# Configuration file for PublicanCreators # Change this file to pacify your needs conf_ver = '1' # Global name = 'Sascha Manns' email_private = 'Sascha.Manns@outlook.de' # Specify your language like de-DE language = 'de-DE' # If you want to use DocBook5 as default so set it there db5 = 'true' # Choose if you like to use a special brand or use the publican default use_brand = 'true' # If you write anything do you would like to use the default titlelogo # Hint: Another way can be to write own XSL-FO Stylesheets and use an own brand title_logo = 'false' # Would you like to remove the XI-Include from articles? # Hint: Maybe you use it in another way. legal = 'true' # If you have an own xfc brand (xfc is a fo processor for docx, odt and so on) # you can place your path there xfc_brand_dir = "/opt/XMLmind/xfc-xcom-stylesheet/xsl/fo/docbook.xsl" # Set your prefered PDF-Viewer e.g. evince pdfview = "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --bottle "PDF-XChange Viewer 2.x" --cx-app PDFXCview.exe" # Private # If you are using different brands for your homework and private you can place it there # If you would like to use the publican brand just set brand_private = '' and brand_homework = '' brand_private = 'manns' brand_homework = 'ils' # Define your standard directory for articles if you writing private # Please set the directory without leading "/home/username" articles_dir_priv = "Dokumente/Textdokumente/publican-manns/articles" # If the option homework is given in the dialog the program # uses this directory. # Please set the directory without leading "/home/username" homework_dir = "Dokumente/Textdokumente/publican-manns/articles/homework" # Define there your books directory # Please set the directory without leading "/home/username" books_dir_priv = "Dokumente/Textdokumente/publican-manns/books" # Work # If choosen yes please tell the name as shown in /usr/share/publican/Common_Content # Like XCOM for /usr/share/publican/Common_Content/XCOM or # manns for /usr/share/publican/Common_Content/manns # If you would like to use the publican brand just set brand = '' brand = 'XCOM' company_name = 'XCOM AG' company_division = 'SWE7 (Sascha B)' email_business = 'Sascha.Manns@xcom.de' # System Variables # If you are using a publican brand you can place there # the full path to them brand_dir = '/usr/share/publican/Common_Content/XCOM' # If the brand has a global entities file you can place # the path there. Please leave the #{brand_dir} because # it will be handled by ruby later. globalentities = "de-DE/entitiesxcom.ent" # Define your standard directory for articles # Please set the directory without leading "/home/username" articles_dir = "Dokumente/Textdokumente/publican-documentation/articles/Projekte/GSBUHA/Dokumentation/" # If the option Reports is given in the dialog the program # uses this directory. # Please set the directory without leading "/home/username" reports_dir = "Dokumente/Textdokumente/publican-documentation/articles/Projekte/GSBUHA/Dokumentation/Reports" # Define there your books directory # Please set the directory without leading "/home/username" books_dir = "Dokumente/Textdokumente/publican-documentation/books"