require 'bunny' require 'logger' module Isimud # Interface for Bunny RabbitMQ client # @see class BunnyClient < Isimud::Client DEFAULT_URL = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost' attr_reader :url # Initialize a new BunnyClient instance. Note that a connection is not established until any other method is called # # @param [String, Hash] _url Server URL or options hash # @param [Hash] _bunny_options optional Bunny connection options # @see for connection options def initialize(_url = nil, _bunny_options = {}) log "Isimud::BunnyClient.initialize: options = #{_bunny_options.inspect}" @url = _url || DEFAULT_URL @url.symbolize_keys! if @url.respond_to?(:symbolize_keys!) @bunny_options = _bunny_options.symbolize_keys @bunny_options[:logger] = Isimud.logger end # Convenience method that finds or creates a named queue, binds to an exchange, and subscribes to messages. # If a block is provided, it will be called by the consumer each time a message is received. # # @param [String] queue_name name of the queue # @param [String] exchange_name name of the AMQP exchange. Note that existing exchanges must be declared as Topic # exchanges; otherwise, an error will occur # @param [Array] routing_keys list of routing keys to be bound to the queue for the specified exchange. # @yieldparam [String] payload message text # @return [Bunny::Consumer] Bunny consumer interface def bind(queue_name, exchange_name, *routing_keys, &block) queue = create_queue(queue_name, exchange_name, queue_options: {durable: true}, routing_keys: routing_keys) subscribe(queue, &block) if block_given? end # Find or create a named queue and bind it to the specified exchange # # @param [String] queue_name name of the queue # @param [String] exchange_name name of the AMQP exchange. Note that pre-existing exchanges must be declared as Topic # exchanges; otherwise, an error will occur # @param [Hash] options queue declaration options # @option options [Boolean] :queue_options ({durable: true}) queue declaration options -- @see Bunny::Channel#queue # @option options [Array] :routing_keys ([]) routing keys to be bound to the queue. Use "*" to match any 1 word # in a route segment. Use "#" to match 0 or more words in a segment. # @return [Bunny::Queue] Bunny queue def create_queue(queue_name, exchange_name, options = {}) queue_options = options[:queue_options] || {durable: true} routing_keys = options[:routing_keys] || [] log "Isimud::BunnyClient: create_queue #{queue_name}: queue_options=#{queue_options.inspect}" queue = find_queue(queue_name, queue_options) bind_routing_keys(queue, exchange_name, routing_keys) if routing_keys.any? queue end # Subscribe to messages on the Bunny queue. The provided block will be called each time a message is received. # The message will be acknowledged and deleted from the queue unless an exception is raised from the block. # In the case that an uncaught exception is raised, the message is rejected, and any declared exception handlers # will be called. # # @param [Bunny::Queue] queue Bunny queue # @param [Hash] options {} subscription options -- @see Bunny::Queue#subscribe # @yieldparam [String] payload message text def subscribe(queue, options = {}, &block) queue.subscribe(options.merge(manual_ack: true)) do |delivery_info, properties, payload| current_channel = begin log "Isimud: queue #{} received #{properties[:message_id]} routing_key: #{delivery_info.routing_key}", :debug Thread.current['isimud_queue_name'] = Thread.current['isimud_delivery_info'] = delivery_info Thread.current['isimud_properties'] = properties if log "Isimud: queue #{} finished with #{properties[:message_id]}, acknowledging", :debug current_channel.ack(delivery_info.delivery_tag) else log "Isimud: queue #{} unable to acknowledge #{properties[:message_id]}", :warn end rescue => e log("Isimud: queue #{} error processing #{properties[:message_id]} payload #{payload.inspect}: #{} #{e.message}\n #{e.backtrace.join("\n ")}", :warn) retry_status = run_exception_handlers(e) log "Isimud: rejecting #{properties[:message_id]} requeue=#{retry_status}", :warn && current_channel.reject(delivery_info.delivery_tag, retry_status) end end end # Permanently delete the queue from the AMQP server. Any messages present in the queue will be discarded. # @param [String] queue_name queue name # @return [AMQ::Protocol::Queue::DeleteOk] RabbitMQ response def delete_queue(queue_name) channel.queue_delete(queue_name) end # Establish a connection to the AMQP server, or return the current connection if one already exists # @return [Bunny::Session] def connection @connection ||=, @bunny_options).tap(&:start) end alias connect connection CHANNEL_KEY = :'' # Open a new, thread-specific AMQP connection channel, or return the current channel for this thread if it exists # and is currently open. New channels are created with publisher confirms enabled. Messages will be prefetched # according to Isimud.prefetch_count when declared. # @return [Bunny::Channel] channel instance. def channel if (channel = Thread.current[CHANNEL_KEY]).try(:open?) channel else new_channel = new_channel.confirm_select new_channel.prefetch(Isimud.prefetch_count) if Isimud.prefetch_count Thread.current[CHANNEL_KEY] = new_channel end end # Reset this client by closing all channels for the connection. def reset connection.close_all_channels end # Determine if a Bunny connection is currently established to the AMQP server. # @return [Boolean,nil] true if a connection was established and is active or starting, false if a connection exists # but is closed or closing, or nil if no connection has been established. def connected? @connection && end # Close the AMQP connection and clear it from the instance. # @return nil def close connection.close ensure @connection = nil end # Publish a message to the specified exchange, which is declared as a durable, topic exchange. Note that message # is always persisted. # @param [String] exchange AMQP exchange name # @param [String] routing_key message routing key. This should always be in the form of words separated by dots # e.g. "user.goal.complete" # @param [String] payload message payload # @param [Hash] options additional message options # @see Bunny::Exchange#publish # @see def publish(exchange, routing_key, payload, options = {}) log "Isimud::BunnyClient#publish: exchange=#{exchange} routing_key=#{routing_key}", :debug channel.topic(exchange, durable: true).publish(payload, options.merge(routing_key: routing_key, persistent: true)) end # Close and reopen the AMQP connection # @return [Bunny::Session] def reconnect close connect end # Look up a queue by name, or create it if it does not already exist. def find_queue(queue_name, options = {durable: true}) channel.queue(queue_name, options) end private def bind_routing_keys(queue, exchange_name, routing_keys) log "Isimud::BunnyClient: bind queue #{} exchange #{exchange_name} routing_keys: #{routing_keys.join(',')}", type: :topic, durable: true) routing_keys.each { |key| queue.bind(exchange_name, routing_key: key, nowait: false) } end end end