# encoding: utf-8 require 'optparse' require 'yaml' module Rubocop # The CLI is a class responsible of handling all the command line interface # logic. class CLI # Entry point for the application logic. Here we # do the command line arguments processing and inspect # the target files # @return [Fixnum] UNIX exit code def run(args = ARGV) $options = { mode: :default } OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: rubocop [options] [file1, file2, ...]' opts.on('-v', '--[no-]verbose', 'Run verbosely') do |v| $options[:verbose] = v end opts.on('-e', '--emacs', 'Emacs style output') do $options[:mode] = :emacs_style end opts.on('-c FILE', '--config FILE', 'Configuration file') do |f| $options[:config] = YAML.load_file(f) end opts.on('-s', '--silent', 'Silence summary') do |s| $options[:silent] = s end end.parse!(args) cops = Cop::Cop.all show_cops_on_duty(cops) if $options[:verbose] total_offences = 0 @configs = {} target_files(args).each do |file| report = Report.create(file, $options[:mode]) source = File.readlines(file).map do |line| get_rid_of_invalid_byte_sequences(line) line.chomp end tokens, sexp, correlations = CLI.rip_source(source) cops.each do |cop_klass| config = $options[:config] || config_from_dotfile(File.dirname(file)) cop_config = config[cop_klass.name.split('::').last] if config if cop_config.nil? || cop_config['Enabled'] cop = cop_klass.new cop.correlations = correlations cop.inspect(file, source, tokens, sexp) total_offences += cop.offences.count report << cop if cop.has_report? end end report.display unless report.empty? end unless $options[:silent] print "\n#{target_files(args).count} files inspected, " puts "#{total_offences} offences detected" end return total_offences == 0 ? 0 : 1 end def get_rid_of_invalid_byte_sequences(line) enc = line.encoding.name # UTF-16 works better in this algorithm but is not supported in 1.9.2. temporary_encoding = (RUBY_VERSION == '1.9.2') ? 'UTF-8' : 'UTF-16' line.encode!(temporary_encoding, enc, invalid: :replace, replace: '') line.encode!(enc, temporary_encoding) end def self.rip_source(source) tokens = Ripper.lex(source.join("\n")).map { |t| Cop::Token.new(*t) } sexp = Ripper.sexp(source.join("\n")) Cop::Position.make_position_objects(sexp) correlations = Cop::Grammar.new(tokens).correlate(sexp) [tokens, sexp, correlations] end # Returns the configuration hash from .rubocop.yml searching # upwards in the directory structure starting at the given # directory where the inspected file is. If no .rubocop.yml is # found there, the user's home directory is checked. def config_from_dotfile(target_file_dir) # @configs is a cache that maps directories to # configurations. We search for .rubocop.yml only if we haven't # already found it for the given directory. unless @configs[target_file_dir] dir = target_file_dir while dir != '/' path = File.join(dir, '.rubocop.yml') if File.exist?(path) @configs[target_file_dir] = YAML.load_file(path) break end dir = File.expand_path('..', dir) end path = File.join(Dir.home, '.rubocop.yml') @configs[target_file_dir] = YAML.load_file(path) if File.exist?(path) end @configs[target_file_dir] end def show_cops_on_duty(cops) puts 'Reporting for duty:' cops.each { |c| puts c } puts '*******************' end # Generate a list of target files by expanding globing patterns # (if any). If args is empty recursively finds all Ruby source # files in the current directory # @return [Array] array of filenames def target_files(args) return Dir['**/*.rb'] if args.empty? files = [] args.each do |target| if File.directory?(target) files << Dir["#{target}/**/*.rb"] elsif target =~ /\*/ files << Dir[target] else files << target end end files.flatten end end end