require 'active_support' require 'active_support/core_ext/integer' require 'active_support/core_ext/string' require 'active_support/time_with_zone' require 'sinatra' require 'smart_proxy_container_gateway/container_gateway' require 'smart_proxy_container_gateway/container_gateway_main' require 'smart_proxy_container_gateway/foreman_api' module Proxy module ContainerGateway class Api < ::Sinatra::Base include ::Proxy::Log helpers ::Proxy::Helpers helpers ::Sinatra::Authorization::Helpers extend ::Proxy::ContainerGateway::DependencyInjection inject_attr :database_impl, :database inject_attr :container_gateway_main_impl, :container_gateway_main get '/v1/_ping/?' do pulp_response = status pulp_response.code.to_i body pulp_response.body end get '/v2/?' do if auth_header.present? && (auth_header.unauthorized_token? || auth_header.valid_user_token?) response.headers['Docker-Distribution-API-Version'] = 'registry/2.0' pulp_response = status pulp_response.code.to_i body pulp_response.body else redirect_authorization_headers halt 401, "unauthorized" end end get '/v2/*/manifests/*/?' do repository = params[:splat][0] tag = params[:splat][1] handle_repo_auth(repository, auth_header, request) pulp_response = container_gateway_main.manifests(repository, tag, translated_headers_for_proxy) if pulp_response.code.to_i >= 400 status pulp_response.code.to_i body pulp_response.body else redirection_location = pulp_response['location'] redirect to(redirection_location) end end put '/v2/*/manifests/*/?' do throw_unsupported_error end get '/v2/*/blobs/*/?' do head_or_get_blobs end head '/v2/*/blobs/*/?' do head_or_get_blobs end post '/v2/*/blobs/uploads/?' do throw_unsupported_error end put '/v2/*/blobs/uploads/*/?' do throw_unsupported_error end patch '/v2/*/blobs/uploads/*/?' do throw_unsupported_error end get '/v2/*/tags/list/?' do repository = params[:splat][0] handle_repo_auth(repository, auth_header, request) pulp_response = container_gateway_main.tags(repository, translated_headers_for_proxy, params) # "link"=>["; rel=\"next\""], # if pulp_response['link'].nil? headers['link'] = "" else headers['link'] = pulp_response['link'] end status pulp_response.code.to_i body pulp_response.body end get '/v1/search/?' do # Checks for v2 client and issues a 404 in that case. Podman # examines the response from a /v1/search request. If the result # is a 4XX, it will then proceed with a request to /_catalog if request.env['HTTP_DOCKER_DISTRIBUTION_API_VERSION'] == 'registry/2.0' halt 404, "not found" end if auth_header.present? && !auth_header.blank? username = auth_header.v1_foreman_authorized_username if username.nil? halt 401, "unauthorized" end params[:user] = username end repositories = container_gateway_main.v1_search(params) content_type :json { num_results: repositories.size, query: params[:q], results: { |repo_name| { description: '', name: repo_name } } }.to_json end get '/v2/_catalog/?' do catalog = [] if auth_header.present? if auth_header.unauthorized_token? catalog = container_gateway_main.catalog.select_map(::Sequel[:repositories][:name]) elsif auth_header.valid_user_token? catalog = container_gateway_main.catalog(auth_header.user).select_map(::Sequel[:repositories][:name]) else redirect_authorization_headers halt 401, "unauthorized" end else redirect_authorization_headers halt 401, "unauthorized" end content_type :json { repositories: catalog }.to_json end get '/v2/token' do response.headers['Docker-Distribution-API-Version'] = 'registry/2.0' unless auth_header.present? && auth_header.basic_auth? return { token: AuthorizationHeader::UNAUTHORIZED_TOKEN, issued_at:, expires_in: 1.year.seconds.to_i }.to_json end token_response =, request.params) if token_response.code.to_i != 200 halt token_response.code.to_i, token_response.body else # This returned token should follow OAuth2 spec. We need some minor conversion # to store the token with the expires_at time (using rfc3339). token_response_body = JSON.parse(token_response.body) if token_response_body['token'].nil? halt 502, "Recieved malformed token response" end # "issued_at" is an optional field. Per OAuth2 we assume time of token response as # the issue time if the field is ommitted. token_issue_time = (token_response_body["issued_at"] || token_response["Date"])&.to_time if token_issue_time.nil? halt 502, "Recieved malformed token response" end # 'expires_in' is an optional field. If not provided, assume 60 seconds per OAuth2 spec expires_in = token_response_body.fetch("expires_in", 60) expires_at = token_issue_time + expires_in.seconds container_gateway_main.insert_token( request.params['account'], token_response_body['token'], expires_at.rfc3339 ) repo_response =, request.params) if repo_response.code.to_i != 200 halt repo_response.code.to_i, repo_response.body else container_gateway_main.update_user_repositories(request.params['account'], JSON.parse(repo_response.body)['repositories']) end # Return the original token response from Katello return token_response.body end end get '/users/?' do do_authorize_any content_type :json { users: database.connection[:users].map(:name) }.to_json end put '/user_repository_mapping/?' do do_authorize_any container_gateway_main.update_user_repo_mapping(params) {} end put '/repository_list/?' do do_authorize_any repositories = params['repositories'].nil? ? [] : params['repositories'] container_gateway_main.update_repository_list(repositories) {} end private def head_or_get_blobs repository = params[:splat][0] digest = params[:splat][1] handle_repo_auth(repository, auth_header, request) pulp_response = container_gateway_main.blobs(repository, digest, translated_headers_for_proxy) if pulp_response.code.to_i >= 400 status pulp_response.code.to_i body pulp_response.body else redirection_location = pulp_response['location'] redirect to(redirection_location) end end def throw_unsupported_error content_type :json body({ "errors" => [ { "code" => "UNSUPPORTED", "message" => "Pushing content is unsupported" } ] }.to_json) halt 404 end def throw_repo_not_found_error content_type :json body({ "errors" => [ { "code" => "NAME_UNKNOWN", "message" => "Repository name unknown" } ] }.to_json) halt 404 end def translated_headers_for_proxy current_headers = {} env = do |key, _value| key.match("^HTTP_.*") end env.each do |header| current_headers[header[0].split('_')[1..].join('-')] = header[1] end current_headers end def handle_repo_auth(repository, auth_header, request) user_token_is_valid = false if auth_header.present? && auth_header.valid_user_token? user_token_is_valid = true username = auth_header.user[:name] end username = request.params['account'] if username.nil? return if container_gateway_main.authorized_for_repo?(repository, user_token_is_valid, username) redirect_authorization_headers throw_repo_not_found_error end def redirect_authorization_headers response.headers['Docker-Distribution-API-Version'] = 'registry/2.0' response.headers['Www-Authenticate'] = "Bearer realm=\"https://#{}/v2/token\"," \ "service=\"#{}\"," \ "scope=\"repository:registry:pull,push\"" end def auth_header['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) end class AuthorizationHeader extend ::Proxy::ContainerGateway::DependencyInjection inject_attr :database_impl, :database inject_attr :container_gateway_main_impl, :container_gateway_main UNAUTHORIZED_TOKEN = 'unauthorized'.freeze def initialize(value) @value = value || '' end def user container_gateway_main.token_user(@value.split(' ')[1]) end def valid_user_token? token_auth? && container_gateway_main.valid_token?(@value.split(' ')[1]) end def raw_header @value end def present? !@value.nil? && @value != "" end def unauthorized_token? @value.split(' ')[1] == UNAUTHORIZED_TOKEN end def token_auth? @value.split(' ')[0] == 'Bearer' end def basic_auth? @value.split(' ')[0] == 'Basic' end def blank? Base64.decode64(@value.split(' ')[1]) == ':' end # A special case for the V1 API. Defer authentication to Foreman and return the username. `nil` if not authorized. def v1_foreman_authorized_username username = Base64.decode64(@value.split(' ')[1]).split(':')[0] auth_response =, { 'account' => username }) return username if auth_response.code.to_i == 200 && (JSON.parse(auth_response.body)['token'] != 'unauthenticated') nil end end end end end