require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') describe Animoto::Manifests::Directing do def manifest options = {} @manifest ||= end describe "initializing" do it "should specify the title of the manifest as the first argument" do manifest(:title => "Funderful Wonderment").title.should == "Funderful Wonderment" end it "should default to 'auto' pacing" do manifest.pacing.should == 'auto' end it "should be able to specify the pacing with a :pacing parameter" do manifest(:pacing => 'fast').pacing.should == 'fast' end it "should default to 'original' style" do == Animoto::Styles::ANIMOTO_ORIGINAL end it "should be able to specify the style with a :style parameter" do manifest(:style => Animoto::Styles::VINTAGE_VOYAGE).style.should == Animoto::Styles::VINTAGE_VOYAGE end it "should default to having the 'powered by animoto' postroll" do manifest.postroll.should == Animoto::Postroll::POWERED_BY_ANIMOTO end it "should be able to specify the postroll with a :postroll parameter" do manifest(:postroll => Animoto::Postroll::WHITE_LABEL).postroll.should == Animoto::Postroll::WHITE_LABEL end it "should default to having no visuals" do manifest.visuals.should be_empty end end describe "setting the postroll" do before do @manifest = manifest() end describe "with a string" do before do @postroll = "fancy" @manifest.postroll = @postroll end it "should set the postroll to a new postroll object with the given template" do @manifest.postroll.template.should == @postroll end end describe "with another Postroll" do before do @postroll ="") @manifest.postroll = @postroll end it "should set the postroll to the given postroll object" do @manifest.postroll.should eql(@postroll) end end end describe "adding assets" do describe "using the append operator" do before do @title_card = "woohoo!" end it "should add the asset to this manifest's visuals" do manifest << @title_card manifest.visuals.should include(@title_card) end it "should raise an error if the object being added isn't a visual" do lambda { manifest << "beef hearts" }.should raise_error end end describe "using a convenience method" do it "should append the asset to this manifest's visuals" do manifest.add_title_card("woohoo!") vis = manifest.visuals.last vis.should be_an_instance_of(Animoto::Assets::TitleCard) vis.title.should == "woohoo!" end it "should send the parameters to the asset initializer" do manifest.add_title_card("woohoo!", "everything is great!") vis = manifest.visuals.last vis.title.should == "woohoo!" vis.subtitle.should == "everything is great!" end end end describe "adding a song" do it "should use the append operator" do song = "" manifest << song == song end it "should use the add_song method" do song = manifest.add_song("") == song end it "should replace an existing song" do song = "" song2 = "" manifest << song manifest << song2 == song2 end end describe "generating a hash" do before do manifest(:title => 'Funderful Wonderment', :pacing => 'double') @image = manifest.add_image '' @title_card = manifest.add_title_card 'woohoo', 'this is awesome' @footage = manifest.add_footage '' @song_obj = manifest.add_song '' end it "should have top-level 'directing_job' object" do manifest.to_hash.should have_key('directing_job') manifest.to_hash['directing_job'].should be_a(Hash) end it "should have a 'directing_manifest' object within the 'directing_job'" do manifest.to_hash['directing_job'].should have_key('directing_manifest') manifest.to_hash['directing_job']['directing_manifest'].should be_a(Hash) end it "should have a 'style' key in the manifest" do manifest.to_hash['directing_job']['directing_manifest'].should have_key('style') manifest.to_hash['directing_job']['directing_manifest']['style'].should == end it "should have a 'pacing' key in the manifest" do manifest.to_hash['directing_job']['directing_manifest'].should have_key('pacing') manifest.to_hash['directing_job']['directing_manifest']['pacing'].should == manifest.pacing end it "should have a 'visuals' key in the manifest" do manifest.to_hash['directing_job']['directing_manifest'].should have_key('visuals') end it "should have a 'song' object in the manifest" do manifest.to_hash['directing_job']['directing_manifest'].should have_key('song') manifest.to_hash['directing_job']['directing_manifest']['song'].should be_a(Hash) end it "should have a 'postroll' object in the manifest" do manifest.to_hash['directing_job']['directing_manifest'].should have_key('postroll') manifest.to_hash['directing_job']['directing_manifest']['postroll'].should be_a(Hash) end describe "when the callback url is set" do before do manifest.http_callback_url = '' end describe "but the callback format isn't" do it "should raise an error" do lambda { manifest.to_hash }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "as well as the format" do before do manifest.http_callback_format = 'xml' end it "should have the HTTP callback URL in the job" do manifest.to_hash['directing_job'].should have_key('http_callback') manifest.to_hash['directing_job']['http_callback'].should == manifest.http_callback_url end it "should have the HTTP callback format in the job" do manifest.to_hash['directing_job'].should have_key('http_callback_format') manifest.to_hash['directing_job']['http_callback_format'].should == manifest.http_callback_format end end end describe "visuals array" do before do @visuals = manifest.to_hash['directing_job']['directing_manifest']['visuals'] end it "should have the visuals in the order they were added" do @visuals[0].should == @image.to_hash @visuals[1].should == @title_card.to_hash @visuals[2].should == @footage.to_hash end end describe "song" do before do @song = manifest.to_hash['directing_job']['directing_manifest']['song'] end it "should have info about the song" do @song.should == @song_obj.to_hash end end end end