require 'serverspec' require 'serverspec/type/base' require 'net/http' require 'json' module Serverspec::Type class OctopusDeployTentacle < Base @machine = nil @serverUrl = nil @apiKey = nil def initialize(serverUrl, apiKey, instance) @name = "Octopus Deploy Tentacle #{instance}" @runner = Specinfra::Runner @serverUrl = serverUrl @apiKey = apiKey if (serverUrl.nil?) puts "'serverUrl' was not provided. Unable to connect to Octopus server to validate configuration." return end if (apiKey.nil?) puts "'apiKey' was not provided. Unable to connect to Octopus server to validate configuration." return end if (exists?) thumbprint = `"c:\\program files\\Octopus Deploy\\Tentacle\\Tentacle.exe" --console --show-thumbprint --nologo --instance #{instance}`.strip.gsub('The thumbprint of this Tentacle is: ', '') @machine = get_machine_via_api(serverUrl, apiKey, thumbprint) end end def registered_with_the_server? !@machine.nil? end def online? return nil if @machine.nil? @machine = poll_until_machine_has_completed_healthcheck(@serverUrl, @apiKey, @machine["Thumbprint"]) puts "Expected status 'Online|CalamariNeedsUpgrade|NeedsUpgrade' for Tentacle #{@name}, but got '#{@machine["Status"]}'" if (@machine["Status"] != "Online" && @machine["Status"] != "CalamariNeedsUpgrade") @machine["Status"] == "Online" || @machine["Status"] == "CalamariNeedsUpgrade" || @machine["Status"] == "NeedsUpgrade" end def in_environment?(environment_name) return false if @machine.nil? url = "#{@serverUrl}/api/environments/all?api-key=#{@apiKey}" resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)) environments = JSON.parse(resp.body) environment_id = {|e| e["Name"] == environment_name}.first["Id"] !@machine["EnvironmentIds"].select {|e| e == environment_id}.empty? end def has_role?(role_name) return false if @machine.nil? roles = @machine["Roles"] ! {|e| e == role_name}.empty? end def listening_tentacle? return false if @machine.nil? puts "Expected CommunicationStyle 'TentaclePassive' for Tentacle #{@name}, but got '#{@machine["EndPoint"]["CommunicationStyle"]}'" if (@machine["EndPoint"]["CommunicationStyle"] != "TentaclePassive") @machine["EndPoint"]["CommunicationStyle"] == "TentaclePassive" end def polling_tentacle? return false if @machine.nil? puts "Expected CommunicationStyle 'TentacleActive' for Tentacle #{@name}, but got '#{@machine["EndPoint"]["CommunicationStyle"]}'" if (@machine["EndPoint"]["CommunicationStyle"] != "TentacleActive") @machine["EndPoint"]["CommunicationStyle"] == "TentacleActive" end def exists? ::File.exists?("c:\\program files\\Octopus Deploy\\Tentacle\\Tentacle.exe") end end def octopus_deploy_tentacle(serverUrl, apiKey, instance), apiKey, instance) end private def poll_until_machine_has_completed_healthcheck(serverUrl, apiKey, thumbprint) machine = nil url = "#{serverUrl}/api/machines/all?api-key=#{apiKey}" now = counter = 1 loop do machine = get_machine_via_api(serverUrl, apiKey, thumbprint) break if machine.nil? break if counter > 10 break if !machine_healthcheck_outstanding(machine) puts "Machine health check for #{machine["Name"]} has not yet completed. Waiting 5 seconds to try again." counter += 1 sleep 5 end machine end def machine_healthcheck_outstanding(machine) machine["StatusSummary"] == "This machine was recently added. Please perform a health check." end def get_machine_via_api(serverUrl, apiKey, thumbprint) machine = nil url = "#{serverUrl}/api/machines/all?api-key=#{apiKey}" begin resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)) body = JSON.parse(resp.body) machine = {|e| e["Thumbprint"] == thumbprint}.first unless body.nil? rescue => e puts "Unable to connect to #{url}: #{e}" end machine end end include Serverspec::Type