("#{filename}.rb") # 2. killbill-paypal-express -> require 'paypal-express' (not used) filename = "#{name.sub(/^killbill\-/, '')}" return "require '#{filename}'" if files.include?("#{filename}.rb") # 3. killbill-paypal-express -> require 'paypal_express' filename = filename.sub('-', '_') return "require '#{filename}'" if files.include?("#{filename}.rb") # not likely to happen - fallback to root file (warn when multiple) : files = { |file| file.index('/').nil? } return "require '#{files[0]}'" if files.size == 1 raise "could not resolve main require file from gemspec,\n please follow our naming convention for the bootstrap require e.g. \"#{name.sub('-', '/')}.rb\"" end def adjust_plugin_load_path # NOTE: assuming Dir.chdir [ROOT] do |path| "$LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path('#{path}')" # $LOAD_PATH << 'lib' end.join('; ') end def copy_gemfile(target_dir = @plugin_root_target_dir) copy_to target_dir, gemfile_path, 'Gemfile' copy_to target_dir, gemfile_lock_path, 'Gemfile.lock' end def stage_extra_files(target_dir = @plugin_target_dir) unless boot_rb_file.nil? "Staging (user-suplied) #{boot_rb_file}" copy_to target_dir, boot_rb_file end unless killbill_properties_file.nil? @logger.debug "Staging #{killbill_properties_file}" copy_to target_dir, killbill_properties_file end unless config_ru_file.nil? @logger.debug "Staging #{config_ru_file}" copy_to target_dir, config_ru_file end end def copy_to(target_dir, file_path, base_name = File.basename(file_path)) target_file = File.join(target_dir, base_name) cp file_path, target_file, :verbose => @verbose end def puts_to(target_dir, content, base_name) target_file = File.join(target_dir, base_name), 'w') { |file| file << content } end def puts_to_base(content, base_name) target_file = File.join(@plugin_target_dir, base_name), 'w') { |file| file << content } end def puts_to_root(content, base_name) target_file = File.join(@plugin_root_target_dir, base_name), 'w') { |file| file << content } end def boot_rb_file path_to_string @base.join("boot.rb").expand_path end def killbill_properties_file path_to_string @base.join("").expand_path end def config_ru_file path_to_string @base.join("").expand_path end def path_to_string(path) path.file? ? path.to_s : nil end end end