module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class CommercegateGateway < Gateway self.test_url = self.live_url = '' self.supported_countries = %w( AD AT AX BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK ES FI FR GB GG GI GR HR HU IE IM IS IT JE LI LT LU LV MC MT NL NO PL PT RO SE SI SK VA ) self.money_format = :dollars self.default_currency = 'EUR' self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa master american_express discover] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'CommerceGate' def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password, :site_id, :offer_id) super end def authorize(money, creditcard, options = {}) post = {} add_creditcard(post, creditcard) add_auth_purchase_options(post, money, options) commit('AUTH', post) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) post = {} post[:currencyCode] = (options[:currency] || currency(money)) post[:amount] = amount(money) post[:transID] = authorization commit('CAPTURE', post) end def purchase(money, creditcard, options = {}) post = {} add_creditcard(post, creditcard) add_auth_purchase_options(post, money, options) commit('SALE', post) end def refund(money, identification, options = {}) post = {} post[:currencyCode] = options[:currency] || currency(money) post[:amount] = amount(money) post[:transID] = identification commit('REFUND', post) end def void(identification, options = {}) post = {} post[:transID] = identification commit('VOID_AUTH', post) end private def add_address(post, address) if address post[:address] = address[:address1] post[:city] = address[:city] post[:state] = address[:state] post[:postalCode] = address[:zip] end post[:countryCode] = ((address && address[:country]) || 'US') end def add_auth_purchase_options(post, money, options) add_address(post, options[:address]) post[:customerIP] = options[:ip] || '' post[:amount] = amount(money) post[:email] = options[:email] || '' post[:currencyCode] = options[:currency] || currency(money) post[:merchAcct] = options[:merchant] end def add_creditcard(params, creditcard) params[:firstName] = creditcard.first_name params[:lastName] = creditcard.last_name params[:cardNumber] = creditcard.number params[:expiryMonth] = creditcard.month params[:expiryYear] = creditcard.year params[:cvv] = creditcard.verification_value if creditcard.verification_value? end def commit(action, parameters) parameters[:apiUsername] = @options[:login] parameters[:apiPassword] = @options[:password] parameters[:siteID] = @options[:site_id] parameters[:offerID] = @options[:offer_id] parameters[:action] = action response = parse(ssl_post(self.live_url, post_data(parameters))) successful?(response), message_from(response), response, authorization: response['transID'], test: test?, avs_result: { code: response['avsCode'] }, cvv_result: response['cvvCode'] ) end def parse(body) results = {} body.split(/\&/).each do |pair| key, val = pair.split(%r{=}) results[key] = CGI.unescape(val) end results end def successful?(response) response['returnCode'] == '0' end def message_from(response) if response['returnText'].present? response['returnText'] else 'Invalid response received from the CommerceGate API. ' \ 'Please contact CommerceGate support if you continue to receive this message. ' \ "(The raw response returned by the API was #{response.inspect})" end end def post_data(parameters) parameters.collect do |key, value| "#{key}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" end.join('&') end end end end