require 'spec_helper' require 'lookout/rack/utils/log' require 'timecop' require 'configatron' describe Lookout::Rack::Utils::Log do subject(:log) { described_class.instance } subject(:log_message) { 'foo' } let(:filename) { "log" } before :each do configatron.logging.enabled = true allow(configatron.logging).to receive(:file).and_return(filename) end describe '.debug' do context 'if debug is in configatron.statsd.exclude_levels' do before { configatron.statsd.exclude_levels = [:debug] } after { configatron.statsd.exclude_levels = [] } it 'should not log a graphite stat' do Lookout::Rack::Utils::Graphite.should_not_receive(:increment).with('log.debug') log.debug log_message end end it 'should log a graphite stat' do Lookout::Rack::Utils::Graphite.should_receive(:increment).with('log.debug') log.debug log_message end end [:debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal].each do |method| describe ".#{method}" do it 'should log a graphite stat' do Lookout::Rack::Utils::Graphite.should_receive(:increment).with("log.#{method}") log.instance_variable_get(:@logger).should_receive(method).with(log_message).and_call_original processed = false b = { processed = true } log.send(method, log_message, &b) expect(processed).to be(true) end it 'should invoke the internal logger object with a given block' do log.instance_variable_get(:@logger).should_receive(method).with(log_message).and_call_original processed = false b = { processed = true } log.send(method, log_message, &b) expect(processed).to be(true) end it 'should invoke the internal logger object w/o a given block' do log.instance_variable_get(:@logger).should_receive(method).with(log_message).and_call_original log.send(method, log_message) end end end [:debug?, :info?, :warn?, :error?, :fatal?].each do |method| describe ".#{method}" do it 'returns true when level is debug' do expect(log.send(method)).to eq(true) end end end # Private method but tested since we can't otherwise test configuration of the singleton describe "#build_outputter" do let(:logger_name) { "logger" } subject(:build_outputter) { log.send(:build_outputter, logger_name)} context "when logging to a file" do let(:filename) { "foo.log" } it "should use a FileOutputter" do expect(subject).to be_a(Log4r::FileOutputter) end end context "when logging to STDOUT" do let(:filename) { "STDOUT" } it "should use a StdoutOutputter" do expect(subject).to be_a(Log4r::StdoutOutputter) end end end end describe Lookout::Rack::Utils::Log::LookoutFormatter do subject(:formatter) { } let(:logger) do logger = double('Mock Logger') logger.stub(:name).and_return('RSpec Logger') logger.stub(:fullname).and_return('RSpec Logger') logger end let(:project_name) { 'some_project' } let(:basedir) { "/home/rspec/#{project_name}" } let(:tracer) do [ "#{basedir}/log.rb:63:in `warn'", "#{basedir}/spec/log_spec.rb:9:in `block (2 levels) in '" ] end before :all do # The root logger creates the log levels, so making sure it's been # created Log4r::RootLogger.instance end before :each do formatter.stub(:basedir).and_return(basedir) end describe '#event_filename' do subject(:filename) { formatter.event_filename(tracer[1]) } context 'with a normal MRI LogEvent' do it { should eql('spec/log_spec.rb:9') } end # We have slightly different log formats under packaged .jar files context 'with a LogEvent from a packaged .jar' do let(:tracer) { [nil, "backend/metrics.rb:52:in `runloop'"] } let(:basedir) { 'file:/home/user/source/projects/stuff.jar!/project' } it { should eql('backend/metrics.rb:52') } end end describe '#format' do before :each do Timecop.freeze end after :each do Timecop.return end context 'with a valid LogEvent' do # Level 3 is the Log4r "warn" level let(:level) { 3 } let(:data) { 'rspec' } # use CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssTZD timestamp let(:timestamp) { 3 } let(:event) do event =, logger, tracer, data) end it 'should be properly formatted' do expect(formatter.format(event)).to eql("WARN: #{timestamp}: spec/log_spec.rb:9: #{data}\n") end end end describe "#common_basedir" do subject(:common_basedir) { formatter.common_basedir(path) } context "with no common path" do let(:path) { "/impossible/path" } it "should return basedir" do expect(subject).to eq basedir end end context "with a partially shared path" do let(:path) { File.expand_path(File.join(basedir, "..", "tmp", "foo.rb")) } it "should return shared path" do expect(subject).to eq File.expand_path(File.join(basedir, "..")) end end context "with a fully shared path" do let(:path) { File.expand_path(File.join(basedir, "tmp.rb")) } it "should return full path" do expect(subject).to eq basedir end end end end