# Sinatra::Soap — Under construction [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/IvanShamatov/sinatra-soap.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/IvanShamatov/sinatra-soap) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/IvanShamatov/sinatra-soap.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/IvanShamatov/sinatra-soap) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/sinatra-soap.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/sinatra-soap) Sinatra-soap gem makes task to create SOAP API really simple. Inspired by WashOut gem for Rails. But remember, the only reason why you should use SOAP is legacy code. ## Overview In case of simplicity and quick first working release: ## Usage A classic application would work like that: ```ruby require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra/soap' soap "SomeAction" do do_something_with_params # hash to be returned end ``` A modular application would look like that: ```ruby require 'sinatra/base' require 'sinatra/soap' class SoapAPI < Sinatra::Base #remember to register extenstion if you are using modular style register Sinatra::Soap soap "SomeAction" do params # hash to be returned end end ``` ## Settings * **:wsdl_route** — url for getting wsdl, either static or dynamically generated file ```ruby set :wsdl_route, '/wsdl' ``` Defines route for app to response with wsdl. Default is '/wsdl' * **:endpoint** — url for sending SOAP Requests ```ruby set :endpoint, '/action' ``` Defines route for SOAP Requests. Default is '/action' * **:wsdl_file** — app will send static file, if this setting specified ```ruby set :wsdl_file, "wsdl.xml" ``` If wsdl_file is set, app will try to read wsdl file from ```:public_folder``` (by default ./public directory). If file does not exist, app will raise an error. You also don't need to specify ```:namespace``` or ```:service``` if you want to serve static wsdl. * **:namespace** — wsdl setting, required for generating wsdl ```ruby set :namespace, "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" ``` Namespace is taking it's place in ```xmlns:tns``` and ```targetNamespace``` definitions of SOAP Envelope * **:service** — wsdl setting, required for generating wsdl ```ruby set :service, "sinatra" ``` Service involved in ```portType```, ```binding``` and ```service``` definitions as a prefix for name attribute. ## Soap Arguments If you want to be able to generate wsdl on a fly, you need to specify incoming and outgoing nodes with their types. ```ruby soap :test, in: {circle: {center: {x: :integer, y: :integer}, radius: :double} }, out: nil do params #=> {circle: {center: {x: 3, y: 2}, radius: 12.0} } nil end ``` The code above will respond to request like this: ```xml
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