// UiaDll.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "AutomationClicker.h" #include "AutomationControl.h" #include "AutomationFinder.h" #include "ExpandCollapseHelper.h" #include "StringHelper.h" #include "SelectionItem.h" #include "Toggle.h" IUIAutomation* getGlobalIUIAutomation() ; extern "C" { __declspec ( dllexport ) bool ElementExists(const FindInformation& findInformation) { auto automationElement = gcnew AutomationControl(findInformation); return automationElement->Exists; } __declspec ( dllexport ) int BoundingRectangle(const FindInformation& findInformation, long *rectangle) { try { auto automationElement = gcnew AutomationControl(findInformation); auto boundary = automationElement->BoundingRectangle; rectangle[0] = boundary.Left; rectangle[1] = boundary.Top; rectangle[2] = boundary.Right; rectangle[3] = boundary.Bottom; return 1; } catch(Exception^ e) { Console::WriteLine("BoundingRectangle: {0}", e->Message); return 0; } } __declspec ( dllexport ) int ControlType(const FindInformation& findInformation) { try { auto automationElement = gcnew AutomationControl(findInformation); return automationElement->ControlType->Id; } catch(Exception^ e) { Console::WriteLine("ControlType: {0}", e->Message); return 0; } } __declspec ( dllexport ) int ProcessId(const FindInformation& findInformation) { try { auto automationElement = gcnew AutomationControl(findInformation); return automationElement->ProcessId; } catch(Exception^ e) { Console::WriteLine("ProcessId: {0}", e->Message); return 0; } } __declspec ( dllexport ) void Name(const FindInformation& findInformation, char* name, const int nameLength) { try { auto control = gcnew AutomationControl(findInformation); StringHelper::CopyToUnmanagedString(control->Name, name, nameLength); } catch(Exception^ e) { Console::WriteLine("Name: {0}", e->Message); } } __declspec ( dllexport ) void ClassName(const FindInformation& findInformation, char* className, const int classNameLength) { try { auto control = gcnew AutomationControl(findInformation); StringHelper::CopyToUnmanagedString(control->ClassName, className, classNameLength); } catch(Exception^ e) { Console::WriteLine("ClassName: {0}", e->Message); } } __declspec ( dllexport ) bool IsEnabled(const FindInformation& findInformation) { try { return (gcnew AutomationControl(findInformation))->IsEnabled; } catch(Exception^ e) { Console::WriteLine("IsEnabled: {0}", e->Message); return false; } } __declspec ( dllexport ) bool IsFocused(const FindInformation& findInformation) { try { return (gcnew AutomationControl(findInformation))->IsFocused; } catch(Exception^ e) { Console::WriteLine("IsFocused: {0}", e->Message); return false; } } __declspec ( dllexport ) bool SetControlFocus(const FindInformation& findInformation) { try { (gcnew AutomationControl(findInformation))->Element->SetFocus(); return true; } catch(Exception^ e) { Console::WriteLine("IsFocused: {0}", e->Message); return false; } } __declspec ( dllexport ) int GetClassNames(const FindInformation& findInformation, const char* classNames[]) { auto control = gcnew AutomationControl(findInformation); auto finder = gcnew AutomationFinder(control->Element); auto allChildren = finder->Find(); if( NULL != classNames ) { StringHelper::CopyClassNames(allChildren, classNames); } return allChildren->Count; } __declspec ( dllexport ) IUIAutomationElement *RA_ElementFromHandle(HWND hwnd) { IUIAutomationElement *pElement ; HRESULT hr = getGlobalIUIAutomation()->ElementFromHandle(hwnd, &pElement) ; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return pElement ; else { printf("RA_ElementFromHandle: Cannot find element from handle 0x%x. HRESULT was 0x%x\r\n", hwnd, hr) ; return NULL ; } } __declspec ( dllexport ) IUIAutomationElement *RA_ElementFromPoint(int xCoord, int yCoord) { IUIAutomationElement *pElement ; POINT point; point.x = xCoord; point.y = yCoord; HRESULT hr = getGlobalIUIAutomation()->ElementFromPoint(point, &pElement) ; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return pElement ; else { printf("RA_ElementFromPoint: Cannot find element from point %d , %d. HRESULT was 0x%x\r\n", xCoord, yCoord, hr) ; return NULL ; } } __declspec ( dllexport ) IUIAutomationElement *RA_FindChildById(IUIAutomationElement *pElement, char *automationId) { IUIAutomationCondition *pCondition ; VARIANT varProperty ; VariantInit(&varProperty) ; varProperty.vt = VT_BSTR ; varProperty.bstrVal = _bstr_t(automationId) ; HRESULT hr = getGlobalIUIAutomation()->CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_AutomationIdPropertyId, varProperty, &pCondition) ; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IUIAutomationElement *pFound ; hr = pElement->FindFirst(TreeScope_Descendants, pCondition, &pFound) ; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pFound == NULL) printf("RA_FindChildById: Element with automation id %s was not found\r\n", automationId) ; return pFound ; } else { printf("RA_FindChildById: FindFirst for children looking for %s failed. hr = 0x%x\r\n", automationId, hr) ; return NULL ; } } else { printf("RA_FindChildById: Cannot create search condition. hr = 0x%x\r\n", hr) ; return NULL ; } } __declspec ( dllexport ) HWND RA_CurrentNativeWindowHandle(IUIAutomationElement *pElement) { UIA_HWND uia_hwnd ; if (pElement == NULL) { printf("RA_CurrentNativeWindowHandle: Cannot operate on NULL element\r\n") ; return (HWND)0 ; } pElement->get_CurrentNativeWindowHandle(&uia_hwnd) ; return (HWND)uia_hwnd ; } __declspec ( dllexport ) int RA_GetCurrentControlType(IUIAutomationElement *pElement) { CONTROLTYPEID control_type ; HRESULT hr = pElement->get_CurrentControlType(&control_type) ; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return control_type ; else { printf("RA_GetCurrentControlType: CurrentControlType returned 0x%x\r\n", hr) ; return 0 ; } } __declspec ( dllexport ) long RA_ClickMouse() { mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0); return 0; } __declspec ( dllexport ) long RA_MoveMouse(int x, int y) { return SetCursorPos(x,y); } __declspec ( dllexport ) int RA_CurrentIsOffscreen(IUIAutomationElement *pElement, int *visible) { BOOL offscreen; HRESULT hr = pElement->get_CurrentIsOffscreen(&offscreen) ; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(offscreen){ *visible = 1; } else { *visible = 0; } return 1; } else { printf("RA_CurrentIsOffscreen: get_CurrentIsOffscreen failed 0x%x\r\n", hr) ; return 0 ; } } __declspec ( dllexport ) int RA_FindChildren(IUIAutomationElement *pElement, IUIAutomationElement *pChildren[]) { IUIAutomationCondition *pTrueCondition ; IUIAutomationElementArray *pElementArray ; int element_count ; HRESULT hr = getGlobalIUIAutomation()->CreateTrueCondition(&pTrueCondition) ; if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("RA_FindChildren: Could not create true condition 0x%x\r\n", hr) ; return 0 ; } hr = pElement->FindAll(TreeScope_Children, pTrueCondition, &pElementArray) ; if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("RA_FindChildren: FindAll failed 0x%x\r\n", hr) ; return 0 ; } hr = pElementArray->get_Length(&element_count) ; if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("RA_FindChildren: get_length failed 0x%x\r\n", hr) ; return 0 ; } if (pChildren != NULL) { // given some memory get the details for (int index = 0; index < element_count; index++) { IUIAutomationElement *pElement ; hr = pElementArray->GetElement(index, &pElement) ; if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("RA_FindChildren: GetElement failed 0x%x\r\n", hr) ; } else { pChildren[index] = pElement ; } } } return element_count ; } __declspec ( dllexport ) bool RA_GetControlName(const HWND windowHandle, char* windowName, const int windowNameLength) { try { auto control = gcnew AutomationControl(windowHandle); StringHelper::CopyToUnmanagedString(control->Name, windowName, windowNameLength); return true; } catch(Exception^ e) { return false; } } __declspec ( dllexport ) bool IsSet(const FindInformation& findInformation) { try { auto toggle = gcnew Toggle(findInformation); return toggle->IsSet; } catch(Exception^ e) { Debug::WriteLine("IsSet: {0}", e->Message); return false; } } __declspec ( dllexport ) bool IsSelected(const FindInformation& findInformation) { try { auto selectionItem = gcnew SelectionItem(findInformation); return selectionItem->IsSelected; } catch(Exception^ e) { Debug::WriteLine("IsSelected: {0}", e->Message); return false; } } __declspec ( dllexport ) int RA_Select(IUIAutomationElement *pElement) { ISelectionItemProvider *pSelectionPattern ; HRESULT hr = pElement->GetCurrentPattern(UIA_SelectionItemPatternId, (IUnknown**)&pSelectionPattern) ; if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("RA_GetIsSelected: getCurrentPattern failed 0x%x\r\n") ; return FALSE ; } hr = pSelectionPattern->Select(); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("RA_Select: Select failed 0x%x\r\n", hr) ; return 0 ; } return 1; } __declspec ( dllexport ) void RA_Click(const FindInformation& findInformation, char* errorInfo, const int errorInfoSize) { try { auto automationClicker = gcnew AutomationClicker(findInformation); automationClicker->Click(); } catch(Exception^ e) { if( errorInfo ) { StringHelper::CopyToUnmanagedString(e->ToString(), errorInfo, errorInfoSize); } } } __declspec ( dllexport ) void RA_PointAndClick(const HWND windowHandle, char* errorInfo, const int errorInfoSize) { try { auto automationClicker = gcnew AutomationClicker(windowHandle); automationClicker->MouseClick(); } catch(Exception^ e) { if( errorInfo ) { StringHelper::CopyToUnmanagedString(e->ToString(), errorInfo, errorInfoSize); } } } __declspec ( dllexport ) void RA_ExpandItemByValue(const FindInformation& findInformation, const char* whichItem) { try { auto expandCollapseHelper = gcnew ExpandCollapseHelper(); expandCollapseHelper->ExpandByValue(findInformation, whichItem); } catch(Exception^ e) { Console::WriteLine(e->ToString()); } } __declspec ( dllexport ) void RA_ExpandItemByIndex(const FindInformation& findInformation, const int whichItemIndex) { try { auto expandCollapseHelper = gcnew ExpandCollapseHelper(); expandCollapseHelper->ExpandByIndex(findInformation, whichItemIndex); } catch(Exception^ e) { Console::WriteLine(e->ToString()); } } __declspec ( dllexport ) void RA_CollapseItemByValue(const FindInformation& findInformation, const char* whichItem) { try { auto expandCollapseHelper = gcnew ExpandCollapseHelper(); expandCollapseHelper->CollapseByValue(findInformation, whichItem); } catch(Exception^ e) { Console::WriteLine(e->ToString()); } } __declspec ( dllexport ) void RA_CollapseItemByIndex(const FindInformation& findInformation, const int whichItemIndex) { try { auto expandCollapseHelper = gcnew ExpandCollapseHelper(); expandCollapseHelper->CollapseByIndex(findInformation, whichItemIndex); } catch(Exception^ e) { Console::WriteLine(e->ToString()); } } }