define("dojox/mobile/_DatePickerMixin", [ "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/date", "dojo/date/locale", "dojo/date/stamp" ], function(array, declare, lang, ddate, datelocale, datestamp){ // module: // dojox/mobile/_DatePickerMixin var slotMixin = { format: function(/*Date*/d){ return datelocale.format(d, {datePattern:this.pattern, selector:"date"}); } }; var yearSlotMixin = lang.mixin({ initLabels: function(){ this.labels = []; if(this.labelFrom !== this.labelTo){ var d = new Date(this.labelFrom, 0, 1); var i, idx; for(i = this.labelFrom, idx = 0; i <= this.labelTo; i++, idx++){ d.setFullYear(i); this.labels.push(this.format(d)); } } } }, slotMixin); var monthSlotMixin = lang.mixin({ initLabels: function(){ this.labels = []; // On certain BlackBerry devices, we need to init to 16 not 1 to avoid some devices bugs (see #15677) var d = new Date(2000, 0, 16); for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++){ d.setMonth(i); this.labels.push(this.format(d)); } } }, slotMixin); var daySlotMixin = lang.mixin({ initLabels: function(){ this.labels = []; var d = new Date(2000, 0, 1); for(var i = 1; i <= 31; i++){ d.setDate(i); this.labels.push(this.format(d)); } } }, slotMixin); return declare("", null, { // summary: // A mixin for date picker widget. // yearPattern: String // A pattern to be used to format year. yearPattern: "yyyy", // monthPattern: String // A pattern to be used to format month. monthPattern: "MMM", // dayPattern: String // A pattern to be used to format day. dayPattern: "d", /*===== // value: String // A string representing the date value. // The setter of this property first converts the value argument by calling // the fromISOString method of the dojo/date/stamp module, then sets the // values of the picker according to the resulting Date object. // If the string cannot be parsed by fromISOString, the method does nothing. // Example: set("value", "2012-1-20"); // January 20, 2012 // The getter returns the string formatted as described in the dojo/date/stamp // module. value: "", =====*/ initSlots: function(){ // summary: // Initializes the slots. var c = this.slotClasses, p = this.slotProps; c[0] = declare(c[0], yearSlotMixin); c[1] = declare(c[1], monthSlotMixin); c[2] = declare(c[2], daySlotMixin); p[0].pattern = this.yearPattern; p[1].pattern = this.monthPattern; p[2].pattern = this.dayPattern; this.reorderSlots(); }, reorderSlots: function(){ // summary: // Reorders the slots. if(this.slotOrder.length){ return; } var a = datelocale._parseInfo().bundle["dateFormat-short"].toLowerCase().split(/[^ymd]+/, 3); this.slotOrder =, function(pat){ return {y:0, m:1, d:2}[pat.charAt(0)]; }); }, reset: function(){ // summary: // Goes to today. var now = new Date(); var v =, function(w){ return w.format(now); }); this.set("colors", v); this.disableValues(this.onDaySet()); if(this.value){ this.set("value", this.value); this.value = null; }else if(this.values){ this.set("values", this.values); this.values = null; }else{ this.set("values", v); } }, onYearSet: function(){ // summary: // A handler called when the year value is changed. this.disableValues(this.onDaySet()); }, onMonthSet: function(){ // summary: // A handler called when the month value is changed. this.disableValues(this.onDaySet()); }, onDaySet: function(){ // summary: // A handler called when the day value is changed. var v = this.get("values"), // [year, month, day] pat = this.slots[0].pattern + "/" + this.slots[1].pattern, date = datelocale.parse(v[0] + "/" + v[1], {datePattern:pat, selector:"date"}), daysInMonth = ddate.getDaysInMonth(date); if(daysInMonth < v[2]){ this.slots[2].set("value", daysInMonth); } return daysInMonth; }, _getDateAttr: function(){ // summary: // Returns a Date object for the current values // tags: // private var v = this.get("values"), // [year, month, day] s = this.slots, pat = s[0].pattern + "/" + s[1].pattern + "/" + s[2].pattern; return datelocale.parse(v[0] + "/" + v[1] + "/" + v[2], {datePattern:pat, selector:"date"}); }, _setValuesAttr: function(/*Array*/values){ // summary: // Sets the current date as an array of values. // description: // This method takes an array that consists of three values, // year, month, and day. If the values are integer, they are // formatted to locale-specific strings before setting them to // the slots. Month starts from 1 to 12 (Ex. 1 - Jan, 2 - Feb, etc.) // If the values are NOT integer, they are directly // passed to the setter of the slots without formatting. // // example: // | set("values", [2012, 1, 20]); // January 20, 2012 // tags: // private array.forEach(this.getSlots(), function(w, i){ var v = values[i]; if(typeof v == "number"){ var arr = [1970, 1, 1]; arr.splice(i, 1, v - 0); v = w.format(new Date(arr[0], arr[1] - 1, arr[2])); } w.set("value", v); }); }, _setValueAttr: function(/*String*/value){ // summary: // Sets the current date as an String formatted according to a subset of the ISO-8601 standard. // description: // This method first converts the value argument by calling the fromISOString method of // the dojo/date/stamp module, then sets the values of the picker according to the resulting // Date object. If the string cannot be parsed by fromISOString, the method does nothing. // value: // A string formatted as described in the dojo/date/stamp module. // example: // | set("value", "2012-1-20"); // January 20, 2012 // tags: // private var date = datestamp.fromISOString(value); this.set("values",, function(w){ return w.format(date); })); }, _getValueAttr: function(){ // summary: // Gets the current date as a String formatted according to a subset of the ISO-8601 standard. // returns: String // A string formatted as described in the dojo/date/stamp module. // tags: // private return datestamp.toISOString(this.get("date"), { selector: "date" }); } }); });