module PSWindows::Exec include Beaker::CommandFactory include Beaker::DSL::Wrappers def reboot exec("shutdown /r /t 0"), :expect_connection_failure => true) end ABS_CMD = 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\cmd.exe' CMD = 'cmd.exe' def echo(msg, abs=true) (abs ? ABS_CMD : CMD) + " /c echo #{msg}" end def touch(file, abs=true) (abs ? ABS_CMD : CMD) + " /c echo. 2> #{file}" end def rm_rf path execute("del /s /q #{path}") end def path 'c:/windows/system32;c:/windows' end def get_ip ip = execute("for /f \"tokens=14\" %f in ('ipconfig ^| find \"IP Address\"') do @echo %f", :accept_all_exit_codes => true).strip if ip == '' ip = execute("for /f \"tokens=14\" %f in ('ipconfig ^| find \"IPv4 Address\"') do @echo %f", :accept_all_exit_codes => true).strip end if ip == '' ip = execute("for /f \"tokens=14\" %f in ('ipconfig ^| find \"IPv6 Address\"') do @echo %f").strip end ip end # Create the provided directory structure on the host # @param [String] dir The directory structure to create on the host # @return [Boolean] True, if directory construction succeeded, otherwise False def mkdir_p dir windows_dirstring = dir.gsub('/','\\') cmd = "if not exist #{windows_dirstring} (md #{windows_dirstring})" result = exec(, :acceptable_exit_codes => [0, 1]) result.exit_code == 0 end #Add the provided key/val to the current ssh environment #@param [String] key The key to add the value to #@param [String] val The value for the key #@example # host.add_env_var('PATH', '/usr/bin:PATH') def add_env_var key, val key = key.to_s.upcase #see if the key/value pair already exists cur_val = subbed_val = get_env_var(key, true) subbed_val = cur_val.gsub(/#{Regexp.escape(val.gsub(/'|"/, ''))}/, '') if cur_val.empty? exec(powershell("[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('#{key}', '#{val}', 'Machine')")) self.close #refresh the state elsif subbed_val == cur_val #not present, add it exec(powershell("[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('#{key}', '#{val};#{cur_val}', 'Machine')")) self.close #refresh the state end end #Delete the provided key/val from the current ssh environment #@param [String] key The key to delete the value from #@param [String] val The value to delete for the key #@example # host.delete_env_var('PATH', '/usr/bin:PATH') def delete_env_var key, val key = key.to_s.upcase #get the current value of the key cur_val = subbed_val = get_env_var(key, true) subbed_val = (cur_val.split(';') - [val.gsub(/'|"/, '')]).join(';') if subbed_val != cur_val #remove the current key value self.clear_env_var(key) #set to the truncated value self.add_env_var(key, subbed_val) end end #Return the value of a specific env var #@param [String] key The key to look for #@param [Boolean] clean Remove the 'KEY=' and only return the value of the env var #@example # host.get_env_var('path') def get_env_var key, clean = false self.close #refresh the state key = key.to_s.upcase val = exec("set #{key}"), :accept_all_exit_codes => true).stdout.chomp if val.empty? return '' else if clean val.gsub(/#{key}=/,'') else val end end end #Delete the environment variable from the current ssh environment #@param [String] key The key to delete #@example # host.clear_env_var('PATH') def clear_env_var key key = key.to_s.upcase exec(powershell("[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('#{key}', $null, 'Machine')")) exec(powershell("[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('#{key}', $null, 'User')")) exec(powershell("[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('#{key}', $null, 'Process')")) self.close #refresh the state end end